Page 114 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 114
Wednesday. March 13,2002 - Page 6 COMMENTARY Staff A message for the graduating class Editors-In-Chief Steve Sharkey offers his Now I am not suggesting fU j Edward K. Schultheis '03 perspective on dealing with senior and do everything for yourself. that you go out and they will probably be here afterwards. it can be fun to be a part of a times But, I am Many Matthew E. Hurff '03 ~ year. suggesting that when you take up an activ- group or organization, sometimes you might ity, a job. or a duty make sure you know why do something new and innovative that will News Editor For all of you Seniors out there I have a you are doing it. make things better for the future members LeRoy McDuffie '05 memo: We are graduating in less than 100 Right now I am talking to everyone, but of that organization or the whole campus days. I am really talking to all of you people that community. Assistant News Editor For all of you that are sleeping this could will do things "because if Idon't nobody else But are those lillie things that overrun Stacey Myers be a pretty big wake up call. When some- will," or because "that is the way we have our lives really worth it? one told me about the situation it made me always done things." Iwould say n~ My best memories from think about my last four years. I was definitely that person at different this college include those lazy days on the Features Editor Wow- that went by fast. I have had a times and at different times I did things for quad, that one great party or the days that 1 Jessica Watson '05 lot of great times here. But, for much of the myself. played pickup football. time I neglected myself. The point Iam trying to get across is that I never remember all so well the details Assistant Features Editor I always finished my schoolwork and I your time is yours. not others. If a task that of the meetings Iwent to. That means that I usually had enough time for some fun, but I seems unimportant to you is really impor- think we should all enjoy these days. Tammi Slater '03 did not always save enough time for myself. tant enough, then someone else will do it. After you have devoted enough time for First off I didn't exercise. If you didn't no- yourself then you can start devoting your Commentary Editor tice you can tell by my big beer belly that time to others. Erin Romanski '04 hangs out over my jeans. After you have devoted Don't.get caught up by the tide of life. If Also Inever took time out to think about enough time for yourself you do you are going to be 40 years old and Assistant Commentary Editor what I was really doing and where I was re- say to yourself "is this my life" Now I try to Donna Hurd '03 ally going. then you can start work out and enjoy everyday. r spent much of the lime just riding the devoting your time to Does this mean you should do this too? current. I would have something to do so I Maybe, i,,"you want to. But at least you Sports Editor would just do it, but I would never remem- others. should all think about what your actions Greg Lederer '03 actually focus on why I was doing mean to you and what they really mean to things. Isuspect many of you have the same If it isn't, then it just won't get done. Are other people. Assistant Sports Editor problems. those things that you think make all the dif- Maybe Iam writing this because Iam de- Chris Taugher '02 Starting last semester I started asking ference in the world always that important? lusional and I am experiencing senioritis. those questions about my daily activities. I Iwill take an analogy that one of my first But maybe I am just trying to pass on some Senior Writers would look at each thing Idid and ask why? bosses told me and I honestly do not know ideas to all of you. with me - well where it came from. Do you have to agree Claire Adams '02 Many things I found that I did were for He told me that when you leave a place no. But if you are still reading this then you Michael Jenkinson '02 . someone else, and many times not even be- it's like having your hands in a bucket of are hopefully at least thinking about what I cause they really asked me to do it. water. When you pull your hands out, the have said. Staff Writers Many of the things I was doing were for water comes back and fills in the space that And that is all I really wanted you to do Katie Champion'04 the graduate school admissions committees. you took up. in the first place. .. ...,_"'!". Tara Dellafranzia '03 >~~:;:~il;:: :ee:~J ~~ta~;;o;~~~ep~e:~?i" do !:;e ;!~~~yti;;~ ~:;~~sya;: c~~k: :e~~ -Steve Sharkey is a senior Colby Goodrum '04 Political Science major. Dan Hamvas '02 Take every opportunity to enjoy travel Marcus Helton '02 Jessica Jones '03 Over lan Term I had a startling realiza- Then sat down and talked with some decided that Orlando had enough activities Steve Sharkey '02 tion that many other Juniors and Seniors have alumni of my high school over the break who to please all eight of us. So we booked the Jill Thalhimer '04 probably had recently along with millions are now seniors or just graduated college. trip and slowly made the payments. '(IIjl I Heather Weiss '04 of college grads before us. What is that re- They all recommended that I travel more The grads I talked to about the trip said Michael Wiles '03 alization you ask? with my friends because once you leave col- that it would be worth the money by far and Kathy Wilson '04 Well, it is something we all know: col- lege it is very difficult to get a group together it would be one of the things that would defi- I sat and thought Marcus Woods '03 lege goes really fast. this fact, and the only of at the same time because of work schedules, nitely help me get the most out of my col- family, grad schooLetc. lege experience. ways J could change Steve Zamagias '02 thing I could really think of was become a That made me very encouraged about this I guess the moral of the story would be lifetime student. Unfortunately, that is not spring break. In the fall, a few of my friends that to get the most out of college, you should Adviser realistic option, so I wondered what else I and Idecided that we had enough of the cold take some chances and enjoy yourself while Terry Dalton could do. northeast and that we wanted to spend spring you can. I break in Florida. -Matt Hurff is a junior English The Phoenix is published biweekly. Th ~ons expressed do not necessarily represent those of The Phoenix staff, the faculty, or the administrators ofWMC. PhiMu The paper welcomes free-lance submissi~ns Basket Raffle and Easter Egg Hunt on Macintosh disks in most word processo~for- mats. The editors reserve the right to edit for larity, length, and libel and to publish as ~~ permits. All submissions (excluding self-ad- dressed diskettes) become the property of Th [phoenix and cannot be returned . Please include a name and phone numbe or verification. Names will be withheld only by !me discretion of the Editors-in-Chief. CanIe GUt and ~ the Q\i!drerl'a MIrw:1B Nrtwcri: The Phoenix does not discriminate based on Tho QIIId.., w....... MaryIood c.I. ~~. race! religion, gender, sexual orientation. w.....: $o;turcIQy. M_ 30 _: !nattonal origin. condition of handicap, or mari- n....: Tho _ bogI.. at 11... ~status. What to e..r-t: l'Ii_ for 0111_. _ boolct _. Mail to: ........... .,__~~ and Q whole lot of fUrlIIlI DIM....,."'"" The Phoenix Matt Hurff -- WMC, 2 College Hill '_Mol Weslminster,MD21157 (410)751-8600 as active and enjoy more of each and every FAX (410)857-2729 day. But then I realized that by doing so I _rafflotick&ts";ll be .. ldtho_ of _U"'·I,""""z5"'-29"'dt.rillJl- E-Mail: would be changing the college experience lmchand_ thae-I have had thus far, and I really don't want to do that. just prolong the inevitable.
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