Page 82 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 82
Wednesday, February 13,2002 - Page 2 NEWS Trustees change In order to combat overcrowding, the college is building new dorms college s name Continuedfrom page I buildings will provide housing for approxi- if I had the opportunity. This way, everything also the firm that designed the renovation to Continued from page I mately 150 students. However, the major- will be brand new. No one would have to Lewis Recitation Hall. Large display boards said that now more than ever, competition is ity of the spaces will be used to reduce over- worry about the equipment not working with the new dormitory designs should be "fierce" and that "the board would have been crowding in current dormitories, so the col- properly, they'd have all new appliances and displayed in Ensor Lounge within the next irresponsible" if it had not voted to change lege does not plan to expand its enrollment new bathrooms," commented junior conunu- month, Sayre said. the name. to fill the new beds, Sayre said. nications major Tim SauL The display boards may clarify the cur- President Coley believes that although The new buildings will be available to Plans to build a new dormitory have been rent campus myths about the new housing. the name change is a difficult process, she seniors and juniors, and housing allotment considered since 1998 when the college de- "A lot of people don't know what exactly is hopes that the new name will bring success will be handled much the same way housing veloped a strategic plan for 1998-2003 pe- being built. They're conflicting ideas about to the college. for the Garden Apartments is currently riod, said Dr. Ethan Seidel, vice president of whether they're building new townhouses, "If you didn't know anything about the handled. The groups of students with the administration and finance for WMC. How- a new dorm or apartments. It would be nice college, and we came to you and said 'our most seniority will'be allotted the new hous- ever, the plans found a new drive in the to have an illustration, so that we know college is called Western Maryland College, ing, Sayre said. spring of 2000 when students asked the what's to come," Saul remarked. but we are not in western Maryland and we Juniors are excited about the buildings, Board of Trustees to speed up the process, Building the new dorms will be about a are not a public college,' what would you but frustrated that they will not open until Seidel commented. five million dollar project, but the college do? You'd say 'change the name'." . the middle of next year. "It's exciting. It's Students were also instrumental in choos- has the cost well in hand. "We have funds For more information on the name nice that we actually will have something ing the design for the dormitories, partici- raised in the last campaign which were do- change, or to submit ideas for a new name, that will be a little bit nicer," junior psychol- pating on both the All College Council and nated for physical plant facilities," Seidel check out the college'S website at ogy major Kyia Robinson said. "It's unfor- the special residence advisory committee to said. "Also, there will be a fund raising cam- tunate that it will be in the middle of next give input about what type of housing the paign for the new residence hails." year, when most of us will already have students would like most, Sayre remarked. However, the new dorms are not being somewhere to live." After talking with students, the college constructed at the cost of renovating the old. However, some students would consider contracted with the architectural firm Both Sayre and Seidel conunented that sev- a midyear move, especially to new buildings Marshall Craft Associates, Inc. to design the eral other dormitory renovation projects are with new facilities. "I would definitely move buildings. Marshall Craft Associates was in the works. "This summer, McDaniel Hall New RLC comes to WMC will have all its windows replaced and will a sprinkler system installed," have Seidel said. McDaniel Hall, built in 1922, is also LAST MINUTE SPECIALS!! Cook, of Lancaster, Pa., joins the WMC the oldest major residence hall still in exist- SAVE UP TO $100 PER PERSON! community from The University of South ence, so the renovations will be a welcome Organize y..... Gr.up .. Trw" FUL. New semester, new school name, new Florida where she served as Residence Di- change. Call for Detail., faces, new cat? This spring brings many rector. A 2000 graduate of Penn State Uni- ... wfdt .......... changes to .the Western Maryland College versity, she holds a degree in Human Devel- #1 '_~ ...,._..U community including Stephanie Cook and ........ 1daht opment and Family Studies. ews from her cat Sebastian, the newest additions to the " I have always been interested in stu- Residence Life Department. dent affairs," Cook explained. "I was a RA As of January 5, Cook has taken the for four of my five years at PSU. It was a he Honor reigns and a classy Rouzer dorm and became field that Ireally had fun with and enjoyed." ~T the new Residence Life Coordinator for In the fall, Cook is planning to take gradu- ~~~!llSERVICES Rouzer and Whiteford Halls. ate courses here to earn her master's degree nd Conduct 1344 ........ RcL H....... r..MD "She's been a great addition to the staff in Counseling. (410) 859-4200 and her prior experience with Residence Life As the new RLC for Rouzer and (800) 648-4849 has made her transition to our residence life Whiteford Halls, Cook will take on the re- On November 5, the Honor and Conduc oard heard a charge that a student had pos esston of a SS gun and drug paruphemalir n his residence hall room and that he vic ated alcohol and guest policies. The studen as found responsible for violating Proscrip ions on Conduct's #'s 8,9,12, and 16. Th oard established a sanction that was re uced on appeal to: suspension from the residence halls fa e remainder of the fall of 2001 semes suspension from the college for the Janu Tenn and spring 2002 semester, On November 12. the Board heard e that a student had possession of a rue (AK-47 rifle) and ammunition in hi sidence han room. The Board found tudent responsible for violation Proscrtptio n Conduct # 9 and established the follow ng sanction wbich was unchanged on ap : permanent expulsion from the college On November 19, the Board heard harge that a student had possession of a B un and fireworks in his residence hall room e student was found responsible for vio For your convenience we're open: Mon. Ihru Frl. 9am ·7pm • Sat. sam- 6pm atin..g Proscription on Conduct # 9. that wa The Boord established a sanction • Sun. team- 5pm educed on appeal to: suspension from th College Square esidence halls for the remainder from the col of the fal and suspension 001 semester Shopping Center ege for the January Term and spring 200 emester. 444 WMC Drive On December 12, the Board beard Westminster harge that a student had submitted two pa s with significant amounts of plagiari 410·857·0520 cminar; for assignments found that he had vi in his First Ye atenel The Board 410·857·0898 ated the Honor Code (Proscription on Con sene uct # 1) and assigned the following Next to Safe way ion which was not appealed: "F' grade I course.
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