Page 83 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 83
NEWS Campus Safety Blotter Burglary in dorm creates awareness for locking doors at all times he following incidents were re- & steps leading up to lst floor-Sec- 02/03/02 at 7:20 a.m. suspect en Continued from page 1 rted by the Department of Cam- tion I of Daniel Maden Hall. tered unlocked room while victi getting new keys, license ID and hind myself when leaving or going us Safety: 02/02/02 Vending machine had was in bed and took wallet and key, credit card," she added. to bed, but never when going to the 2112/01 at 12:30 p.m. burglary on been tilted, so many of the items at Whiteford Hall. During the past week, campus bathroom. Inever really gave it any th floor of Rouzer entered un- were out of their slots and against 02103/02 at 9:30 a.m. A door to safety distributed a security notice thought. I always felt safe." ocked room and 2 boxes of cereal the front panel of glass. Pending student's room in Elderdice Hal with advice to follow to avoid a The social work major adds, "I ound missing. amounts at 0 clea Hall. appeared to be "kicked in." Th similar situation. think that it [the incident] has 1127/02 at 2:00 a.m. Failure to resident stated that after a curso They recommend that you caused me to be a bit more aware omply & noise violation after review of the room, none of hL never prop doors open and also of my surroundings, but in terms uiet hours at Garden Apartments items appeared to be missing. suggest that you lock your door at of feeling safe, no, neither my feel- uilding 3. 02/03/02 at 10:00 p.m. bottles be all times. ings nor my actions have changed." 1/27/02 at 3:20 a.m. Subject threw ing broken beneath the window 0 If you are found in such a situ- Meanwhile, junior sociology college owned plant out of a third a room matched those outside th ation, they say that you should major James Perry is not worried cor window on the 3rd floor of windows. The bottles were re never chase a suspect and instead about security issues on campus. cOaniel Hall. moved, and dispersed the group a should focus' on getting a detailed "I have walked around campus 1/27J02at 12: 16p.m. student uri- ouzerHali. description of the suspect. all the time at all hours of the day. ating outside of the Garden Apart- 02105.02 at 1:53 a.m. doors unse Resistance to a burglar is dan- And Ihave never seen any thing that ents Building 3. Student is also cured at the front and rear of Engle gerous because you could become would worry me. ljust always keep rohibited from being in the area. Dining HalL Responded to alarm. injured and unable to call for help. alert," he says. 1/27/02 at 2:41 p.m. Subject 02/06/02 at 10:10a.m. vehicle was Also because "property is replace- If confronted with the same situ- acked her car into a planter at towed from the Bair stadium 10 able. You are not," DoCS adds. ation, Perry is not exactly sure how linn Plaza. due to 9 outstanding tickets, an Other prevention tips are re- he would have reacted. 1/29/02 MDOP (property Crime) failing 10 register the vehicle. porting suspicious activity to the "I may have tried to stop the curred on West Main S1. to a stu- 02/02/02
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