Page 108 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 108
creeR SOIIfIs Ti1ffl1r Volume XXII Number 2 Western Maryland College Women's Basketball wins Conference Championship, prepares for March Madness Historic season center Kris Brust positioned herself more chance to win the game but continues in the well for the rebound and grabbed their attempt falJ out and the Green vic- at a last second the ball and was fouled. With just tory would playoffs two seconds left on the clock, Brust Terror won a thriller 53-52. calmly sank two key foul shots to After their close win, WMC win the game for the Green Terror earned a spot in the Centennial Soons Eanor 70-68. Conference championship game When the Western Maryland The team was lead by star fresh- against-Swarthmore College at the College Women's basketball team man guard Kelly Camp's 15 points Gill Center. met for practice in the winter of and junior guard Jennifer Behind their home crowd, the 2001, one of their main goals was Piccolomini contributed 13 points Green Terror would build an early to win a Centennial Conference and 4 steals on defense in the criti- lead from the start and cruise to an Championship. Currently riding a cal win. impressive 66-38 win. seven game winning streak, the The Green Terror went on the The team came out playing , squad reached their goal and won road to Allentown, PA for the first strong team defense and took the the prized Conference trophy. The round of the Centennial Confer- opponent out their game early on team can look: towards March Mad- ence championships against their way to building a command- ness to continue their sparkling sea- Muhlenberg College. ing 29-12 halftime lead. son. From the start, both teams Piccolomini had a big day for Torquanfy for the Conference played laugh defense and points the team with 14 points, including champfcnship tournament, the were hard [0 come by as WMC held eclipsing the 1,000 point mark for Green Terror had a strong obstacle a slim 31-29 lead at the half. her career at WMC. down the nets 'after winning the Centennial Conference in tough conference rival, Johns With the second half. neither Toby McIntire had another and Men's Lax looks for Hopkins. In front of a raucous team could build a sizable lead and strong came with 9 rebounds home crowd, WMC came out the game remained undecided un- three assists and Kris Brust came strong and took a 38-28 halftime til the last minute of regulation. off the bench to score 13 points in first Conference title lead. With under a minute left in the the victory. In the second half, the Bluejays contest, the Green Terror led 53- Following their Centennial wouldn't go away and spent the 50 until Muhlenberg hit a short Conference championship, the MIKE JENKINSON next 20 minutes chipping away at jumper to close the lead to 53-52. Green Terror women can now wait PhoenixSlaif and defense, there are 8 out of ten the Green Terror lead until the fi- On the next possession, the to find out their opponent in the The WMC men's Lacrosse guys on the field that had experi- nal seconds of the game. Mules fouled WMCguard first round of the NCAA Division team has recorded two consecutive ence from the year before. Coach With 18 seconds on the clock Piccolomini and sent her to the foul three Basketball tournament. 11- 4 seasons, and are poised to Reitenbach says "The losses (Riley and the score knotted at 68, WMC line for two shots with seven sec- It has been a historic season for make a run at their first conference and Sweeney) are huge, but 12 of sophomore guard Toby McIntire onds left on the clock. women's basketball at WMC and championship. our top 15 guys from last season drove the ball to the hoop and threw She missed both of her at- the season isn't over yet with hopes Last season saw the Terror are back." up a shot that missed, but junior tempts. and the home team had one of playoff glory looming. record a victory over Washington Included in that bunch were the College, a powerhouse in men's two leading scorers from last year's Division-III Lacrosse. To win the team, Tom Brown and Joe Ellis conference title. however, they are who tied with 98 points a piece. going to need to surpass both These two attackers will play with Washington and Gettysburg. The freshmen Rob Weaver. Bullets are coming off a season With training camp time over where they finished 2nd in the the team is ready to settle into their country, and remain one of the elite season. With starters returning at programs in the nation. every position, they hope their ex- Senior goal keeper Brian perience is enough to improve on Knottingham summed up the sea- the II win mark.; son outlook. "We've got to make The Defensive team is lead by sure we don't lose any of the games senior Jason Wiles. Wiles will be we should win. But Gettysburg and without his number one running Washington are definitely the two buddy to start the year. Steve Ma- toughest teams on our schedule. To son broke his hand in the pre- do well, we have to get through our season. conference first." Although expected to return at Another obstacle to overcome some point, Mason will definitely is making up for the losses of Team be out at the time of the opener. MVP Dave Riley, and All-Ameri- Senior Scott Armstrong will take can Brett Sweeney. Fortunately for his place in the starting lineup. A the Terror, almost all of the other contributor and hard worker for contributors from last. years team years, this will beArmstrong's first return this season. opportunity as a starter. Josh All told, there are 38 guys on Hanlon will be the other defensive WMCfans cheer the Woman's Basketball team on to a last-minute 70-68 victory in the Centennial Conference the team this year. On both offense Championship game against Johns Hopkins University on Saturday. Continued Page. 14
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