Page 126 - Phoenix2001-02
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Wednesday. April 10, 2002 - Page 2 Nader explains the Break-ins at dorms causes more students to Smoking survey may need for more civic become extra cautious stiffen policies on motivation Continuedfrom page J Campus Continued from page J do," Eley said. "I didn't know anything to change the outdoor locks. Thesubmaster Continued from page J United States than any other western democ- about the security screen in the first place." keys did not work, so outdoor locks were tions. Sayre mentioned the possibility of racy. Nader also addressed the impression Another Whiteford resident who wished completely changed on Rouzer Hall and sev- phasing smoking out of the residence halls that multi-political parties are unstable. to remain anonymous stated that she is ex- eral PA Avenue houses. over a number of years, starting with fresh- He explained that this kind of impression tra cautious. "I don't feel safe with all that As a result of this incident, Residence man dorms, Whiteford and Rouzer, in the fall she said. does not help third-party candidates when has been going on lately," two similar inci- Life is taking extra steps to ensure the safety of 2002. A second option would be to in- follows This incident they run for public office. Nader also ad- of all students. Keys are no longer stored in crease substance-free areas on campus. dents that occurred on two consecutive Sun- this area. dressed the need for people to participate in Sayre was confident that the administra- days this semester. On Sunday, February 3, "Student safety on campus is para- government through direct democracy. Ac- tion would make a decision regarding the cording to Nader, a direct democracy is the a room in Whiteford was entered and the fe- mount," said Elizabeth Towle, assistant dean smoking policy for next fall before room "fountain head of a democratic society." male victim chased the suspect to Pennsyl- of student affairs. "This creates another op- draw in a few weeks, but only after he dis- He used an example of when he was vania Avenue. The following Sunday, Feb- portunity for us to be proactive and make cusses the issue with students and receives a younger; he hitchhiked to Washington D.C ruary 10, a student in McDaniel Hall re- sure that the students remain as safe as pos- recommendation from the Campus Life com- to lobby against General Motors because the ceived an on-campus phone call and min- sible." However, the department of campus mittee. company had known that their automobiles utes later, a male entered her room. This safety also suggests that students be con- Robert Lemieux, chair of the communi- were unsafe and could cause serious injury. suspect was also chased away. scious of their own safety. cation department, started the survey as part Nader's commitment to public safety al- Mike Webster, director of campus safety, "In both February cases, students had of his research methods class. He questions lowed for bills to pass legislature to ensure has been at WMC for II years. "This is the gone to bed with the door unlocked," if the survey really represents campus opin- safer automobiles. first time I can recall that rooms have been Webster said. "We are constantly finding ion because of the mere 77 males who re- For more information about Ralph Nader burglarized this consistently," Webster said. doors propped open [... ] Just because some- sponded. and the Green Party, go to his website at In the most recent incident, Whiteford one is wearing a backpack and baseball hat submaster keys that allow RAs on each floor and calls Englar Dining Hall 'Glar' does not "It keeps me from being fully confident, do lockouts were stolen. In mean that he is a student. [Students] think but I don't see how the number of smokers they are being nice by holding a door but would increase," Lemieux said. He does, you don't know who you are letting in." however, believe the survey represents the DoCS and Residence Life encourage stu- female population on campus. Sayre agrees dents to be aware of their surroundings. A that the low male response is a weakness in the survey, but does not think it makes the security alert flyer was posted in the resi- survey invalid. dence halls following the recent burglary. It Claire Adams, a senior communication reminds students to keep doors locked at all major and chairperson of the Campus Life times. Also, it tells students not to tamper with security screens. committee, is impressed that the administra- If a student sees one that is not working tion is acting so quickly. Adams said that the properly, he or she should notify his or her smoking policy issue comes before the SGA RA immediately. Students are also encour- every year and she's happy to see something aged to notify DoCS of any suspicious ac- finally being done about it. tivity including people who do not belong However, because the research is skewed in residence halls. (Adams was one of the students who com- she results.), the survey piled and analyzed "It's great that most people feel safe on does not believe that survey data alone is campus, but it can't be taken for granted," Towle said. "We all playa part in the safety enough support to change the policy. of our . " "We don't really know how the students feel," said Adams. "Obviously we [the Cam- are going rSENIORcliiZEN"';E~l pus Life CommitteeJ body wants. I don't to support see the what the student I &~OYS UNDER12 administration taking any extreme measures the current 'as is' or - that is, leaving policy HAIRCUTS, I - having WMC go smoke free. It's obvious we have a problem." I $9.00. I Sayre and Lemieux are puzzled as to why I Includo_s cut & finish. C;oupons pannol bo - J more students didn't respond to the survey, L~'::!.co:"'..;., ~!!!~.J.;.cii which was packaged with a cover letter and and slipped under each on-campus envelope residents' door. Commuter students received the same package through campus mail. The cover letter clearly stated that the re- sults would be used to facilitate a possible policy change, and all that students needed to do was fill out the survey and return it to their R.A. or Lemieux through campus mail. "Students always want an opportunity to voice their opinion. Here we made it very easy, but the return rate is such that it is very unfortunate more students didn't take this op- portunity to have their opinions heard," said Lemieux. Students may express their opinions at For your convenience we're open: the SGA's open forum on April 11, at 8:00 Mon.lhru Frl. 9am ·7pm • Sat. 8am - 6pm p.m. in Ensor Lounge. • Sun. lOam· 5pm College Square IAreyou interested in Journalism, Shopping Center Reporting and Writing? If so, come on out to the weekly 444 WMC Drive Phoenix meeting. Westminster ~eetings are every Monday nigh at6p.m. 410·857·0520 If you are unable to make it, but 410·857 ·0898 are still interested, send an email Next to Safeway to
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