Page 42 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 42
Wednesday. Oetober 31,20011:,~age 6, CQIYIIIIJEN.TA'RY..: Staff Co-Editors-In-Chief Donna Hurd discusses her do more, it is essential for citizens to become The education system in America also Claire Adams '02 thoughts on what we can do to more involved, educated, and equipped 10 could be improved. W~.n..eed to,te{lfh our Edward 1$... Schultheis ,'03, '11:,'" Ji"j Im//r(jve qyr ...:~curi'tY:~~', "' ' protect ourselves: ,. ~d' children to be Americans (irs~ and foremosj. / The Founders of our country included in 'Too much emphasis has been placed on ac- ''The task for us is difficult, but not im- the Second Amendment the necessity of a Co-News Editor possible," said Tom Ridge, America's new cepting all cultures and ways of life and be- LeRoy McDuffie '05 director of homeland security. homeland militia that should be well regu- lieving/that all are-equally good. lated. 'Jessica Watson '05 Protecting ourselves against the evil ac- They intended for the people to be an- I believe it is important to accept all tions of the terrorists will not be an easy task other line of defense against attacks. This es- Americans as equals but dangerous to be- Assistant News Editor tablishment of defense will be critical to our lieve that all beliefs and systems are moral and upright. Tammi Slater '03 nation's success. Our enemies are definitely not teaching The media can also play an important role their children such ways. Features Editor by promoting self-defense and keeping the They are brainwashing them from birth Shauna Dominguez '02 public informed. Just like friends send e- that their beliefs are superior to all others. mails saying don't open an attachment be- Stand proud as Americans. Make sure your Commentary Editor cause it contains a virus, the media can cau- children realize that American ideals are fa- Matt Hurff'03 tion citizens against opening unknown pack- vored above all others and should be guarded ages that may contain a deadly biological at all costs. lfyou do not have children yet, agent. Assistant Commentary Editor Also, the media needs to pay closer at- make sure you examine yourself. Take a look Erin Romanski '04 tention to foreign news. Networks have ba- at what is important to you and make it where to others it obvious known. Make Sports Editor for Americans. But Ibelieve that we all need Weneed to know what our your loyalties rest. says that this will be a long Our President Greg Lederer '03 to wake up. Stop believing that this war will enemies are thinking, war on terrorism. Unfortunately, he is prob- not affect you. It will inevitably have a huge ably right in his predictions. So far we have Senior Writer impact on our future and the lives of our saying, and taking part in done little to secure homeland defense. This Michael Jenkinson '02 children. at all times, is not just our leaders' fault or the media's. As citizens of the United States it is time It is partly our own fault. Photo Editors for individuals to step up. We need to be- sically ignored news fr~m ove~e~s for too So although we may-be behind, I can't Courtney Federoff'04- come more alert and watchful of what is long. They no longer think that It IS as nec- help but stress thatrinis "better late than never." Brad Widner '03 going on around us. essary for Americans to know foreign poli- There are other ways, besides the mili- cies and occurrences. However, this has Let us learn together how to live, act, and tary actions taken that can save us from at- made many Americans ignorant of the world think differently to ensure our safety. For StafTWriters that is the most powerful weapon we have Dan Hamvas '03 ~:c:;ie :!~~:~~~:~c~::sSi~;:k:~dt/:~~ around them. us defenseless in many to protect our homeland. This weapon will ~~ It has rendered Donna Hurd '03 activities to authorities. While some Ameri- aspects. If we'are to defend ourselves prop- come from within each of us and therefore Rick Grams '02 cans are beginning to do this, others need to erly we need to know w~at our enemies are can be the most destructive. Ryan Pararneshwaran '03 wake up and take part in our defen'se: Al- think'ihg, saying, and taking part in at all -Donna Hurd is a junior Englis/l Cathy Pendorf '02 though it is important for the government to times. ",I" major . Steve Sh'afk'ey -'02· ... :,,·,,-,1, Ai.:,J Brandi Thayer '04 What is wrong with-the state of baseball? ~"c· Michael Wiles '03 f1'l' ,.' .' "I· ,"', Marcus W60ds '03 Edward K. Schultheis outlines the money. It seems that whenever a great player wives. [mean really; don't you think that is Walter Zalis '05 reasons why baseball has run into is availableon.the market, like Mussina last just a little too excessive? Now remember roblems and wnotcan be done. year, be can just reach in, pull out tens of that I speaking only-about the players Who P Arti~t . millions of dollars and sign him. It seems do complain about their money problems. Jessica Watson '05 Am I the only one who is just somewhat that only a few select teams are capable of There are still a great many players that take bored with this Yh~arJs.World Series? I mean pulling this off and still winning, with the their wealth in stride. Good for them. it~ 90 sectet"f~at j am not the biggest Ne*nsaltimore,J~_rioles not ~~ng oneor rherh" Finally, contractio~N~;'l a~,~0.L!a~- York Yankees fan, but I haven't watched --1'. For you see, whenever poor or Peter ing about what happens t8' guys in the pool, more than two innings of the "Fall Classic" Angelos tries to "buy" the World Series, all that is a story for another day. Actually, I yet. This is a far cry from when it seemed it really gets him is a right fielder whose hip am talking aboilt \V1\ii.t'lhas been cir'c1!l!itiillg. like I was watching every game lhat1'could is made of Jell-O, but still is being paid his the past couple\of~~eks. Where. isthe ru- of the playoffs. What is going on here? What exorbitant Salary. In addition, we always mor going around that at the next labor meet- I is it aboutbesebalt'now that makes me think I seem to end up with pitchers who g'et injured . if th I . th I t I-_"--~'::;:!.I..!:.e::::!!!-,-"-.,,,;,.., 'is' notas ' , anymore?" 11, like' Pat Hentg'~n, wh6' up until th'is year I~f;~lea~~ !rlr6eUdi\iha~~~H?The~e ~~;: .• was it 'steady workhorse-who ate up a lot of most likely would be the Montreal Expos innings. This year however, he missed half (sorry Professor Dailon), Florida Marlins, the season. Coincidence? Ithink it is more . and even the Minnesota Twins. Even though like a curse. It's God's way of saying to the Twinkies did put together a solid year Angelos, "Thou shalt not buy the World Se- this season, attendance' was' still dismal. Is' ries. Thou shalt have to earn it." Ithink this this a good thing? I'm not sure .' i guess year, he may have final I', started to listen. only time will tell,' , need ...., surrto-something on fr~·~~~th:~"~"f;l~et~s(~m10v~e~tb~~f~t~~~~~~i!ffi::~~,~;:~t~; Now moving else ther realty gets on nerves about baseball" round'and I baseball will once again be able to make a you have to make a.profit, -8hd players profit. Personally, I think they are going . have to get paid and blah, blah, blah. But about it the wrong way, but who am I to stand come on, do you really need to make over in the way of "progress." iO million a year? I mean I always told (by In any case, what have we learned? For my grandfather, or a member of the older one thing, most people are tired of seeing it to the World Series, as I was hoping that generation) of the time when professional in the World Series. they would do. I'm sure there were many players had to have another job to make the NY Yankees are paid way too much Sec- ondly, players and fans out there that wanted the same thing to enough money to support their families. Mail to: happen, and they were more than a little I am not saying that players should have complajn just as much about not getting The Phoenix bummed when they lost to the Yankees. to work two jobs to make enough money to enough money. Lastly, we don't yet know WMC, 2 CoUege Hill Now don't get me wrong, the Yankees survive, but if I hear another play complain what the status of MLB contraction is, and Westminster, MD 21 157 are a great team. They have the likes ofTino about all the taxes they take out of his sal- what it will entail, or even the potential ef- (410)751,8600 Martinez, Derek Jeter, Mike Mussina, and ary, and how he is only left with 4.5 million fects of such a drastic move. But, at least FAX, (410) 857,2729 Andy Pettitte, but I think I have just gotten a year, and how he can barely survive on it. ..1 we know that contraction in a cold swim- E-Mail: tired of seeing them year after year. This is swear. Maybe if you sold one of your 20 ming pool is definitely bad and never wanted. mainly due to the fact of George cars that you have. you would be able to af- -Edward K. Schiiltheis is ajunior Steinbrenner's seemingly endless pocket of ford to pay that alimony to your three ex- communication major
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