Page 110 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 110
Wednesday, March 13, 2002 - Page 2 N~WS Nominations for Understanding pigeons may lead to medical Phenomenal Women at breakthroughs for humans I from page continued Western Maryland College cages. The birds are not hooked up to any consistently make, McDevitt said. receiving rather, the experiments sort of machinery; involve AI! of the choices be- are all based on observing the birds' havior when they are placed in certain situ- food, but the delay in how long it takes to on what color key get the food depends ations. light the pigeon chooses, McDevitt said. PHENOMENAL WOMEN 2002 The experiments are designed to study Previous research suggests that pi- the way living creatures learn, McDevitt geons value knowing exactly when the said. In the study of experimental analy- food will come versus receiving food at • M$. So"" Abbol, Sf.1 • M.. C~ .. Adom •• SI..d.,1 sis of behavior. psychologists believe that random intervals, and the students are • 0,., Jellnnc ... l.."tuHI' "f Soclol WCIf'k there are basic stages of learning that are hoping to test this theory, McDevitt said. • M,- Qob;" B..enfo,., Ow.cto.. of Alu",nl Rdal,otI$ common to all animals, she said. The students in the class are divided .M'-U"....,B,.,nNR •• St..J...f The more advanced the species is, the in to pairs, and each pair shares a bird. • M,- Ii- Ca_" Ho.uckcoP'f" more levels of learning it possesses. How- The students alternate days when they • tvk 11&.., Jo Col!.", DlI«iDP of Goof_nee ~M~' ever, the most basic level is common to come to train the bird, said junior psy- • 0 •• Jo...t ec,.1.'1. Coo,dtllClkw J Dcof fducationSuppo..t all creatures. • M .. Kothc.i ... Cousln" Cao.,Iiookw J Specbl f ...nb chology major Jenny Wetzel, but the train- the pigeons, • M,- Ne~ fCllski. 8t...fils and E",pIo.,,_nl MonaqC"f'cf H"tnOn RcwuI'R' Therefore, by studying are able to in- ing time is consistent each day. o..t.-al . McDevitt and her students For freshman psychology major James • M,. EI~_ Gelnoan. Aobb"llA .... 1cr of n..."...:ial ~ vestigate the basic laws of learning, she Dillard, working with the bird is his fa- • MI_ Slacl Gco.q.. Sf...J.,,1 - . said. vorite part of the class, even though she's • Ms. Qoct.L Giq._. McDevitt chose pigeons over other lab not the most docile of the animals. • Ms_ MofttOHl Goif&... 5.<.. 10", of DJ'II(aI5c:~ and 'nt._lienal SI.JIH animals because she prefers working with "My bird has a bad temper; she got ~.t_f • D... Etl'- Iq'itl.. PfIOftttof' af &oIoq1J Owpa..tnwnl them, and they have superior eyesight, away once," Diller said. "Luckily though, • 0 •. V.,., JoLcbq. Chell. cf PhobopblJ and Rlilliqlou, Studl" Otpcl...ttnt.f which is important in tests where they have Dr. McDevitt was there to catch her. But • M •• C'Inl .Icrtn.. S~t . to distinguish between colors, she said. there are other birds who are very calm." • MI. BarLa K."st._, Pa.,"01l o.J AcCOUftbPa'lotl. Mc."octef' "Pigeons are nice animals, they're not To get the birds from the cage to the • M,- Joan LusL.,. c-.lficd Phq'idon Pwldon' of 1-1.0111.SC....1ws aggressive," McDevitt said. "Rats have plexiglass testing chamber, the students • MI. R.t.w. M.,,.f;n. Senio c-dinofoo. cf Dhlj,iQ)1 DL,nt ior psychology major Jamin Bartolomeo. Diller said. • 0._ Mor~'1" S .....t. Cl.. ...ioal H.,q1eM OrfiuJlnd_lo. cf a..mi,l..., Operant conditioning is a voluntary be- The students also take precautions to o.po.t., • Mt.-U"ka Tafu"" Sf.1 havior that revolves around choice. Once make sure the birds remain healthy. "We • M,. N~cli T' the pigeons have been trained to under- weigh each bird daily, to make sure they • (),.. Mc:..... lJpma., l.tllfOe' ef f_lqn L.fKJ"'"'I.' D.:.".,pfmenl stand the available choices, they will then do not go below an 80% weight." • M,. PIIQ(I'IWood. led_. of Mw{. Dc".,..1... nl go through an experiment to determine • , 5J.w:,..JaWil_. Re.ldcrw:c lif. G-Ilnalo .. what the pigeons value by what choice they Includes cut & finish. Coupons cannot be Are you combined. With coupon. Expires 316102. interesting in writing or For your convenience we're open: Mon.thru Fri.gam· 7pm • Sat.8am· 6pm Meetings • Sun. lOam· 5pm College Square on Monday Shopping Center r---------- 444 WMC Driv~' ' r PERM SALE nights. at" Westminster 410.857.0520 I c $45.00& 6 p.m. 410·85 7·08~8,1I(;'H. Call x ,8600 .(Next to Safe way)
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