Page 81 - Phoenix2001-02
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Phoeni ew orms prouting p concern among mation to decide on a name. There- students. fore, the college hired Lipman- he class of 2003 LERoy McDUFFIE Hearne, a Chicago-based market- ing company, to conduct research programs and test various names As of summer 2002, Western for market appeal, Coley said. MarylandCollege will no longerbe With the upcoming name ousing opening called Western Maryland College. change, many students have ex- The name change comes as part of pressed concerns that changing the ext January. a marketing initiative designed to college's name may cause an in- bring more funding to the college, crease in tuition. Rice explained STACEY MYERS commonly perceived to be a pub- that the cost of replacing WMC AS.I"ist{l1l/News Editor lic institution in the western part of items, like athletic uniforms, is Good news, juniors. The clas the state. done on a regular basis, and is I2003 may have the first cholc "The name was a realproblem," therefore already covered in the f new college housing, deslgne said Lee Rice, a member of the current budget. He added thai o open in next January. WMC Board ofTrustees. "To sup- other changes, such as the cost of The new dorms consist of sev port the long-term objectives of new signs, would be "trivial." ral small, apartment-style build what we want for this college [the The main cost of the name ngs, and the college plans to bre round on the new constructio board felt] we ought to eliminate change is being taken out of the negative aspects, and the name was While still being the Home of Champions, the college on the Hill will no college's endowment. "It will not ext month. "This is not one Jarg longer be called Western Maryland College when the new name is selected perceived as a negative aspect. It during the summer 0[2002. affect tuition, it will not affect sala- ormitory-style building," said Dr does not serve as a good descriptor the name. "We are a better college "Nobody is trying to obliterate ries, it will not affect any programs hilip Sayre. dean of student af of what this college is." than what most know in the out- WesternMaryland College," Coley on campus - it is not out of the op- airs. "Rather, it is a large clusre f smaller buildings. Combine President Joan Coley officially side world," Rice said. said. "Western Maryland College erating budget," Coley said. iththe PAAvenuehouses, we wiL announced the plan to change the Coley believes the new name of will be part, an important part, of Coley also explained that all ave a residential village." college's name during an all-col- thecollege should identify what the whoever we are." current WMC students will be Each apartment will be divid lege meeting held on January 11, college is about. She understands According to Coley,the current given the option to have the old or nto three single rooms and on 2002, during WMC's Jan-termpro- that many students have an emo- name of the college came from the the new name on their diplomas. ouble room, and will house fiv gram. The college is currently go- tional attachment to the current old Western Maryland Railroad. Ricealso added that inthe longrun, tudents. The apartments will als ing through a name selection pro- nameof thecollege, and anticipates During the early years for the col- "graduates wouldbe well-served to ave full kitchen facilities, a livin cess, and plans to announce the that the change may cause negative lege, the railroad was a recognized achieve a better recognition" new name in June, Coley said. responses. However, Coley hopes figure in the community and the through the new name. oom space, two bathrooms and al However, plans to change the that in time, students will get past early founders wanted the college Coley and Rice understand that onditioning, Sayre explained. name had been in the works for their feelings and look at the name to have the substance of being they carry the weight now in order The college plans to build fiv years, Rice added. At the October change as adding something posi- linked with a major community to assure that the college will con- we-story buildings withtwo apart cnts on each floor, and on 2001 meeting, the board of trust- tive to the school - a better sense benefactor. tinue to thrive in 50 years. Coley mailer building with one apart ees voted unanimously to change of identity. Student Continuedon 2 ent on each floor. The building. Whiteford resident ill be locatednear the water tower n the north end of campus. Th burglarized - - Continued on page 2 -- ---- around 5' 10"of a medium/athletic Inside build. . He was wearing a black hooded Western Maryland College sweat shirt, loose fittingjeans with freshman Lindsay O'Steen was in frayed cuffs and white sneakers resting coach John Lowe com for a major surprise on the Sunday, with a blue trim. ents on his duties as a coach a February 3 during the early hours As the suspect was leaving the ell as past Division III athlete. of the morning. building he called for a person The psychology major hadjust named "Tommy" who could have returned to her bed after going to been an accomplice to the crime, the 3rd floor Whiteford bathroom The suspect left Whiteford hall eather Weisse take a look at th when a man entered her room, tak- and O'Steen chased him as far as arroll County Literacy center an ing her wallet and keys from her Pennsylvania Avenue. Is role in the area in the figh dresser. "I'm a blackbelt in Tae Kwan gainstilliteracy. "I never expected someone to Do and I wanted my stuff back," come into my room it was pretty O'Steen said. "I didn't have much essica Watson looks at the succes violating," she said. money in the wallet, I just didn't f the WMC Swimming team thi 0'Steen described the suspect want to go through the hassle of eason along with their ability t to Campus Safety as a white male Continued on page 3 ally together.
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