Page 46 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 46
Wednesday, October 31,2001 - Page 10 FEATURES Origins: A look at Dr. Colette Henriette from Madagascar CLAIRE ADAMS A wide array of creatures inhabit the f1ective of the country, is both French' and The deceased's bones are cleaned and Co-Editor-In-Chief country and its surrounding waters as well, Malagasy (a term used also for natives of then wrapped in pure silk. Through parties Nearly half way around the world from including the humpback whale and lemurs. Madagascar). with food and music, those of the past are WMC, rising out of the Indian Ocean off the But not all animals on the island are wild. It was like you had two separate worlds. remembered by all of their family members. east coast of Africa is the island country of Henriette remembered as a child she had a At home it was functioning like an African "It's like bringing them back alive," she Madagascar-a land filled with amazing wild- pet lemur, named Maki, who slept cuddled family and at school it was a French school, explained. "The purpose is that we do not life and landscape, a land that Dr. Colette in the crook of her neck because he liked it functioned like a European school," she want them to be forgotten." Henriette, study abroad coordinator, called her hair. explained. As study abroad director, Henriette of- home for 30 years. Henriette added that ,..."---~-",..""",,...-"'"'''''''~ ten expresses' Even though different languages and the importance Henriette, who landscape, but customs were used in of opening one's also teaches also in its different situations. mind 10 other French, has lived population. "It's like changing cultures to her in the US for over In the gears and you don't students. "I en- 20 years, Mada- late nineteenth even think about it." courage stu- gascar is not a dis- c e n t u r y, Along with her dents to go off tant memory of France colo- heritage, Henriette re- the beaten path her past. nized Mada- called the traditions and see the With glowing gascar, bring- and customs of Mada- world." eyes, a smile that ing a European gascar. One custom in To learn seemed impos- twist to the al- particular, led more about sible for her to re- ready diverse Henriette to experience Madagascar, strain and amelo- nat ion. culture shock in the vis i t dious French ac- Henriette ex- US. cent, Henriette ex- plained that "We have a great e den s I plained, "It's not prior to the deal of respect for madagascar.htm talking about colonization, older people, I mean or call Henriette Madagascar that is her friend andformer house maid, Flo. the country huge respect," she ex- at x46S. the problem, it's getting me to stop." was a very popular resting point for traders plained. Henriette said T h e Henriette lived in the capital of Mada- and pirates aiike from around the world. she was shocked by the " Origins column gascar, Antananarivo-a name that means ''the While today the pirates remain only as lack of respect shown explores the land of the thousands," which lies nestled in fodder for good stories and Madagascar on many American FROM "VILE DES ESPIRITS MADAGASCAR" heritage, people (he island's highlands. stands as an independent country, diversity sitcoms, such as "Roseanne." and places behind those at WMC. It goes be- As the fourth largest island in the world, is still apparent among the country's IS sepa- Not only do Malagasy respect their eI- yond a face, name or nationality to show Madagascar comprises of white sand rate tribes, each with there own dialect. ders, she said, but they also respect their what makes a person unique. Perhaps you beaches, limestone peaks, thick forests, and In addition to the separate dialects, deceased relatives. have a friend or professor that has fascinat- coral reefs, according to Henriette said that both French and a uni- Traditionally, she explained, Malagasy ing "origins" (who dcesn'tj). If you'd like Henriette said universally though, the versal native language, called Malagasy, are use a form of mummification, and roughly to recommend someone to be featured in the island's clear, bright, unpolluted sky is one spoken. every five years they'll go back into the Origins column, please call The Phoenix at of its most beautiful aspects. Henriette explained that her heritage, re- graves of their loved ones. xS600. SUR GEON GE N ERAL'S' WAR N ING: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Di s eas e. Emphysema, And May Eomplicate Pregnancy. Do you want all of those problems? If you read the warning and ignore it, you're asking for it! Avoid choking, quit smoking! Come to the WMC Great American Smokeout Nov. 15th
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