Page 124 - Phoenix2001-02
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DmeR S/IIIIf5 Teffllr Volume XXV Number 3 Western Maryland College MARCUS HELTON Phoeni.lSwjf won his third-consecutive league enjoyed success. Johnson's triple The success continued and the title in the shot put. Hose's throw jump leap of 36 feet, 9 inches of 45 feet, 11.25 inches earned him earned her an NCAA Divisional ~~~~;~S:e~~:irn~~~:~~l*;a:~r:~~ his fifth straight gold medal. qualifier. Jen Bruce broke her own Field team, who closed out their lfeanyi Ani won the longjump with school record in the pole vault with remarkable season at two recent ajump of21 feet, S.25 inches. The a vault of 9 feet, 6.25 inches, and Indoor Championship meets. 1600-meter relay team of Tyler the women's SOO-meter relay team "We've been going in to 'events Wright, John Riley, Dave of Brown, Holly Thompson, with fewer people than most teams, Maskeroni, and Calvin Woodward Bayly, and Melissa Merson took but we're still competing and scor- won second-place with a school first with a time of I:4S.3S. ing points," Coach Doug Renner record-setting time of 3:2S.S2. It was a successful indoor sea- said. On the women's side, April son for the squad, and the Terror On March I, at the Eastern Con- Brown won silver medals in both hopes to turn in more record-break- -Jerence Athletic Conference the 55-meter and 200-meter dashes ing performances during the out- (ECAC) Championships, sopho- with times of 7.30 and 26.25 sec- door season. m6r~sprinter April Brown won the onds, respectively. In other In other noteworthy events, Ter- sil~el-' medal in the 55-meter dash women's action, junior Christine ror distance runner Jill Krebs was WitI{'hlpersonal-best time of 7.22 Johnson took bronze in the long awarded an NCAA postgraduate seconds. Senior Thea Bayly's time jump with a jump of 16 feet, 3 scholarship. She is the first woman of61.79 in the400-meter dash was inches. in WMC history to receive the her personal best. The Terror's success had con- honor, which requires applicants to On the men's side, lfeanyi Ani, tinued from the previous day. have a 3.2 overall grade point av- the only male competing for the The first day of competition erage and to have excelled in a var- III Tournament on page 15. Terror, won the bronze medal in the was highlighted by the WMC sity sport. triple jump with a leap of 47 feet. sweep of gold in the triple jump, Krebs has a 3.918 GPAand is a McNally becomes an 11.75 inches. as Ani and Johnson each took first two time Cross Country AIl-Ameri- The previous week, the Terror place. Ani's leap of 49 feet, 4.5 can. The competition for the schol- competed in the 2002 Centennial inches, was his personal best, and arship is intensely competitive, All-American, leads Conference Championships at it set a new school, conference, and with scholarships given in 3 cat- Haverford, were the women took meet record. In other men's action, egories: Football, Basketball, and ... fourth place and the men finished Brad Turner won bronze in the "Other" Sports. Winning the wrestling contingent seventh. triple jump with a personal-best "Other" Sports category makes the at National Champs. On the second day of competi- leap of 41 feet. 11.5 inches achievement all the more impres- GREG LEDERER Sports Editor halted in the quarterfinals when he On March I and 2, the Western lost to Ithaca's Carlos Esterpo. Maryland College Wrestling team During the quaterfinal match, sent five competitors to compete in Pedalino chipped a part of his tooth the Division 1II National Champi- and would chip the rest of the tooth onships. later in the tournament. Senior Chris McNally gained He was taken to the hospital All-American status, courtesy of later after having a mild concus- his fourth place finish at 197 pound sion, but there was no severe dam- weight class. McNally's goal of a age. national championship fell just Junior Levi McVey, freshman short as he lost a close match up Dan Patterson, and senior Andy with top seeded competitor, Chencharik also fell at the nation- Augsburg's Kevin Rasmussen. als, but enjoyed the experience. Despite the loss, he earned the The team is losing many key chance to compete for the bronze contributors next season with the medal the next day, but lost con- graduation of seniors Rob Johns, troversial, nail biting overtime de- Chenchartk, Pedalino, and cision to Wartburg's Alain McNally. Djoumeesi. The seniors were cornerstones In the closing seconds of regu- of the team and took the program lation, McNally used a countering to new heights in WMC wrestling maneuver to put Djoumeesi to the history. mat. The move looked to many like They all had performed in Na- a five point series, but was offi- tionals and most gained All-Ameri- cially called only four points. De- can status over their four years in spite the this, McNally settled for the program. overtime and eventually lost the Next year WMC fans can ex- contest. pect a solid return of McVey and Two time All American Vinny Patterson to lead a young and very l' . . "lor a three-peat was changed team.
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