Page 128 - Phoenix2001-02
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NEWS ampus Mareti 11th, 2002 pril?, 2002 afety and several rooms. March 25. 2002: The "No Parking" sign was March 29, 2002: Subject observed on the lotter March 24, 2002: Female student being dis- stolen. lower level of Decker College in the mens be Center, and questioned was slopped honest March 27, 2002: Unknown subject knocked restroom. Subject was found to be trespass- LERm" McDUFFIE over beating unit at Blanche Ward Hall. ing and in possession of alcohol. Trespass News Editor ~ ...-....--- notice issued and subject was escorted of arch 11, 2002; Student. s claimed that she campus property. as hit by a van that was backing up. March 30, 2002: Unknown subjects at- tempted to glue a door closed, also filiing arch 11. 2002: Students tried I() deactivate the key hole with glue. is overhead light and wall switch in Rouzer all. March 30, 2002: Non-student underage pos- session of alcohol at the Garden Apartments arch 11. 2002: Property crimes occurred Building 1 t Rouzer Hall. Housekeeping found the ouzer Lounge with possible property dam- April 2, 2002: Accident with property dam- ge. age occurred when a vehicle backing up hit passenger side of another vehicle while the arch 11,2002; Students received possibly vehicle was turning to leave the 101 near Gill bscene phone call from off campus. Gym AprilS. 2002: Student setting off fireworks and extreme non-compliance with WCPD and DoCS. (Off Campus) and failed to comply with college official March 29. 2002: Visitor was urinating in (Campus Police officer) public at McDaniel Hall. April 7, 2002: Found a window unsecur in the financial aid office at Blderdice Hall. arch 17. 2002: A burglary occurred at March 25, 2002: Homemade soda bottle March 29, 2002: Cooking range with two hiteford HaIJ, when an unidentified male "bomb" placed outside of students door and open coil burners, observed on right side of April 7, 2002: Student reported seeing an roke into the building, RLC office detonated at Rouzer Hall. room. Occupants are in violation of residence unknown individual trying to get into he hall policies, at Rouzer Hall.. room at Whiteford HaU. New academic building coming to WMC Coming STi\CEvMn:1C;j early. stages, and no specific site bas been ......Some faculty agreed with him. K'olewe is more centrally Together; Assissam News Editor chosen for the new building, although the Ochieng', secondary education coordinator, college has hired a landscape architecture hopes that if the building In the past year, Western Maryland Col- finn, Derek and Edson, from Lititz, Pa., to located, more students will be aware of the lege has changed a lot: a new president, a select and evaluate several different sit~s on program. who leave Taking 'a' new name, new dorms, and now, plans for a campus. "As it is now, there are students new academic building. The firm has presented seven possible the college without even knowing where the The college hopes to break ground on the spots to the buildings and grounds commit- education department is," Ochieng' said. to Stand new structure in summer 2003, and expects tee, Seidel said, but he declined to name the The new building will be designed to have the building completed and on-line locations until the board votes on them dur- serve the needs of the departments using it. by fall 2005, said Marty Hill, chair of build- ing their April meeting. It may include a new computer lab or class- Rape is a serious ings and grounds committee for the board The campus master plan is really a "wish rooms specially equipped for teacher edu- of trustees. - list" of what the college would like to change cation and deaf education programs, Pool issue in or country The approximately $7 million building about the physical appearance of {he cam- said. is part of a campus master plan the college The building will also be designed to fit today and has is creating, said Ethan Seidel, vice president The campus master plan in with the current campus architecture. of administration and finance. AJong with the "The design will take into account the ad- new building, the plan will establish a main is really a "wish list" of joining buildings, so it will blend in," said been throughout entrance to the campus and redesign park- what the college would Bruce Preston, a WMC trustee and alumnus. ing spaces. "I'm ecstatic about [the changes to cam- time. In the U.S. The master plan will also provide for fu- like to change about the pus] - I wish I could be a student again," ture growth on campus, and will be focused Preston said. "I see the facilities that you one in six women on fulfilling the college's mission, Seidel physical appearance of guys have now. They're great and they're said. the campus getting better." . are victims of at- The new academic building will house the psychology, education, deaf education, pus, and some of the changes could take as tempted or com- graduate and professional studies depart- long as 10 years to implement, Seidel said. ments, said Philip Sayre, dean of student af- However, the new building has been put on Corrections fairs. The building will have three floors and the fast track because WMC has the oppor- pleted rape. The be about 36,000 square feet, or approxi- tunity to apply for state funding to pay for mately two-and-a-half times the size of part of the construction costs. In the last issue Social Work Club Winslow Center, Seidel said. The expansion The funding is provided through the will be a long-awaited relief for some fac- Maryland Independent Colleges and Univer- of the Phoenix, there is sponsoring the ulty members. sities Association, and WMC can only ap- was an error in the ''The education and graduate programs ply every three or four years, Sayre said. annual Rape Vigil have outgrown the existing space in Thomp- Although the programs are "really tight and ROTC article. son Hall," said Ken Pool, dean of graduate competitive," Seidel said, WMC has had and professional studies. success in the past. Eaton Hall was built with The name of the @7p.m., April "For example, we have faculty doubling some state funds from the program. up in offices. and we no longer have class- Sayre speculated that the new building training facility is Ft. 10th in Big Baker. room space in Thompson Some of the fac- might be located near the quadrangle. closer Indiantown and not ulty now use carts to move their materials to other academic buildings on campus, be- Come and sup- from class to class and from building to cause he thinks that the interaction between FUndiana. building." the graduate and undergraduate programs port the cause. However, the project is still in the very will build a stronger academic community.
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