Page 121 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 121
~fQRT'$.~ Wednesday, March 13,2002· Page 13 WWFColumn: Men's Lacrosse remains Mania moments undefeated at 3-0 in early season MICIIAEL JENKINSON MICIIAEL JENKINSON Phoenix Staff greatest single night performances him a 6-point day. Freed added two Piloen;xSwif Un recent WWF programmmg in the history of the business. I he road liasn t been smooth, assists. collegiate game. they have been running clips from Wrestlemania Five saw the but nonetheless, the Green Terror The previous week's victory "Rob (Weaver) is a young guy previous Wrestlemanias. Historic dominant performer from the two Men's Lacrosse team finds itself against Messiah was a dramatic we're real excited about." Said moments "indelibly etched" in the wresttemanta's before it, Hulk undefeated three games into the come from behind finish. The Ter- head coach Keith Reitenbach. minds of the fans. It seems that Hogan and Randy Savage, battle season. rorwere down 9-4 at the half. Then "He's got a lot of talent, and everything is more important on for nOI only the WWF title, but for This past Saturday, the Terror two individuals stepped up and we're putting him in a big spot on this one day of the year. the love of Miss Elizabeth. This defeated Widener 13-10 in their went on goal streaks. Pete Schaffer the front line with Ellis and wrestlemama history is important match, along with the next year's home opener. netted two in less then three min- Brown." to wrestling fans, and the wrestlers main event between Hulk Hogan The previous week they re- utes. The guys head south for spring know that every move they make and the Ultimate Warrior, were the corded an 11-9 victory over Mes- This great achievement man- break for a three game set against wil! be watched again for the next two matches that helped define the siah and a [7-[4 victory. over Marymount, St. Mary's, and a re- 20 years on home movies because Hulk Hogan era of WWF. Cabrini. aged to be topped by Brown's own turn match against Virginia Brown scored four times outburst. Wrestlemania is the "showcase of Wrestlemania Ten, considered The Widener victory marks the in five minutes to cap offa six-goal Weslyn. theimmonals" by many fans the best manias of second straight season that WMC performance. Virginia Weslyn upset the Ter- With Wrestlemania memories all time, featured two memorable has defeated Widener. ror at home last year and they hope started on the mind, I thought I'd review moments. The WWF's first ever> Seven different players scored Brown "Stuff said. just "We started clicking," to avenge the loss by defeating Vir- running the most memorable moment from ladder match-betWeen Shawn for The Terror in the Widener con- a new offense, and my shots just ginia- westyn on their home field Wrestlemania past. Michaels and Razor "Scott Hall" test. Tom Brown lead the way with started finding the net." this year. Wrestlemania three was the Ramon. The night also featured a four, Alex Tolj scored two, and Brown said that he was excited The 17-14 Cabrini show that got WWF on the national mat classic between Owen and Brad Darrah, Sam Katz, Joe Ellis, shaky win for the Terror. game was a for the road action during thc spring Ellis con- radar. The show set an indoor at- Brcr, the brothers Hart. Justin Merson, and Jeremy Freed tributed six assists and three goals break trip. "We get to head out on tendance recorded with more then The next few years saw some eachcontributed a goal a piece. in the win. Freshmen attacker Rob Friday to get ready for a Saturday 93,000 fans jammed into Detroit's fun moments and some good wres- Ellis also had five assists Weaver had three goals in his first game. It's kind of weird, but I'm excited." Pontiac Silverdome. Andre {he tling, but nothing to take down as Giant took on Hulk Hogan for the part of history. Wrestlemania 14 WWF.title. The match itself wasn't was the show that ended that very good because neither man has streak. a lot of in-ring skills, but the glam- The greatest show in WWF our of a Hulk Hogan vs Andre the history, wresuemanta 14 clicked in writing Sports for Giant feud, concluding with Hulk on all cylinders. The night saw a Hogan's lifting and slamming of dumpster tag team match featuring the Giant, are such fun memories the New Age Outlaws in the best Phoenix? that they must be mentioned. Also match of their career fall to the on the show was The Ricky Steam- hard-core tandem of Mick "Cac- boat v~ Randy Savage classic for tus Jack" Foley and Chainsaw {he IG-belt. Terry "Chainsaw Charlie" Funk. The following year saw the The Undertaker beat Kane in a WWF without a champion due to match that concl uded a great feud, a technicality, and forced a WWF and was one of the best, most tact the Phoenix at ext. 8600 title tournament. Savage was physical matches you will ever see again the man as he won four between two men of that size. matches in the tournament in route tOhfJka~Eili~~~K_~~~~~~Ud __~================================~==============~ Celica- The Inside story On the outside, it's easy to see thai Celie. ls race-jrack inspired. But the real excitement is on the inside,.,uncler the hood. Toke the Celica GT.S ... Toyota worked with Yama~a to build a 160 HP engine redlined at 7800 RPM...equipped it with Variable Valve Timing with intelligence ...• computet www.gettoyota.c:om that constantlv monitors and retunes you, engine lor maxi. mum performance ... a cam with two sets 01100e$ to provide Driving a new Toyota is easier than ever - twa ranges 01 valve lilt and duration for more usable horse. power. 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