Page 109 - Phoenix2001-02
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Phoe!! Luncheon awards de- serving women ofWMC JESSICA WATSON Features Editor Phenomenal women across campus, nominated by their peers, students, coworkers, and supervi- sors, were honored at the Third Annual Phenomenal Women's lun- cheon on March 7. The even was co-sponsored by the office of Multicultural Services and the Women's Issues Group. "We are here to acknowledge and show appreciation to women on campus who have made a dif- ference," said Carolyne Wanga, graduate assistant of Multicultural the nominations," said Jill Krebs, Services. This award was started president of the Women's Issues three years ago by Mary Grace Group. Those who weren't chosen Almandrez, Director of considers Redfearn to be a true phe- as recipients weregryen a certifi- interesting \ Multicultural Services. nomenal woman on campus. cate of honorable mention. Those "I started this because I noticed "This luncheon is for everyone chosen attended the luncheon. that hard working women weren't who knows a workday doesn't end Each received a certificate of ap- training getting recognition, and I wanted at 4:30 or when you go home," said preciation, an inspirational book if to give the community a chance to Almandrez. This year, 62 women they were nominated more than show their gratitude," said were nominated for the award, once, and two copies of the poem weekend Almandrez. With this in mind, which is the largest that they have "Phenomenal Woman." Almandrez thought long and hard ever had. Only 30 could be cho- ''To be phenomenal is a privi- STACEY MYERS about what to call this award. "I sen as recipients. lege and a responsibility. The pur- Assistant News Editor cadets "What's the deal with pose of having two poems is to pass of ROTC The left campus in WMC's Army [he cycle one on and continue Friday for a courses, weekend of obstacle Almandrez ori- said. affirmation," It has been a tradition all the pigeons?!?" Redfearn do a dramatic that Maya entations and leadership training. ex- presenta- The semi-annual field training tion "Phenomenal Woman" of the poem luncheon. This ercise, held at Fort Indian Town from March Gap, Pa., lasted 8 to at this time Almandrez took a differentap- 10. proach. Freshman LaShawn Eley About 35 WMC students joined recited the poem instead as a trib- 15 students from Mount Saint ute to Redfearn. At one point in Mary's College for the exercises her presentation Eley forgot her last weekend, said Captain Ricardo line, and Redfearn filled in. It was R. Torres, Assistant Professor of a moment of union and empower- Military Science. ment for phenomenal women ev- During the weekend, the stu- - - - erywhere. Eley circled around ev- dents hone their navigational and Inside ery table and recited the last line teamwork skills through challenges with her hand resting upon like the "MacGuyverCourse," said Redfearn's shoulder. sophomore Cadet Pete Christake. "I wasn't planning to end it like In this challenge, each team of stu- that," said Eley, "but I'm glad I dents is given a specific problem am DellaFranzia explored the pre did." and the materials to help solve it, iferation of those confusing DB The last lines of Maya and they are timed on how well umper stickers that can be seen al Angelou's poem read "Now you they find a solution. 00 frequently on the road. ~ 'understand just why my head's not For example, the learn may bowed. I don't shout or jump about have to cross a broken bridge, or have to talk real loud. When you 'Christake said. However. they only twhat are your plans for Sprin see me passing, it ought to make have planks thai are too short to ~reak 2002? Check out what kind you proud. I say, it's the click of make it across, some rope and a f exciting Spring Breaks fello my heels, The bend of my hair, The barrel. All of the items have to tudents would love to go on. palm of my hand, The need for my come across the bridge with the Student Jamin Bartololmeo, holding a pigeon in the care. 'Cause I'm a woman phe- cadets, and the entire team must ind out how the WMC Basebal new psychology lab. Read the story on the front nomenally. Phenomenal woman, make it across, he said earn has performed thus far as the page for more information about the new addition. that's me." "These are really fun. and we repare to travel to Cocoa Beach List of recipients on page 2 Continued on page 3 fL °for a Spring Break tour.
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