Page 40 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 40
Wednesday, October 31, 200 1 - Page 4 NEWS Students continue to search for the real A.N.S, W.E.R. Continued from page 1 Some protestors earned pieces of chalk being a part of something so immense: { - ~ along with them. They drew out peace signs "J really enjoyed it. It was really mov- in the streets. ing, educational, and it was also diverse, so Finally they made their way to a progres- I got to mingle with a whole 101 of people," sive church for a leach-in. Teach-ins are Garrigues said. "Originally, I expected it to where different speakers, who specialize in be with a whole bunch of hippies who didn't diverse topics, get up and speak and educate know what they were talking about. But in- the population on such topics. Issues open stead there were old people, young kids, and for discussion included U.S. foreign policy a wide variety of races." in the Middle East, tension between the Pal- "It was very exciting. I wanted to protest estinians and the Israelis, the history of Af- because I don't agree with the bill that Bush ghanistan, and racism. just signed," says Zenquis. He is referring "UNICEF, a humanitarian group, esti- to the bill Bush signed that allows the gov- _ mated that 100,000 children in Afghanistan ernment to target people and tap phones as would die from the bombings and from star- well as emails in an attempt to find the ter- vation," Prisby said and she was devastated rorists. "I think that this bill could have a to learn this. negative impact on us and an infringe on our "The teach-in was very helpful because lives. I also don't agree with the racial pro- there was so much information," Garrigues filing that has been going on." said. "What sticks out the most to me is that In terms of the future, those who attended America gave about 3 million dollars to the the protest were encouraged to become or- Israelis for war. We don't spend half that ganizers themselves and 10 build support for 1,000 people. It was centered around put- much on our own schools and to educate our a peace movement. a pledge for peace, which was sponsored by ting an end to the war, but also branched off youth." "Silence is sometimes seen as a way of International A.N.S.WE.R. They were asked that, "I pledge to touch topics on racism. They started out Overall the protest, march, and teach-in agreeing with what is going on," Prisby said. to sign their name, stating peace and stop rac- to to promote take action with a picket line in front of the Washington brought out a lot of feeling, emotion, and "I feel it's important not 10 be silent, espe- ism, hate crimes, and U.S.-sponsored war, Post, where they stood and chanted for about opinions from those who participated. For a cially when lives are at Slake." in the Middle East, central Asia, and through- one hour. couple of students, this was their first time Protestors were also encouraged to take "One. two, three, four, we don't want OUI the world." for anyone It was not mandatory to sign your racist war!" the pledge, but those who did might be called This provided the media with a chance to cover what some call the other side of the to call or write their-elected officials and the or house media, meet- a teach-in organize story. ing, organize and/or join a demonstration or ''The media and press has the American public thinking that everyone is pro war," vigil when nationally coordinated actions are called,etc. says Carrigues. "Protesting in front of the Post puts pressure on the media to give us Although people across the world are against the lack coverage and to not just report on events re- protesting coverage war and racism, question makes of media some garding support for war." whether or not anything really makes a dif- The protestors were also supposed to rally and protest in front of the White House. ference. hard to get the message out to the "It's "As we marched closer to the White public because it is not the type of thing that House, we noticed that police had the place the media is quick to cover," said Prisby. barricaded. They wouldn't let us through," The purpose or this international day of says Prisby. protesting was so that people who are less Apparently a permit was obtained to pro- informed can get the right information re- test there, but for safety reasons that permit garding foreign policy and civil liberties. was retracted. Some protestors felt as if their Prom this they can base their opinions on freedom of speech had been violated. They fact rather than on hearsay .. The American brought up that everyone else was allowed to do so, why not them? public should be made aware of the reality that "not everyone wants to go to war." As they made their way past the barri- "It wasn't some vast protest," Ganigues cade, taking an alternate route, they noticed says, "but it made me feel like I was actu- a banner that read "Kill all Muslims and let ally doing something big. I know that it Allah sort them out." might not be significant right now, butif we ''The people holding the sign hid behind This is one of the many marches that have been held in Washington, D.C. since the attacks on keep trying and if people educate each other, September 11th. The marchers are protesting to end war and racism. it so that we couldn't see their faces," Pnsby eventually we will make a difference." said. "I thought that was kind of cowardly." Correction The October 10 issue ran a story on students rallying in D.C. in search of A.N.S.W.E.R. markproject Thea.tre + life The name Cathy Pendorf was mispelled. The gospels are old stories, and they're!o6tl, stori~. But often it seems like they're told from a distance, by guys in robes with fancy EXPE!llENCE-W:A-NTED! !! voices. What woWAi it be like to hear the people who were around Jesus talk right to us? Mark, a first-cen~ter.-wo_rKe really "How can J get a job without experience?" hard to help people get a ~icrure-ofVJllaf was going on m and "How can I get experience without a job?" around Jesus and-hlS"ffilwd, and what it all meant. .l.M it wa!!n't barin!, INTERNSHIPS This project is a theatre perfonnance of Mark's gospel. It's not word for word Bible, but it is true to Mark's intent We think you'lllike it. It's probably not like anything you've ever seen before ..... Find DOZENS or opportunlties ut the CAREER CARNIVAL Thursday, Novembdr 1 Novt!lnber 1. Spill in Decker A~toriU,in D&~rCenter \ ' (Free fOOiil ,,' 11:'30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m.! '
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