Page 123 - Phoenix2001-02
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SPORTS Wednesday, March 13,2002 - Page 15 National League 2002 preview: A changing of the guard? Matt Hurf! takes a look at challenge the Mets. to play important roles in their Ace Matt Morris exploded last Curt Schilling along with right the off season changes that The big off-season move for the pitching staff. season for a 22-8 record with a 3.18 fielder Luis Gonzalez. was the trade that brought Braves will effect the NL Gary Sheffield's powerful bat to Last season, the trio was very ERA. Behind him are solid start- The major question mark for the Now that we're only a couple Atlanta. Last year, Sheffield hit successful filling in for injured or ers Darryl Kile, Woody Williams, Diamondbacks will be whether that Will they be starters. ineffective weeks away from April, it is only .311 with 36 homers and 100 RBis. able to repeat this year? along with Bud Smith, who threw trio will be able to repeat their 200 I a no-hitter in his rookie carripaign. fitting to start' talking about base- This offensive support will cer- Meanwhile, the Phillies have a Their bullpen is equally strong, as performances. II seems unlikely ball and the changes that were tainly take some pressure off of deceptively solid lineup. Right it is anchored by Jason that they will, especially since sev- made in the off season to create this Chipper Jones. fielder Bobby Abreu is the biggest Isringhausen, Dave Veres, and eral of their players had career year's favorites. Another factor taking pressure threat with the bat with a .287 bat- Steve Kline. years. If those players cannot re- When watching television and off of Jones is his move from 3B ting average along with 31 homers peat, the Diamondbacks will the Cubs Beyond reading magaiines, it is hard to not to LF to allow the slugger to focus and 110 RBis last season while to and Asrros the Cardinals, contend- struggle in a very competitive di- are potential vision. notice the major changes the New on his hitting. pace the team. ers. In particular the Cubs' The Dodgers will most likely be York Mets made to their team, the The problem facing the Braves In the NL Central, the clear fa- aquisition of Moises Alou could able to defeat Arizona. Los Ange- names are striking. is their overall age, especially in vorites are the St. Louis Cardinals. really benefit their offense, allow- les has a good chance simply be- Mo Vaughn, Roberto Alomar, their starting rotation. Starters The thing that stands out most Roger Cedeno, Jeremy Burnitz, Greg Maddux and Tom Glavine are about this team is it's potent offense ing it to help their solid pitching cause they are now healthy, unlike Sean Estes 'and Pedro Astacio are both in their mid-30's along with which boasts last year's Rookie of staff. Nevertheless, it does not seem a year ago. With the acquisition of just few of the new faces on the closer John Smaltz, who is also the Year Albert Pujols, Jim like either Chicago or Houston will Hideo No"mo and Brian Jordan, team in an effort to improve upon coming back from major arm sur- Edmonds, JD Drew, and Tina be able to remain with S1. Louis the they now have more depth. a 3rd-place finish behind Atlanta gery. Because of this, do not ex- Martinez. Those four hitters can whole season. Jordan's leadership should do won-e- and Philadelphia in the NL East. pect the Braves to once again win all be expected to hit around 30 or While the Central seems to have ders for the Dodgers clubhouse. Predictions A year ago, the NL East was the East more homers this season. probably considered the weakest Conversely, the Phillies must However, a team cannot be suc- a clear-cut favorite, the picture The in the West is still very cloudy. division in the National League, if overcome the youth of their team. cessful with just hitting, just ask World Series champ Arizona Dia- East: New York not all of basebalL Next season they will rely on young Texas. SI. Louis will not have to mondbacks should repeat with a Central: SI. Louis This year, the Braves and the pitchers Brandon Duckworth, worry about that because they are West: Los Angeles Phillies also boast strong teams to David Coggin and Nelson Figueroa very deep in pitching though. strong season powered Series by Randy Wild Card: Philadelphia Johnson MVP and World omen's Baseball team off to Woman's Lax looks to asketball' good start, dismantles have great season, off eason Lincoln University to early 2-0 omes to a Sn:v~;ZAMAGIAS This game set new school records STEVE ZAMAGIAS Staff Phoenix Staff Phoenix "The Western Maryland COllege for winning margin, runs in a game, j he Western Maryland College ferent players and freshman goal- was and runs iii'1i:n inning. which lose at Men's Baseball havoc come Centen- set by the 23-run 2nd inning. coach Mindy Manolovich will look keeper Lindsay in her college earned her O'Sreen team will be look- Lacrosse Women's team and head first shutout debut. ing to wreak the Culbertson, two-Sport Seven players nial Conference Tournament time standout from Gilman High 10 improve upon its 5-1 0 mark from column against got into the scoring in- Elizabethtown, cranton by building Stocked with a blend 16-14 of School, feels that everything "I think last season as their season enters cluding five from Erin Mulhern and off last season's is in record. place for a strong season. its early stages. Kim Lowry. three from freshman young talent and seasoned veter- we are ready to make a run in our The team is poised for a com- Mulhern, the senior attacker.A GRE(; Lnn:JUo:R ans, the Terror are looking to be- conference. We know each other petitive season in the Centennial from Havertown, PA, now ha~ 86 SponsEduor come a force in head coach Dave well on this team and we've been Conference and is looking to goals and is close 10 reaching the The season finally came to a Seibert's 22nd year. playing together for a couple years avenge the four losses they had last century mark for her solid career close for the Western Maryland The team returns seven starters, now so there isn't any reason why year by three goals or less. here. College Women's basketball including four of five spots in the we can't make some noise in the Despite losing 2001 All-Cen- Meanwhile, Lowry is one of the team when they lost in the first infield and the entire outfield. Six tournament." tennial Conference Second Team freshmen Coach Manolovich will round orthe NCAA Division-Iff are seniors, led by Kevin The team knows it will feel the members Lisa Weber and Amy Tournament against the Univer- Culbertson and hi.~ lifetime .308 loss of ace Dan Elbaz but is look- Bittinger, the Terror return a solid be looking to for contributions with defenders along Liz Sexton sity of Scranton. average, along with captain Scott ing forward to matching up with its core of players, including Third and Erin Potash II was tough situation for the Merkle, coming off an arm injury usual conference foes in Johns Team members Erin Mulhern and If the Terror are to be competi- Green Terror as they had to go last season, and Jeremy Merrell, Hopkins and Franklin and Marshall Tracy Kessler. tive as they head into conference on the road 10 play at Scranton who netted a .970 fielding percent- Returning to join this duo up play, then they will be doing so on February 27th. age last year. The infield consists The team's mark is now 2-1 as front are attackers Amy Price, Sara against three teams in the Nation's The game was the first ever of captain Guy Sheetz, Gregg Thomas, and Alaina File. appearance for the program in Shelton, Jack Griffith and junior Senior Kim Adams remains a Preseason Top 20 in Gettysburg, and and Ursinus, Franklin the tournament, and in the first Todd Huber, who is coming off a force in the midfield while the Marshall. half, the team didn't play their breakout sophomore season in squad brings back four solid de- The girls will be looking to the usual game and fell behind 31- which he was named to the Cen- fenders in Juniors Erin Dolan, Alii senior trio of Mulhern, Adams, and 20 at halftime. tennial Conference Second Team as Kinary, and Sara Hansen to go Fila for leadership as the team faces Opening the second half. the a designated hitter. Also back be- along with sophomore standout some of the best the country has to opposition went on a 1&.4 Tally hind the dish is junior Bob Laffey, Nikki Lepson. Price, the junior at- offer. to build a big lead on the Green who will split time with senior tacker from Abingdon, MD, is op- Terror, that despite a late rally, Dave Dolch. usun. timistic about what 2002 holds for The team next faces Ursinus on they could never overcome. Also returning are three start- Last year's sbow, them. March 13th and then opens a four- Sopbcraere guard Toby ers from last year's rotation, includ- restlemenle 17 t had one of the "We know that we are capable game home stand with Bowdoin Mclntirepaced the team with 15 ing All-Centennial hurler Jeff est unforgettable moments in of big things this year and we can College on March 22nd at I I a.m. points whlle freshman guard Starcher, sophomore Dave e history of WteJtling. The play with anyone if we play the Kelly Camp Pllt in 14. The Joss Skoczlas, and junior Brent Kahuda. ock and Stone cp'Jd Steve Aus- way we know we can. We have the concluded a'season that saw the Junior Justin Raynor, who is al- in were battJiogin a classic fight right girls here to make this a pro- squad break aschcol record with ready tied for third on the career vhcn Austin did tho unthinkable; ductive season." 22 victories and a first ever ap- saves list, will be the closer. , me Cold had represented the The Terror are already two pearance in the tournament. Skcczlas has already helped the yday man for yea! in his games into their season and have With star players Mctntire, Terror get off to a good start as evi- :g with Vince MeM, n. But to a 2-0 mark to show, with a 24-0 Camp, Jennifer Piccolomiru. and denced by his nne-hit, 19 strikeout I 'tat fateful night lear, romp of flood College and a hard Kris Brust all returning next sea- outing again~l ;.mcoln. It enabled tin turned on hi.' and fought 16-10 victory over the first soajhe Gunaobb to build upon • the team to cruise to a 9-0 win in year program of Elizabethtown.' ~~~f;Cr~~ the first of a twin bi!' h:.:Fi?:~im- able~~;~~t~~~~~h:r~~rr;~:~~~ . ==~~~~ meling ".:hld. Lincotn aj..o
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