Page 139 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 139
SPORTS Wednesday, April 10, 2002 - Page 15 Best Darn Sports Column Period The Best Darn Sports Column Period takes a lost. It is a good thing that did not off-season too. look into the wide world of happen to me (participation in bas- The number one pick of Kwame sports. If there is a topic ketball pools violates NCAA code Brown was up there with the which Chris Taugher and 153, chapter 17, line 8). Clipper's number one pick of Steve Zamagias disagree The final game was not pretty MichaelOlowandi. on (which is usually every but it was fun to watch. chant Chris the eighth player in Green Terror Did you hear the crowd College The Western Maryland topic), they both express "Oh" during the national anthem MJ is out for the season and no Women's lacrosse team is riding a history to achieve such a feat, the senior attacker currently has 42 their views in a Chris vs. just like they do at Oriole Park at one really knows if he is coming two-game winning streak going points this year. Steve debate. Views Camden Yards? Iwill admit, I am back next year. into the heat of Centennial Confer- Freshman attacker Kim Lowry expressed in this column a Blue Devil fan but when your I did not think the comeback enceaction. has also provided solid minutes for do not reflect the opinions town beats up the Yankees 10-4 and was a good idea from the start. to I The learn has already bettered the Terror, as evidenced by her title in the same the plan was for Jordan believe wins a national of The Phoenix. Chris and day, you feel proud to be a Mary- play for two year. its win total from last season by get- three goal, two assist performance ting their sixth victory on Saturday versus Dickinson. Steve may not always be lander. After the first year, the Wizards oyer Bryn Mawr. This game saw the Terror con- right, but they always think were supposed to be in the play- The 19-5 victory over Bryn tinue their trend of strong second they are. Chris vs. Steve: Baseball offs and during the offseason the Mawr saw the Lady Terror get eight half play by scoring 10 of the half's appeal of playing with Jordan was different players into the scoring first 11 goals en route to the 16-8 Chris supposed to lure vital free agents column, including five from Tracy win. Lowry feels that the team can- Chris vs. Steve: March Madness Bonds is on pace to hit 300 home into the capital city. Ido not think Kessler and hat tricks from Erin not always rely on their trademark runs, Schilling and the Unit are this is going to happen. Mulhern, Kim Adams, and Sara late surges though. Steve untouchable, the Yankees look His airness is playing better Thomas. Amy Price added a pair "We need to come out stronger at This year's NCAA Tournament solid and the Orioles have two than I thought he would, I'll give ended up providing one of the wins, didn't we already have this you thai, but because he looks hu- and defender Alii Kinary got into the beginning of games. We don't the act with a goal of her own. and it worst played games in Champion- season? Quick predictions; Sheff man and has been hurt a lot recently come out focused enough The Terror continue to be get- ship history. to get MVP in the NL, A-Rod in Idon't think the Wizards will sign ting solid contributions from a va- hurts us in the first half," Lowry said. However, the way the two theAL and the Yanks over the Mets and big names nor will they take riety of scorers up front. Sara Tho- The team currently stands at 6- teams played on their paths to the in subway series part II. their game to the next level and be mas and Tracy Kessler have each 3 overall with a 2-2 mark in the final was nothing of the sort. As playoff bound year after year. scored 12 goals over the past three conference. Head coach Mindy Maryland stormed through the East Steve Michael, your play made us all games while Amy Price and Kim McCord is pleased with the great and teams like Kentucky, UConn, Spring has sprung. Well, no, not believe again but unless you can Adams have pitched in six apiece. start, but still feels there is room and Kansas, Indiana was playing really. But it is baseball season and suit up for five more seasons ev- while.Kessler and Thomas each for improvement if the team is to the role of Cinderella in knocking that means it is time for predictions erybody will keep beating the Wiz. had four goals and two assists in make a run at the playoffs. "We off Duke, Kent St., and Oklahoma. of this year's season. their Thursday victory over Notre need to be more consistent and As usual, the-tourney provided us The first week is gone and al- Dame, Price and Adams each tal- work on playing our game for 60 w'tJYI5iith great games and great ready, Barry Bonds has clubbed ~ries. five home runs and batted in eleven lied hat tricks to help lead to the minutes by controlling possession ~ "" .. It was great to see teams like lS-11 result. and limiting turnovers," she runs. And people said last year was Erin remained Mulhern Kent St. and Southern lIlinois make a fluke? Please. Biggest surprise steady after reaching has the 100-goal pointed out. '-......some noise and players like Juan of the first week? mark for her career in the March This hope will have to hold true Dixon cQQle out on top after hear- That's right, the Pittsburgh Pi- 29th contest against Dickinson. if the Terror are to be successful with ing what he went-through. rates are off to a 5-1 start and this Mulhern has been displaying bal- over the next two weeks conference a of five straight string Looking to next year, it is evi- is without their best player, Brian anced scoring over the past three dent that the top team for next sea- Gil~. games with five goals compared to games. The team next finds action 13th ar 3 p.m., on Saturday, April son will be dependent on who de- The Pirates, who just last week eight assists. After becoming just as they host Haverford. clares for the draft and who stays got lowered to last on ESPN's in school. Whether or not players power poll, have proven that they Sports Eauor like Mike Dunleavy, Drew are for real by beating two of the It has been a tough season for Gooden, Steve Wilcox, and Jason top contenders in the NL in New the Western Maryland College Gardner stay will help determine York and Chicago. Men's Tennis team as they have yet who will be atop the rankings come As for who will finish where, I to win a game this season. The next year. see the Yankees coming from the team has been plagued by injury As for now, it is time to give AL to meet up with the Braves in and depth issues that have made it Maryland and Gary Williams some the World Series. hard for the learn to compete deserv~d credit. And yes, Chris, I Didn't this already happen? against a tough Centennial Confer- was wrong about Kansas, but who And yes, the Yanks will win it. In ence schedule. would have thought Gooden would addition, A-Rod and Sosa will be Sophomore number one singles have played that poorly even with the MVP's. player Scott Mahoney has gone up Baxter on the bench? But I am against some of the best players in going to be the bigger man. I was Chris vs. Steve: Michael Jordan the conference and has failed to get wrong. over the hump. Steve Junior number two singles Chris J am not going to be one of those player David Johnson has been Does your organization need Steve, that means a lot to me man. people who are now saying, "See, plagued by a wrist injury suffered [did say Kansas was overrated and I told you Jordan shouldn't have in an early season match, but has community service hours??? not as'good as Maryland. They did come back." been one of the more solid players Help out by volunteering for Reunion Weekend make it further than I anticipated Hindsight is 20/20 and I always on the season. (its about time they got to the Fi- said I thought it was great Jordan Johnson won his first match of nal Four after three number one was coming back. Granted, things the season against Catholic Univer- Friday, May 3, 2002 or Saturday, May 4, 2002 seeds) but they did not even make didn't work out the way he had sity, scoring the team's only points it to the final game. Jayhawk fans planned but excitement about the in a 6-1 road defeat. just stick to your motto, "Don't Wizards was stirred in the nation's Inexperience has been a prob- We need greeters, decorators, information guides worry guys, we'll get'em next capital and the players surrounding lem with the team counting heavily and Jolly Trolley Drivers. (Also anyone who is year." him have improved. on the services of new players such As far as March Madness goes, You can't tell me players like as freshman Ben Denenberg, senior certified to drive the WMC vans.) The NCAA men's basketball tour- Chris Whitney, Popeye Jones, Ri- Andrew Taylor, and junior: Chad namenl is the greatest single event chard Hamilton, Courtney Lovett. +eaclt volunteer will receive a Reunion Weekend in sports and this year was no ex- Alexander, and Tyrone Nesby Stuck at 0-7, the team looks to ception. There were plenty of up- haven't produced. I personally end their season on a good note, but T·SItirt. sets, great games, and fabulous fin- hope that MJ will come back next faces tough opponents like Wash- ishes. There were also many irri- year for one last shot with this ington College and Muhlenberg tated fans when everyone's office team, but hopefully he will also College, two of the nation's best pool got screwed because Duke work on his drafting skills in the teams.
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