Page 111 - Phoenix2001-02
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NEWS Wednesday, March 13,2002 - Page 3 Campus Safety Blotter Cadets in Training ... ebruary 8, 2002: Over 150 people February 10.2002: Anonymous ti n the Pennsylvania House Apart- by student of smell of marijuana. lent; extremely loud, and under- students cited by Westminster Polic ge possession of alcohol. (Whiteford Hall). acrosse ebruary 9. 002: Vend- oalie Brian ng machine andalismon he basement ottingham's loor of hiteford arne was pelled incorrectly, etween stu- entandnon- tudent. at Gunn Plaza. No crimi- February 10,2002: A possible rres is last name al charges filed. pass occurred in McDaniel Hal when an unidentified individual en as spelled ebruary 9, 2002: 2 non-students tered a donn room ited for underage alcohol posses- ion at Eldcrdice Hall. February 10,2002: An anonymous nottingham call was made to a student room ebruary 10, 2002: Minor in pos- This situation takes on a suspicion session of alcoholic beverage at the nature in light of an earlier inciden arden A artmenrs. in the same room. Rate training at Ft. Indiana brings unity among cadets ~m11wo~1~rOOm Continued/rom page 1 all have a great time doing them," who have a scholarship from the II~~~ruJ~100 Chrisrake said. "There is nothing Army and will be commissioned as like the success of accomplishing officers upon graduation, said Sam picks Ridgeview Chase Apartmnts a difficult problem and doing it as Christake. a team." The weekend is also free for stu- The students also participate in dents. "Good old Uncle situational tactical exercises, which up the check," Christake said. are like simulated war games, ''The Army provides the equip- Chrisrake said. ment, food, transportation and the During these exercises, the ca- sleeping quarters." ·Piclure Yourself Uving in n Gorgeow j dets are given a mission and a chain Aside from the fun and games, of command to accomplish a goal. the cadets also have a chance to ex- lI'Irge Aparlmenl Home in a Peat"eful Some of the goals may include re- perience Army discipline during the connaissance, bunker assault, and weekend, Wick said. area ambushes, he said. The students are expected to get Valley with a Pictllresllue View, Sometimes the cadets are chal- up at 6 a.m. each morning and clean lenged with resistance from in- the bathrooms and barracks before structors who act as the enemy, of- breakfast, Wick said. Featuring: ten in the form of a sniper or an Then, after a long day of field ex- ambush on their unit, Cbnsrake ercises, the students have classes or said. discussions about what happened Although no real weapons are during the day. -Best Schools used during these exercises, all Plus, each student usually has to ·1 BR$768 other aspects of the training are pull at least a half an hour of watch made as realistic as possible. each night, and the shift might start ..2BR/1Bath $818 ..Pool &FitnessCenter Movement techniques are em- at 2 a.m., she said. ployed and proper gear and cam- But Wick doesn't mind at all. ouflage are worn, Christake said. Being in the Army, and participat- -2 BR/2Bath $848 -25112 Minutes to Baltimore, Normally during the weekend, ing in the discipline the Army supervised cadets are given the op- teaches gives her a sense of purpose. ..Full SizeWasher & Hanover, Frederick portunity learn how to operate and "ROTC is fun because you meet fire MI6-A2 assault rifles on a rifle different people," she said. "After range, said Christake. 9-11 it made you feel like you were Dryer ·PrlvateLocatl~ns However, due to the increased part of something - like you were security following the September doing something real." -large Balconyor Patio -EasyAccessto 31, II attacks, the ROTC program was Check out the photo above, unable to receive any Ml6's from which shows some ROTC cadets in the Maryland National Guard, said training. -1YltiIeIIIPpRes /ast Rt. 795, Rt.70 to 270 Torres. • Attention As a result, the students will be using simulated M16's, affection- organizations: ately called "rubber duckies" in as your group done Cau (410) 857·9500 Today their training, said sophomore Ca- mething has not been det Eliza Wick. overed by the Phoenix, let us FreeGift When YouTour The exercise is mandatory for all contracted cadets, but is volun- now. We would like to keep Berbl1ireR"t~ Holdiltgll.P. 5% Discount With this AD tary for all other ROTC students, he rest of the college said Torres. ommunity informed of what Contracted cadets are students ou are doing or working on.
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