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Wednesday, March 13, 2002 - Page 10 FEATURES Studying abroad at WMC 60 SECONDS HEATHER WEISS grades and credit. 5taffWrirer However, thousands of study abroad pro- In an increasingly globalized society, grams exist, each varying in length (semes- What is your ideal spring break? more and more American college students ter, year or summer), field of study and 10- By: Lindsay Hicks are studying abroad; but most WMC students cation. Students should not limit their pro- aren't taking advantage of the opportunity. gram of study to those only affiliated with Only 20 WMC students studied abroad the college if an outside program is in their this year, a significantly lower rate than best interest. Dickinson College's 335 students and Those who attend non-affiliated pro- Gettysburg College's 300 students. Why grams must request a leave of absence from aren't more WMC students studying abroad? the Dean of Academic Affairs for the semes- "The one thing about students on our ter/year which slbe is abroad. Only credit, campus is that they are very involved, with not grades, can transfer back to WMC. a large percentage involved in athletics," said The college has only one requirement for Samuel Case, dean of the faculty and Pro- studying abroad: a 2.5 g.p.a. Henriette feels vost. "Many students may not want to give that this requirement may also hinder up a season to study abroad for a semester." WMC's participation in study abroad pro- Case admits that financial aspects may grams, but said that the WMC-Budapest pro- prevent students from studying at foreign gram has only a 2.0 g.p.a. requirement. universities. Unlike both Dickinson and Eleven of the 20 WMC study abroad par- Gettysburg colleges, WMC academic schcl- ticipants traveled through the WMC- "To go on a cruise "To not have to do arship monies cannot be used for studying Budapest program this fall. The program, in the Caribbean abroad. started in 1993, allows students to study for any homework This fact often wrongfully deters students a semester at the WMC-Budapest campus with a hot guy and from exploring their study abroad options be- and provides housing accommodations at a and go to the cause most need-based aid, state scholarships local hotel. a nice tan." Bahamas." and federal aid may be applied toward study- Living in central Europe for four months ing abroad. The college does allow students offered abundant travel opportunity- espe- Lori Panos '05 Chris Baeuerlein '02 to apply WMC academic scholarships (0- cially for students who purchased a conve- Social Work English ward the WMC-Budapest program. nient Euro-rail pass. Junior biology major, Dr. Collette Henriette, foreign language Sean Carroll, traveled to France, Holland, '{ . professor and study abroad coordinator for Italy, Germany, and Switzerland while study- the past three years, believes that if more stu- ing in Hungary. dents show an interest in studying abroad and The best thing about his experience the college receives a larger endowment, aca- abroad? "Being embraced by all of Europe demic scholarships for study abroad might and enjoying the diverse culture. people, be a possibility. sights and sounds that it brings," said Carroll. But because she is a full-time faculty "Learning a lot about myself and the worjd, member and has no staff support, Henriette that both are endless in potential and great .." doesn't have time to write grant proposals Case, an alum and dean for the past two and build the program. Her "labor of Jove" years, studied Scandinavian physical educa- (as she calls it) is [0 provide accurate sup- tion at the University of Oslo in Norway af- port and advising to those students who want ter graduating college. He believes the col- to study abroad. lege has a responsibility to educate students Henriette does, however, think that any to live in a global society, a concept which motivated student can find an affordable first struck him while viewing the Disney Jill st¥dy abroad program. exhibit at the 1964 World's Fair in New York. "Somewhere I can !J:'J! I She commented that many programs cost "The song "It's a small world after all' "I would spend it less then in-state public college tuition and was playing," said Case. "Global commu- chill on the beach, .in St. Croix on the cost significantly less then one semester of nication, global corporations- we have to tuition at WMC. educate people about this and we need to be go to some clubs, beach with a "One student traveled to Dijon, France more tolerant about culture ... Studying this semester for $2,000," said Henriette. abroad is about so much more then a and meet a few bunch of my ''The Academic Programs International pro- student's field of study- it's about life" gram in Spain is less then $7,000 a semester Henriette agrees. She believes that study- ladies." friends." and that includes tuition, housing, meals, ing abroad allows students to define them- Adam Scott '05 laundry, excursions ... and a mobile phone." selves, appreciate culture and explore veri- DeAnna Jones '05 WMC is affiliated with 25 different study ous points of view. abroad programs, including the Semester at "A student doesn't know what it means Sea program sponsored by the University of to be American until they go abroad," said Pittsburgh, College Year in Athens, Henriette. Austral.earn and the American University of Anyone wishing to study abroad for a Paris. An affiliated program has established semester, year or summer should contact a written agreement with WMC to formal- Henriette at ext. 2468 or visit the study ize association, and all affiliated courses are abroad office in 327, Lewis Hall of Science. considered WMC courses. More information can also be found at the Students who attend an affiliated program study abroad website, http:// pay for the program through the WMC Stu- w w w fa c . w m d c . e d u I For Lan g I ............................................ Office and easily transfer . their Study Abroad.htm dent Accounts : Aid that can be used for St~dy scholarships.html • Abroad: Federal Pell Grant Federal Stafford Loan "Somewhere far "It would last forever All Maryland State Grants and Scholar- away from WMC and I wouldn't need ships Online Study Abroad Program searches S.E.L.F. Loan where it's warm and to do anything." Federal SEOGG Grant sasector.html http://www Federal Perkins Loan . i s tc. there's plenty of Ted Stephen '03 search.html Online Study Abroad Scholarship frosty beverages" Physics Searches: Steve Paul '02 :.~. tt p :llwww.isle. u m n. ed u/stud y I ;~Uod~~~:~:~~~:s~t~urtesy of the WMC Business Economics ......~...•.............•••....••..•....•.•..
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