Page 125 - Phoenix2001-02
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Ralph Nader closes Libery Week Smoking festivities with McDaniel lecture survey The former presidential could candidate extinguish discussed various political topics WMC with students and faculty. policies LERoy McDuFFIE Based Oil study, 69 percent News Editor 0/ students who responded KA1U; CHA:\WION Former presidential candidate stated they were less SfrttfWrifer and one of Time magazine's most accepting of indoor A recent break-in in Whitefor influential people, Ralph Nader smoking. all during spring break. has WM visited WMC as one of the keynote tudents questioning the safety 0 speakers during Liberty Week. HEATHER WEISS sldence hatts. Naderdiscussed the importance of S/rtJJWriler On Sunday, March 17, aroun being a good citizen by contribut- Recent survey results compiled :45 a.m., an individual entere ing to the democratic process. by 35 communication research hiteford HaH through 11 ground The main points of Nader's lec- methods students are encouraging eve! window where a secunt the administration to stiffen the ere:n was not properly i{)cked ture were to explain the "duopoly" l!1!!'~~~~~~.;-!~~:~;yI!!~~!!!!!I!~ smoking policy on campus among the Democrats and Repub- licans, the barriers of getting on the Currently, students are permit- ballot, and to the address the im- success ted to smoke outside and in their portance of citizens using their the 2000 presidential election is a dorm rooms with their roommate's rights to address political problems these parties have great influence positive sign for people who may permission. But according to Philip in their communities, as well as doing election debates. In the run under the Green Party ballot. Sayre, dean of student affairs, some An anonymous witness de their country. course of his speech, Nader used According to Nader. it is important residence halls may go smoke free ribed the suspect as a white. col Nader explained that the green several examples from his presi- to "cut down some of the barriers as early as next fall. ege-ugcd male. approximate! party focuses on corporations hav- dential campaign in 2000. to allow more Green Party candi- Out of the 1500 students who '9" with a medium to athleti ing great influence in our govern- Nader explained how he was dates." received the 2002 WMC Smoking uild. He has shon dark hair wit ment. Nader also said that the purposely kept out of the televised Nader also discussed the many Survey, only 334 students re- Green Party is heavily involved in presidential debates between then other problems that exist currently sponded, Sayre said. According to ideburns and was last seen wear ng 11 t-xhirt and dark blue jeans. environmental issues. Vice-president AI Gore. and then in the US political system, such as survey results, 69 percent of stu- Freshman theater and ccmmu During his lecture, Nader dis- Governor George W. Bush. campaign finance. dents are less accepting of smok- icaticn cussed how the two main parties Nader discussed how the de- Including the ballot access ing indoors. Based on survey sta- hocked major LilShawn Eley wa to receive call a a phone have a "duopoly" on the political bare committee was formed by the problem that third-party candidates tistics, Sayre believes that the stu- orne over spring break infcrmin system. Democrats and the Republicans in face, Nader explained that it is dent population would encourage ter that her room was broken into Nader explained how the order to ensure that the competi- harder to get on the ballot in the a stricter smoking policy. Democrats and Republicans have tion would not get any air-time. Continued 01/ page 2 "My general reaction is that a hough nothing wus stolen, a pic strong majority segment of stu- urc frame that Eley made in sev nth grade was broken. dents are bothered by second-hand Crawl into fashion smoke and would be open to hav- "There was nothing that I coul policy cur- smoking 011 page 2 ing the current Continued tailed," Sayre said. Sayre first became concerned about smoking in the residence Inside halts because of constant carpet damage due to cigarette burns, fire safety and campus health. The de- partment of student affairs sur- veyed 19 regional colleges (includ- olby Goodrum questions the re ing The John's Hopkins University, en! obsession with reality relcvi Gettysburg College and 'ion shows. Elizabethtown College) about their smoking policies last spring. Seven of the 19 colleges surveyed had a he College Concert is coming zero-tolerance smoking policy in heck out the latest news of th the dorms. Sayre and Elizabeth oncen featuring Dropkic Towle, assistant dean of student ~urphys and Pharcyde. affairs, theAII-CoJlegeCouncil and the Student Government Association's Campus Life Com- ~ear about the success of the un mittee are discussing policy op- efeated Men's Lacrosse team a hey prepare to face Gettysburg Continued on page 2
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