Page 117 - Phoenix2001-02
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, An Unsung Hero: Serving salads with more than a smile FEATURES Wednesday, March 13,2002 - Page 9 KATIE CHAMPION what makes my job unique." compliments have been given on running smoothly. In the after- to know what's going on around StaffWriltr A graduate of Francis Scott Key Sandi's helpfulness, said Davidson. noon, she is in charge of one lunch campus. She has been spottedat __ Every day as the sun rises over High School in Frederick, Md., "She is almost too willing to shift and mans the register from 2- basketball games cheering on the the city of Westminster and frost Sandi has three grown children; please," Davidson said. She will 3 p.m. until her workday ends. girls who live in her apartment ,;.> still covers the ground. Sandi Zepp David, 35, who is a construction do anything to make people happy, "Sandi is great," sophomore Pat complex. leaves her Pennsylvania Avenue worker and lives in New Coyle said. "I come in every She has even been known to sit apartment and trudges up the hill Windsor, Eric, 23. who is a day for the late lunch and she' down with students in the dining to the Western Maryland College college student in Florida, and is always careful to remind me hall and start a conversation. "One campus. She starts her day as many Amy, 21, who lives with that it is just cold sandwiches day I was eating lunch and this do, making breakfast. Sandi. and salad available. She refuses woman just came down and sat But Sandi is different. This Zepp has been involved in to swipe my card until she is morning she will prepare eggs for food services for over 25 sure I know what 1 am getting with my friends and I and chatted over 300 people. years. She worked as the man- into." with us," sophomore Erich Bass said. "She's a really interesting The morning smells of Englar ager of Rinaldo's Pizza and The most noticeable trait lady and she seems Dining Hall envelops her as she be- held positions at both Martin's about Zepp that students seem us'." to care about gins preparing breakfast for the stu- and Weis grocery stores. to love is her outgoing and flir- Alan Hoyt, a member of the dents who will pass through today. Many of the Glar staff tatious personality. She is not men's basketball team, is especially As she hums to herself stirring agree that her prior experience afraid to tell it like it is. In one fond of Sandi. "I get a salad from eggs, Zepp is already full of energy with food service is what conversation with a student, in- her every day and she always has at 7 a.m. while most of the college makes her such a positive ad- stead of the usual "have a good something nice to say," Hoyt said. still sleeps. dition to the staff "Sandi is day, hun," Sandi served a plate "She brightens my day-and I think Although the college has only excellent with customer ser- of beans to a female student employed her a little more than vice. which is one of the most and followed up with "good more Glar employees should have her enthusiasm." seven months, Zepp has already important things to us. She luck with that one." At her Nevertheless, much of Sandi's become one of the better-known works well, fast and is always Caesar salad station, Sandi job is monotonous. employees on campus. here," said Brenda Davidson, knows what the students like Along with making salads for In Sandi's world, all the stu- director of operations. best. As one hurried student hours on end, she also has the task dents who stop by her caesar salad Zepp always seems willing asked what types of dressing of folding napkins for hamburgers station share one name: "sweetie." to help out other employees when like serving breakfast at 11. We were out for the day, Sandi replied and swiping cards at the register. She has come to regard the students needed. Moreover, her strong work can't be doing that." "caesar" while shaking her head But she does it all with a smile on as "my kids," flashing them smiles ethic spills over onto the students Every weekday Zepp reports approvingly and "bacon," shaking her face. and wishing a heartfelt good day she serves. Napkincommentsonce for duty and works the morning her head in disgust. The student "She definitely goes' above and to all. complained about Glar workers not shift serving breakfast. She is in chose the caesar. beyond the call of duty and we are "I like cookin' for the kids," being readily available to help the charge of preparing eggs, stocking "I love my job," Zepp said. Sandi said with a smile. "I love students. But in the short time she dessert plates, putting out fresh "The kids are all so nice." lucky to have her," Davidson said. "She is a fun person and she inter- ralkin' to them and 1 think that's has been working in Glar, many fruit and making sure everything is Sandi also makes it her business acts well with a young crowd" Members ofWMC travelto the ~aculty Art is in full ends of the earth and back /bloom at WMC -~ CLAIRE ADAMS this year was rather mild compared a correlation between diet and post- StaffWriler to past winters, with only a couple race brain function. JF.ssICA WATSON ing to sculpture and so on, another WMC may seem to be small feet of snow and an average day- Their work has been published Feafures£dil(lr display that immediately draws a and unknown at times, but it re- time temperature of 25 degrees. nationally and is even featured in a For the first time. members' of crowd is that of Katya Dogvn cently reached the ends of the Hughes also competes in the race new college Exercise-Physiology the college community and sur- Mychajlyshyn. Mychajlyshyn is earth-almost. with Case, all 100 miles. textbook. rounding areas where able to take an Art Conservator and an instruc- Multiple WMC personali- While Alaska' was used for a look at the world interpreted tor at WMC. Her works portrayed ties left a "Westminster" win- study, Antarctica was a leisure through the eyes of the art faculty a wide variety of subjects, rang- ter for even colder climates. get-away for Melhorn and his and former students ofWMC. Ev- ing from members of the college Provost Sam Case, Dr. wife. eryone views the world from a dif- community to still life. Sherri Hughes of the Psychol- After traveling twice to ferent perspective. Sunday, March Mychajlyshyn has a fascina- ogy department and sopho- the Arctic Circle, and to 3, was the opening of the first Bi- tion for and devotion to classical more Lee Geraci, a biology Alaska, Melhorn explained Annual WMC Faculty Art Ex- art, which is clearly visible and psychology major, jour- they were drawn to such hibit. From still life, to classical throughout her technique and neyed north to Alaska to con- places. techniques, to the abstract world, style. duct research. "We're attracted there be- the faculty art exhibit went above "Classical art is a simple art At the same time James cause they are places that and beyond in getting viewers ex- but it is also a lost art." she said, Melhorn, chair of the Board of people don't often go," cited about art and its many forms. "It involves working with the hu- Trustees, left to vacation in the Melhorn said. "We're attracted The Rice Gallery of Art in man form, the body. It is not south-the far south of Antarc- to the sealife and the wildlife." Peterson Hall is covered with mas- widely celebrated, and I want to rica to be exact. Melhorn, who's been a terpieces from wall to wall. Each change that." Case, Hughes and Geraci trustee of the college since piece told a story and gave insight She has several portraits of visited Big Lake, Alaska, near 1993, explained that it was the into the thoughts and minds of the members of the WMC community Anchorage, to research the ef- perfect time to visit Antarctica artists. on display. When viewing her still fects of extreme environmen- because it is summer there A popular exhibit to see is a life paintings. it is easy to notice tal conditions. hunger and lack right now, with temperatures preview of the "Birth of Venus that each one possesses bright col- of sleep on the human body. reaching into the 30s. Series," done by Susan Ruddick ors and contrast, some with thick Hughes has been teaching While they had to remain Bloom. Bloom is a professor and brush strokes and layers. They all at WMC for 13 years. This is on a ship the entire time, he the chairperson of the Dept. of look so real. her fifth time making the trip L_-"'-"=~~imtI~~ said they saw an abundance of Arts and Art History. It is a series Looking at the display by to do this. whales, penguins, seals, and ofthe interpretations oftheGreekl Linda Van Hart, one might notice Why go all the way to icebergs. Roman goddess Venus/Aphrodite that all of her pieces had a com- Alaska to do that? "It's almost indescrib- throughout time and different cul- mon theme. Well, Case pointed out there is Case said that plenty of research able," Melhorn said, attempting to tures. Bloom has been photo- "They arc all meditation a good reason-the annual on such athletes has been done in describe the icebergs. "It'sjustthe graphing interpretations of Venus/ pieces," Van Hart said. "They are Iditasport race. a hundred mile trek normal climates. The cold adds a size of them and the beautiful col- Aphrodite in museums world- internal, calm, unconcerned, and in the middle of an Alaskan win- different dimension into how the orsthatreflectoffthem." wide, including Athens. Paris. private." They symbolize rebirth ter. body acts. Melhorn said that the trip was London, and beyond. and relaxation. and have a reoc- "You can do it on foot, on a bi- Hughes joined the group to re- both leisure and educational. Re- The finished product is a.mix- curring image of a zebra. cycle, on skies or on snowshoes," search the psychological aspects of searchers and scholars living in rure of classical art and contem- "The zebra will not be con- Case explained. the racers, and Geraci assisted in Antarctica came on the ship and porary art, with an emphasis on fined;" she said, "they are inde- As a veteran researcher and par- collecting data. gave lectures on the area and wild- the beauty of the female body. ticiparu of the race, Case noted that Case explained that they found life. As viewers move from paint- Continued on page} J
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