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FEATURES Wednesday, October 31, 200 1 - Page 9 WMC's Greatest Unknown Asset 60 SECONDS DoNNA HURD dents don't think about who I am, shocked by how much of her blood What is your ~ StafJWriler or perhaps if they do, don't like me I had on me. It was up to my el- Many students walking through because of who J am, but I Cannot bows, like I had just dumped my favorite scary movie Decker may not recognize him, but walk from Campus Safety to the arms into a bucket of blood," re- and why? . to those whose lives he has touched information desk without at least calls Webster. he will be hard to forget. four students saying 'hi' to me." This type of job requires a dif- Mike Webster, the director of Webster loves his job at West- ferent mindset. By: Courtney Campus Safety, devotes much time ern Maryland and it shows. Many times tragedy shows it- Federoff and effort to the college. But, stu- He spends countless hours self and is not always easy to for- dents and faculty know little about working on cases and truly cares get. "You need to put it in a box the man behind the badge. about the students and their safety. and put it on the shelf or you'll Born and raised in New Lon- Even when he's on vacation he re never go to that second call," ad- don County, Connecticut, vises Webster. Man' because it's '''Candy Webster seems to have The most inter- really, really scary & creepy." been born into the profes- esting and weird expe- sion. rience of his Western Amanda Peters '04 He received his Maryland career was Undecided bachelor's degree in with a student who criminal justice from came to him claiming Northeastern University, to be raped at knife- worked on an associate's point. She had been re- degree from Bunker Hill ceiving threatening let- Community College in ters through campus Fire Prevention, Protec- mail and even after '''The Exorcist' because Iwas tion, and Emergency, and graduation at her home. scared s---Iess at 12 [years is a certified paramedic in The girl was ex- old]." the state of Maryland. Cur- tremely upset and Cam- Jorge Marcos '03 rently. Webster has been pus Safety and working on his Masters in Westminster police Music Human Resources Devel- spent thousands of dol- opment at WMC. mains loyal to WMC, leaving the lars on the case, even calling in the Webster's prior experience to number of where he will be and FBI for help. Later, they would re- Western Maryland College is im- always keeping his cell phone on ceive a letter of apology admitting '''The Exorcist' because that pressive, starting out as a campus and with him at all times. that the student had done it all to chick's head spins around and police officer at Wentworth Insti- Matt Warehime, Campus Safety herself. tution, in Boston, where after 18 officer in charge of community re- "It was a career-changing expe- that green puke flies out of her months he was promoted to ser- lations, considers Webster a friend rience for me. Scary thing was, she mouth. It was just awesome." geant. He then moved on to not just his boss. "He does a lot for was a social work major," jokes Brad Barr '04 Emerson College in 1986 as lieu- us; he is a very compassionate and Webster. Undecided tenant in charge of Special Ser- generous manager. He works with Although he has a sometimes vices. where he was once again you. He has no problem coming in strange and busy life, Webster still quickly promoted to deputy chief and putting a uniform on," says finds lime to enjoy his family. His of the police department and assis- Warehime. ' wife, Lori, is the most influential tant director of Public Safety. Junior Emily Seal remembers person in his life and his children "'The Exorcist' has always been He also was in the Coast Guard how impressed she was 4 by (Cali-IO, Emma-S, and Everret-q) an all time favorite of mine. The Reserves from 1987-1991, sta- Webster's generous narure while he are extremely important to him. fact that the movie is based on a tioned at Station Point Allerton was helping a friend of hers obtain The family enjoys sailing on the rrue story makes it thrilling and doing Search and Rescue patrol. a Peace Order last year. "He was Bay from the Eastern Shore and in chilling, and that little girl is With his extensive background in so helpful, and humorous. He made Annapolis, NCAA hockey, and freaky as hell!" safety, rescue, fire prevention and us both feel at ease and you can tell Disney movies. Liz Creighton '04 criminal justice, he has been ex- that he really cares about the stu- Between his family life and ca- tremely qualified and well-suited dents," says Seal. reer little time is left for Webster Communication for Western Maryland's campus Webster's line of work is one \0 pursue his own hobbies, but he these past eleven years. less desirable for some people and loves sailing his 198920 Week- Perhaps this is best supported he has seen and experienced-some ender sailboat and Playstation. "The best one so far is by his fondness for Western Mary- tragic things. "When you work full time and 'Hannibal' because that's the land College and its surroundings. He still remembers. the first you're a dad and you're a graduate As a father of three, Webster death he ever witnessed. It was a student, that can become your only one that I was grossed seems to realiy enjoy the change developmentally challenged hobby," says Webster. out by." in scenery, now living in woman in her mid-20s, who was Perhaps one of the most valu- Arnelle Quashie '05 Linlestcwn, PA. "People here hit by a trolley at Wartooth Instl- able lessons that can be taken from Undecided don't realize, because of lack of tute and he was first on the scene. Webster is to take life for all it can exposure just what a friendly, fam- "It was before the time of rub- give you. You'll never know where ily place it is," he said. "Most stu- ber gloves and I remember being you might end up. WMC Cultural Arts Calendar "Would have to be 'Scream' Children of Eden because it's funny and the the joyous musical celebration of parents, children, and faith actors are very dramatic." Terrae Whit~ng '02 November 9, 10. II. 15. t6, and 17 Psychology 8:00 pm on the Alumni Mainstage $8 for seniorsistudentslWMC $10 for adults Box Office: 410-857-2448 "Nothing scares me. Ha ha." Chamber MUSic on the Hill presents Harry Halloween '05 Candlelight Concertos Criminology/Sociology Sunday, November 4 7:00 pm in Big Baker Chapel $10 for aduits!$5 for seniors All students free with ID
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