Page 119 - Phoenix2001-02
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FEATURES Wednesday, March 13, 2002 - Page II Greek Corner: Greek leaders The First Annual Faculty Art Exhibit Continued/rom page 9 represent WMC in Philadelphia pendent. They are black and of a worn shack, broken down but still standing. over a He peered white, but never gray. They have beaten fence, as if to say hello. JESSICA JONES a certain stamina and endurance. "Here in America. we think we are StaffWrilU many information sessions to ben- Sterner's story had a strong impact When they run, they create an op- Every year about 900 Greek efit his chapter (Alpha Gamma on the audience because the night tical illusion." poor, but we don't know what real leaders from here to as far north as Tau), he also attended roundtable had been videotaped. As Sterner Wasyl Palijczuk's paintings hardships are. We are lucky:' Maine gather together to better discussions where he gained ideas was telling his story, the Greek and sculptures were placed capri- "What a great variety of art their leadership abilities. This year, from leaders of other schools. leaders at the conference were ciously about the gallery. Several there is," said Palljczuk. referring "It's not whether to the exhibit. Western Maryland College sent six Wulderk says he plans to "imple- watching actual footage of the images display life, but not how or not you like it, it's how differ- Greek leaders to the Northeast ment a 10{ of new service events night. we know it. One piece featured a ent it is from what you know about Greek Leadership Association con- where we will involve the rest of This session proved to be effec- man in the Ukraine, coming out art." ference (NOLA) held in Philadel- the [Western Maryland College] tive in sending a strong message, phia. community." Wulderk has bright as did most of the other sessions. to Movie: Chocolat At the Adams Mark Hotel, ideas of campus wide fundraisers In the future, Grimmer hopes Brooke Joseph, Jamin Bartolomeo, and he plans to donate the money bring Sterner on campus to help TARA DELLAFRANZIA ing. She always wears the color Zach Wulderk, Emily Seal, Melissa raised to a charity. educate the community on drink- S/aifWriler red, which at first contributes to Grimmer, and Alice Wusinger at- Bartolomeo attended this con- ing and driving. Wulderk enjoyed Chocolat is a charming film the cautious nature of the villag- tended roundtable discussions and ference to acquire information a session led by David Stoltman so bout a young girl Anouk ers. Vianne's shop manages to information sessions from Febru- about the Inter Fraternity Council. much that the two exchanged Victoire Thivisol) and her mother ary 28 to March 3. Issues ad- Bartolomeo, who hopes to put an phone numbers and are in the pro- ianne (Juliet Binoche). The film convey the feeling of both new clothing dressed at this conference ranged IFC into practice at WMC, attended cess of scheduling an event here on pens with cinematic majesty as and old with her vivid American exotic and South from drinking and driving to orga- sessions about IFC at small col- campus he rea-hooded pair enters a small dEcor. nization recruitment. leges. He says he was able to "talk But the six leader's time away rench town during the season of The acting in Chocolat is in- Despite the large range of ses- to a lot of guys about trying to do from WMC did not consist of only em. Vianne rents a room and a it is clear from the sion topics, Grimmer, President of what they do, and gather general business. One night they were able hop, and to the dismay of the credible-while that the Comte is try- beginning Panhellenic Council, says, "No information about how small col- to go to South Street. where they omte de Reynaud (Alfred ing to stifle the passions of his matter what session you went to, leges work." With this new infor- tasted the famous Philadelphia you could relate to the topic some- marion, Bartolomeo will work with cheesesteak. ~olina), and opens Anouk a chocolaterie. to villagers (symbolized by their ivianne manage how." other fraternity chapters to estab- Another night, each leader par- harm much of the town, but en- want for chocolate), it is also One session that Grimmer lish the IFC. ticipated in a dance-a-thon to raise clear that he is evil. However, found to be valuable was "Making While each leader that attended money for St. Jude's Hospital. The ounter opposition from the instead of typifying this role, omte, who insists that chocolate the Most of a Visit From Nation- the conference had a different ex- final night of the conference, the s sinful. This film centers on the Alfred Molina presents his char- als." National organizations get a perience, all could not help but Greek leaders were invited to at- uriosity of strangers that become acter as a complex man of many visit every semester from their na- mention a moving speaker, Mark tend a banquet with all other stu- he familiarity of home. facets and inner conflicts. tional consultants, who according Sterner from Campus Speak, Inc. dents that participated. The over-arching themes of Juliet Binochecarries the film to Grimmer "have a bad rap." Sterner's program, "DUI: A Pow- Seeing that all of the leaders well, leading and charming the his session helped explain to erful Lesson," was a story of this enjoyed the conference and found hocolat are relatively simple: audience as easily as her charac- ianne and Anouk, leaders that the ccnsu Itants are man's spring break vacation, 20 it useful, the only complaint was ew outsider friends as well as a ter leads the film. She plays a they make I 1there to help the chapters. Grim- years ago. After taking shots at that the sessions were too short. woman going against the stan- mer plans to share this information home and then driving to a bar to According to uldC'"rk, the wo~k- uring the film, are outsiders. and dard, needing to make a positive hey do not attend church, with her sisters, explaining that drink more, Sterner and his friends shops "were so good students could ppear to have wandering spirits. impact on the world. having a national consultant is "a made the deadly decision to get not get deep enough into topics." ianne enjoys helping others and While Chocclar is only about it does long, seem good thing." back into the car. Because the Despite that, Bartolomeo says ixlng familial issues among the two hours The plot is predictable, longer. Wulderk, President of the Inter- driver was so drunk, he drove off the conference was a "fun experi- illagers, providing remedies Greek Council, was also fortunate of the side of the road killing all ence, and people who want to bet- rom aphrodisiac nuts to a long but the film concentrates more on If and themes. grander concepts enough to attend the NGLA con- but two of the men in the car. ter Greek life should talk to Betsy alk over hot chocolate. _ ference. Though Wulderk attended According to Bartolomeo, [Chimock] about going next year." The most symbolic object in you're in a meditative mood, or ...................................................... he movie, other than the healing desire incredible artistry in film making, Chocolat is an ideal Congratulations to the newest hocolate itself, is Vianne's cloth- movie for you. members of the Greek Community! Music: the latest from Alpha Gamma Tau: Tony Braglio, Ben Hillis, Alpha Nu Omega: Jennie Jones, Kimberly Mitch Hoffman, Cory Manyard, Mark Murphy, Lowry, Crystal McCubbin /AlanisMorissette Ronald Yard, Josh Yosuico Phi Alpha Mu: Kirsten Bauer, Alison Costa, Erin Alpha Sigma Phi: Brad Barr, Matt Cline, Jacob Fitzgerald, Jessica Guthrie, Nora Petito, Leslie Gerding, Mark Iwanoski, Andrew O'Carroll, Waller MARCUS WOODS the concept of reciprocity/People StaffWriler Mohindra Ramphal, Brad Williams Phi Mu: Lauren Angelini: Ivy Daniel, Diana honor boys like you in this soci- After her amazing debut on ety". There is also a sense of Gamma Beta Chi: Brad Darrah Fuentes, Julia Keene, Kristen Pohl, "Jagged Little Pill" and her not mellowing out and letting go of Phi Kappa Sigma: Maiciej Gajec, Brad Gra- Betsy Rosenbaum so phenomenal second album, anger. In "Surrendering" ham, Luke Hoffman, Isaac Morgan, Tim Saul, Phi Sigma Sigma: Jennifer Elliot, April "Supposed Former Infatuation Ted Stephen, Micheal Wiles Gel wicks, Adrienne Glick, Kelly Grubb, Morissette says, "1 applaud your Sigma Phi Epsilon: Justin Deprima, Shaune Tiffany Saylor Junkie", Alanis Morissette is back perseveranceJ and Iembrace you with her third album "Under Rug for your faith in the face of Kehoe, Chris Morgan Bryce Greenwood, ....................................................... Swept," after For those who thought adversarial Morissette has definitely forces/that I repre- lust that album her sent," Important Greek Life Dates Morissette was going to be a little grown This album is a lot more per- as a songwriter. less angry. you're Alanis wrong. is back, and she's full of angst. sonal than previous albums. Ev- KATHVWIl,sON Morissette chose to ditch her ery song is about Morissette. It SraifWriler long rime collaborator and pro- is Morissette's personal. intro- ducerGlen Ballard on this album. spected look at herself and her re- She produced the album, wrote all lationships. Though the cd gets Phi Mu will be holding an Easter Egg Hunt and Basket Raffle on March 30th of the lyrics. and plays most of kind of slow and dry towards the to raise money for Children's Miracle Network (CMN). The Easter Egg Hunt the instruments. The result is a middle. After hearing "A Man", wonderful album that has a whole is open to children of the faculty, staff, and community. The egg hunt will range of emotions and feelings, "Flinch", and "So Unsexy", one gets tired of her man bashing. The begin at 11 a.m. on the Quad. There will be prizes available for children. Not nearly as angry as Jagged catchiness of her latest single The basket raftle is open to students as well as to the commonity, faculty, and Little Pill. Morissette still has "Hands Clean", the tight melody she and harmony of "Surrendering", staff. TIckets will be sold outside of Glar the weeks of 3/11-3/15 and 3/25-3/29, some gripes. In "Narcissus" She and the warmth and heartfelt feel- men. sings about conceited as well as on the day of the Easter Egg Hunt. exclaims "Dear popular boy I ingsof"Utopia" are sure to make know you're used to getting ev- this cd a commercial bit and im- erything SOeasily/A stranger to press Morissette's eager fans,
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