Page 88 - Phoenix2001-02
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Wednesday, February 13.2002 - Page 8 FEATURES The Greek Corner 60 SECONDS JESSICA M. JONES STAFF WRITER view of Greek Life. Ifyou could pick a name for the college, It's that time of year again. Sorority and In addition to SeaJ's hard work and prepa- fraternity recruitment! Every semester, ration for these upcoming weeks, she recog- what would it be and why? Greek Organizations open their doors to al- nizes that "all sororities have been working By: Courtney J<:ederoff low potential members to take a glimpse at hard for recruitmerit and therefore I really Greek Life. While fraternity and sorority re- hope a lot of girls come out." cruitment is very different in its structure, As for fraternities at WMC. recruitment "The '25 minutes both events have one main goal: to find new is not as complex. There is an Open Event m e m. and a southeast of bers to Closed Gettysburg' College." in v i t e Event (bet- Alana Stubbs '03 intotheir ter known Business/Economics family. asan Open! A s C los e d simple Smoker). as it may The Open seem, Event held the re- by the fra- cru i t- ternit y is "I like Hill College -ment open to all because we're above process eli g i b Ie can be men on the everyone else." long and WMC cam- Jeffrey Stover '02 com - pus. Ac- Business plex. ti vities at For The Ponhellenlc Council eagerly await this event sorority recruitment, this is particularly true. differ from organization to organization. "I'm not sure whai I would Sponsored by Panhellenic Council, and or- When comparing the newest fraternity on name the college, but Iwould ganized by Panhellenic VicePresidentEmily campus to the oldest one, many differences consider the thoughts of the Seal, sorority recruitment spans over four in therecruitment process are seen. WMC community. I think it's rounds. This differs from the informal re- According to Pat Dougherty, the presi- cruitment held in the fall, which spans over dent of the newest fraternity, Alpha Sigma ridiculous that we are paying three rounds. How does it work? Phi, they spend the Open Event explaining someone from Chicago who According to Seal, the first round is de- their letters and ideals to potential members. doesn't know much about our voted toexplaining to potentialmembersthat On the contrary, Gamma Beta Chi, the old- college." the Greeks are not here "just for social rea- est fraternity on campus, uses the time in the '05 sons." In this round, each chapter does their Open Event to get to know the potential Brooke Weimer own activity to support Greek Life. Chap- members. Exercise Science ters spend the second round working with Expectations forspring 2002 recruitment "No-Name College be- potential members on philanthropy. One ex- also differamong fraternities. Doughertyhas cause most people ample of a philanthropy, project to be done highexpectations this spring; he feels his fra- haven'! heard of it, and in the Phi Mu second round is door hangers. temity will "do pretty well." According to Phi Mu Membership Director President of Gamma Beta Chi, Matt definitely won't know Kelsey Reichard, these door hangers wear Miller, has low expectations of spring 2002 about it if the name is the catchy phrase "Let's Hang Out!" and are recruitment. "We always welcome new men. changed" to be distributed to children in a local hospi- into the fraternity, but not having a floor tal. According to Seal, the third and fourth makes it more difficult to get to know Jill King '04 rounds are used to allow potential members people," says Miller. He believes there is a Sociology/Elementary Ed. to get to know the individual sororities. The correlation between low numbers and not final round will conclude the "narrowing having campus housing and therefore, the process of mutual selection" Betes expect few new members this semes- Both Seal and Betsy Chimock, Assistant ter. Director of College Activities, have very "It isimportant to notice that every Greek "Leave it the way· it high expectations this recruitment period. Organization is different," says Seal, which is ...1just brought a Seal notes that as the numbers increase ev- is why she advises potential members to visit ery semester, she hopes to have up to 50 as many sororities (or fraternities) as they sweatshirt." women involved in recruitment this spring. can. Chimock just encourages students to Mark Swift '05 With the number of female Greeks on the take a look at Greek Life. Undecided rise, new ideas are being implemented into She believes "it is a great way to meet the recruitment process. "Instead of me giv- new people, and makenew friends." So, why ing a boring speech, we will be watching a not join sorority or fraternity recruitment? slide show of the sororities for recruitment You may still have time. Just contact Betsy introduction," says Seal. The goal of this Chimock at x2266 or ask a chapter member "Harmony College; some- slide show is to give girls a more realistic for information. one suggested it and it ~Important Greek Life Dates really appealed to me." Lauren McColley '03 KATHY WILSON Phi Mu- Thursday) 2/21 8:30- Social Work/Sociology StaJfWriter IO,3Op.m. Spring 2002 Recruitment: Sororities: Fraternities: Registration-February 11-15,Outside of Glar Closed Smokers: (By Invitation Only) 11:30a.m.- 1:3Op.m.l5:00p.m.-6:30p.m. Phi Kappa Sigma Wednesday,2/l3 Gamma Beta Chi Friday, 2115 "Hillman College because Fourth Rounds: (By Invitation Only) Alpha Gamma Tau Sunday, 2117 my favorite show is 'A Phi Sigma Sigma- Wednesday, 2120 6:00- Alpha Sigma Phi Monday, 2/18 S,OOp.m. Sigma Phi Epsilon Tuesday, 2/19 Different World:" Alpha Nu Omega- Wednesday, 21208:30- Phi Delta Theta Wednesday, 2120 Samuel Anstead '04 1O,3Op.m. Business Phi Alpha Mu- Thursday, 2121 6:00- Bid Day: February 22nd S'OOp.m. February 25th- Housing Applications Due
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