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Wednesday, October 31, 200 1 - Page 3 Should WA{9 ban smoking? Jan Term travel put on hold Continued from page J Continued from page I the terrorist wants us to stop what cently issued warnings to all we [Americans] normally do. Americans that are en route, or are . They [terrorist Iwant us to be afraid currently overseas to be at a higher to live our daily lives. I feel safer sense of awareness. This made the flying now than ever before, due school decide that it would not be to the heightened security." in the best interest to send a group For many years at WMC, the of students overseas with the cur- study abroad programs been a rent situation. unique part of the academic pro- Many students that wanted to gram, gaining media attention for go and study abroad this upcom- their unusual, non-classroom na- ing January were disappointed, but ture. they ultimately agreed with the The cancellation of the January college's decision toeancel the pro- Term trips left many students up- grams. set. Although the trips were can- This was the consensus of most celled for this year, students under- of the students that had planned to stand the reasoning behind the ac- participate in the program. tion. Although there are many stu- They understand that the safety dents that wish the trips will con- of WMC students is the top prior- tinue, all of them know that other ity. opportunities to study abroad will The State Department has re- occur sometime in the near future. Academic Affairs burglary There were some questions Just ten years ago, smoking was college has not changed the cur- says raised as to how this new policy permitted on campus anywhere. rent smoking policy. JESSICA WATSON entered through the window," of the co-news Editor director Webster, Michael will be enforced. Sayre says that When the school changed to its The Department of Residence Although some may not realize Department of Campus Safety. this job would fall under the ju- current policy, which only allows Life encourages students to write it, theft is a very severe offense. Property stolen from the office in- risdiction of the Residence Life smoking in dorm rooms that are letters with their stance on the is- Through the campus safety blotter cluded "a privately owned palm Department. not on substance free floors. there sue, so that the college can make you often here about theft among pilot, a privately owned cell phone, He believes that enforcing the was little opposition. a student friendly decision. policy is one of its biggest issues. It is important to note that the students, but it is quite rare to hear college owned diskettes, a college that an office was broken in to. owned zip disk, and a fax ma- Between the evening of Octo- chine." WMC employee passed away on September 26 ber 11 and the early morning of Campus Safety considers this to October 12, the Academic Affairs be a "pretty serious crime." In ad- Continued from front page office was broken into and robbed. dition to their own investigation, him. General Hospital before joining the had advised him not to strain him- The last person left the office the city police also inspected the Campus Safety officer Josh WMC building operations and self on several occasions. around 7:30 p.m. and the incident . crime scene and took fingerprints, Bronson found Tucker at the steam maintenance staff in 1998. Darlene Westervelt, a friend of was reported to Campus Safety at which are in the course of being plant at 11:58 p.m. and immedi- Joe Bentz. the director of build- Tucker, stated that she was devas- 8:33 a.rn. by an office worker. processed. ate1y called in for medical assts- ing maintenance and operations, tated to hear of his death. She said Campus Safety believes that the "We're following upon leads," tance. remembers Tucker as "a very dedi- that he was always very friendly perpetrator acted within these two Webster says. As 'of right now. Tucker was then rushed to cated and conscientious worker." and courteous. She also said that time slots. Members of Campus Webster assures the WMC commu- Carroll County General Hospital He also stated that. "Tucker did not she remembers him as a person that Safety unleashed a full-fledged in- nity that they are doing everything where he was pronounced dead have a single mean bone in his would go out of his way to help vestigation of the crime scene. in their power to bring a close to upon arrival. body and was also a person who others. . "It appears as though someone this incident. Tucker worked primarily on the would go well above and beyond Tucker's funeral was attended weekends and nights between 4 todo his job duties, and to help any- by friends. relatives, and members p.m. and 2 a.m. He was born in Bal- body on campus." of the WMC physical plant staff: timore. but moved to Uniontown Bentz stated that they were He is survived by his wife of 28 Paths to Leadership several years ago, where he re- aware of Tucker having a history years, Helen. ~si:::d'=d:..:.H=,..:;w.:::",:;:k':.:d:.::a:_:,c::a:;_ITo:::lI:.:C:;;o:::un",tyc._o:::f.::h,::""=ai,,,lm=,::;ntsand he personally Fall 2001 Leadership Development Series WMC Crime hurts. Endowed Lectures Every day people are sexually assaulted who never thought it would happen to them. If this has happened to you lfiere's no need to deal with It alone. ------!._- Leadership Styles and the Myers-Briggs Whether the crime happened last night Type Indicator or years ago. we can help. RIDINGTON LECTURE Thursday. November 15 WILLIAM AND EDITH fm Service of Carroll County Thursday, November 15,2001 Thursday, Kate Arnie. Director of Career Services Rape Crisis Intervention MBT! assessments to CAD by but me completed and returned 7:30P.M. 8. Those who register by noon on Wednesday, November IW 24 HOUR HOTLINE "Sexual Identity in Medieval November 7. will enjoy lunch/rom the Washjng,on Grille. McDaniel Lounge 410-857-7322 Register now!! Space is limited to 25 participants per Europe" workshop. Workshops last for approx. 60 minutes and are All inquiries are confidential. Dr. Ruth Mazo Karras held in the Leidy Room. beginning at noon. A Private Non-Profit Agency Serving carroJl County Professor of History, To register or learn more. contact the CoJlege Activities University of Minnesota Office at ext. 266 or
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