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COMMENTARY Wednesday, April 10, 2002 - Page 7 9/11 documentary: necessary evil? After viewing CBS's 9/11 docu- months into his experience, he was mentaryon Sunday, March 10, my faced with an impeccable test of argument, saying that the timing is off or that it is a day that must never whole mindset changed in two wits and bravery, as victims of the be relived. hours. 9/11 tragedy desperately relied on But I say why shouldn't we re- Originally, I was totally ap- his help. live it? palled that a broadcasting station Referred to as a "Probie," this We can never possibly forget could publicize such a devastating rookie fireman, Tony, truly proved the loss of life, the hardship im- tragedy to our country just six posed on our country, or the long- months after the fact. lasting effects of terrorism that will But then, my perception turned We can never remain with us for lifetimes. into complete awe and respect for Then, if that is the case, I see the heroes who were captured possibly forget the no reason why those of us who briefly on film in the spotlight. loss of life, the have perhaps moved on with our At the beginning, the entire lives don't need a little emotional filmmaking process was covered hardship imposed on test every now and then. out be referr"- co as * by brothers Jules and Gideon our country, or the It keeps us human and keeps "1)rc_ Kidney 1Iean$._- Naudet for the simple purpose of things in perspective. covering the nine-month probation- long-lasting effects Unfortunately, it appears .as Any stueleD! who re from Spring Break a lillie ary period of a firefighter in train- though we only appreciate what we more burnt thu tan is now ing. of terrorism that will have once a threat is placed on our of our "Red Beans," However, just three short remain with us for happiness. An overall vlcw of the re...,.. The positive feeling we can ing of the college is this; if its lifetimes. gain from this is that we do become going to happen regardless, make stronger people because of it. the situation as enjoyable as you Unifying ourselves as a nation can, Make your own list, write a himself as a man once faced with has given us a sense of empower- song about it, take pointless votes the eminent danger of the collapse ment in the brink of disaster. on what you think the neme of the twin towers in New York on I only hope that we can look aIled this, there would be an en- should be. but please. just let it that unforgettable day. past our own grieving and realize ire army of beans on campus. Let happen without so much argu- I admit that no tragedy should that this documentary was put out s begin with what we would acru- ment. be propagandized for profit or gain. there with the sole intent of remind- Iy be classified as, Your opinion might count. or However, I do not feel that by ing Americans of all that we have Freshman are the bean sprouts, airing this documentary that was to be proud of. eniors are the big beans, any qucs- it might not. But if you're going to have one. at least be positive ever the intent. We react to tragedy with full ions? Graduates are done. there- and don't make it a point to bash Moreover, it was just a re- force as American citizens strug- people the that minder of the heroism that occurred gling with patriotism, and we are the place come and to consider some- you've stronger people because of it. what of a family and a home. -Brandi Thayer is a -Erln Romanski is a sophomore sophomore- English major. Commuters miss out on many Acceptable television enefits of college experience programming "the best time of your life." Com- being able to call the campus my Walter Zalis reflects on the muting does not bring about this home, for I cannot help but feel Colby Goodrum remarks watch a bunch of people do things no one should care about? etriments oj commuting to new experience. The way I see it, "left out." on the popularity oj reality For instance, Survivor. Who school. it is simply four more years of high There are other reasons than shows. really gives a damn who can fcrm school. just wanting the "experience," Almost $200. That's about The reason that sticks out most however. There are aspects of the best alliances and last the long- how much I spend a semester on in my mind for my dislike of com- campus life that do indeed help in There are a number of things a est eating bugs and road kill? I gas to get to and from class at muting is this: you're simply left education. college student can do to pass the know I don't care, and what's more, to time when they are not immersed is not something that I want Western Maryland College. Not living here usually means in writing a paper or studying for a watch at the end of the day. Often I say to myself, "if I missing presentations from guest li ved on-campus, it would cost I feel the speakers every week in Decker, test. One can read a book, sleep, Another show Ijust really can- work out, and of course, watch tele- $5,000, but saving $400 every disadvantage of not missing study groups for huge vision. not stand is Celebrity Fear Factor. year would cut into it." This odd tests, and even missing out on the Yes, Philo T. Farnsworth's in- I can understand Fear Factor I can logic is an example of how I tend being able to call news around campus that every- vention, the television, certainly is see if some ordinary people want to think when commuting to class. the campus my one is talking about. one of the most popular time-wast- to go on tv and make a jerk out of I am one of many who com- themselves to try and make some responsibilities I have mute to class everyday, as well as home, for I cannot where J live and to people that are to ers for not only college students, money. but also all people. one of the commuters who would near my home, so I cannot gener- Of course, I will watch the oc- My question is why would any rather be living on-campus. Com- help but feel "left ally stay until 8 p.m. to see a pre- celebrity do that? The money is muting is nota totally horrific ex- out. " sentation I would like to view. casional sporting event or a movie just going to go to charity, so why perience. now and again, but that is pretty not just donate the money and save I miss the most interesting much it in terms of television. yourself the trouble of sleeping Many say that you would be out That is a fact many commur- news as well. I constantly hear wiser to save $5,000 a year and ers must accept. You arc on-cam- My mom likes to criticize me with snakes or whatever the hell simply take the drive to campus pus for a few hours, usually less about certain events such as for the shows I watch, especially you are forced to do? "happy hour," but still have no The Simpsons, because she says I wonder what Farnsworth every day. _ than five days a week. idea what it happens to be. that the Simpsons aren't real-they would have to say about the televi- Five thousand dollars is a lot You don't eat in Glar, you don't are just cartoon characters. sion programming these days; of money, but when I think about hang-out in the dorms, you simply Commuting means you're not My' mom just cannot see this whether he would think it is com- it I believe Twould regret not hav- go to the classroom. at home on-campus. When you Ire i~g the whole college e~perjellc.e. College, like anything else, is home, everything is easier to do, humor because she thinks that pletely ridiculous? All I have to Living on-campus IS a huge easier when one is comfortable. and more importantly, everything Homer strangling Bart teaches bad say is that the reality TV has to go values. though are not The sitcoms part of the experience in higher There is no place more comfortable is more comfortable. the real problem in terms of TV or I am going to be one of those learning: meeting new people, liv- than home sweet home. People are more comfortable programming, however. people driving around with a bumper Slicker that says: "Kill your jog on your own with that new If you are already at home liv- with each other. I want to he more My question is why do people Television." sense of independence, and doing f ing on-campus, then you are bound comfortable as well, and to do find reality TV entertaining? What -Colby Goodrum is a things your parents told you to feel more comfortable in the that, I believe it takes making is it? Do they not get a big enough would make you a criminal. school environment. Western Maryland College my junior Philosophy-English There must be 11reason it is called I feel the disadvantage of not home. dose of reality in their everyday major. lives that they have to go home and
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