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COMMENTARY Wednesday. April to, 2002 - Page 6 Staff The problems with scheduling classes Editors-In-Chief that feeling Edward K. Schultheis '03 Everyone knows that anxious of classes for the However, this semester when I received If professors are not willing or do not they get when the schedule for Fall 2002, I was ex- Matthew E. Hurff '03 upcoming semester shows up in your mail- my new booklet Scheduling wasn't fun and have the time for another section, then the tremely unhappy. college should hire more professors to cover box. it definitely wasn't easy either. the extra classes. News Editor You check with friends to find out what At first I was joyful, thinking that I was If we can spend insane amounts of money LeRoy McDuffie '05 gym class you are going to be taking together finally going to be a senior and would more in order to change the college's name, which and in some weird way, you are actually ex- likely get into all the classes I wanted. not all the students are exactly thrilled about, Then I found out I couldn't take them then we can sacrifice a little more money in Assistant News Editor anyway because of the waythe classes were order to fulfill the students' needs, which all- Stacey Myers '02 set up by time. the students would be thrilled about. I wondered why two classes that are both I don't know one student that would Features Editor major requirements are offered at exactly the complain about having more choices and Jessica Watson '05 Maybe you are not always ecstatic to take every class but it should be simple to create a schedule that you Commentary Editor Erin Romanski '04 are satisfied with. Assistant Commentary Editor same time. times "to pick from while planning their Donna Hurd '03 offered I felt like every class Iwanted to take was schedules. on professors. I know at the same time that I was required I am not picking to take something else. that they are not the only ones that decide Sports Editor I am sorry professors and I understand what classes they teach. Greg Lederer '03 that opening up more sections creates extra I am just hoping that maybe someone work for you but it is a necessity. who can actually do something about this If another section is needed for a class may read this article and decide to take ac- Assistant Sports Editor that is a major requirement then it should tion. Chris Taugher '02 Donna Hurd automatically happen. Or is this the college's I realize that these chances are slim but cited. Scheduling should be this way. way of pulling in more money from those hey, it was worth a try. Senior Writer Maybe you are not always ecstatic to five-year seniors? -Donna Hurd is a junior English Michael Jenkinson '02 take every class but it should be simple to No matter what the purpose, the fact is major. create a schedule that you are satisfied with. that something needs to be changed. Community service is not for everyone Staff Writers Katie Champion '03 Devin Collins JIll Thalhimer makes an have the personal desire to give back to the Hopefully those who want to do it, but Colby Goodrum '03 argument against mandatory community, but it is not something that don't have time in college. will decide to do Marcus Helton '02 community service. should be forced upon anyone. it after graduation. Jessica Jones '03 Don't get me wrong, community service Either way, try to find time to give back, is very important. We all should want to do but let it be on your own time so you can Steve Sharkey '02 it, but forcing it on us at a time when we truly enjoy and appreciate what you are do- Jill Thalhimer '04 Community service. Some see those have so many other things in our lives is un- ing. Brandi Thayer '04 words and cringe; others get a broad smile necessary. -Jill Thalhimer is a Michael Vyskocil '05 on their face. There has been talk sophomore social work Heather Weiss '04 about making a community service major. Michael Wiles '03 requirement at WMC. of a certain consist This would Kathy Wilson number of hours that each student Walter Zalis '05 had to complete each year, or be- Steve Zamagias '02 fore they graduate. Ibelieve that there are a few rea- Do you sons this should not happen. First Adviser of all, if someone wants to do com- Terry Dalton munity service, they aren't going to have an wait for the school to require it. They are going to join a service or- The Phoenix is published biweekly. The ganization or just go out on their ions expressed do not necessarily represen opinion? ose of The Phoenix staff, the faculty, or the own and do it. on campus are Our organizations inistratorsofWMC. wonderful to join if someone is in- terested. They provide a large variety of service opportunities, and stay ac- Submit a tive throughout the campus. ~~»IiJ~IiIr:~r£. ShO~~~O~d~~:e:~gU~~~eS~:~i~~ letter to someone's heart, not out of a re- quirement. That takes away the idea of it. If Jessica Watson the editor it is done just to finish some hours, no feeling will be put into the work. Thirdly, many of us did commu- Call x8600 nity service in high school and know if it is something we want to continue or not. Some people manage and Mail to: That should be an individual decision. for more 1hePhoenix We are all old enough to make our own delegate their time WMC, 2 College Hill decisions, and know where we can dedicate differently than others Westminster, MD 21157 our time. details (410)751-8600 Some people manage and delegate their here; we can't expect FAX, (410) 857-2729 time differently than others here; we can't E-Mail: expect everyone to do the same amount of everyone to do the same service. amount of service. Clearly. it is a hope that everyone will
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