Page 106 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 106
Wednesday. February 27. 2002 - Page 14 SPORTS restlers .CC Title ling the offensive boards with great inten- missed the shooting of sophomore Sam The future of the WMC Men's Basket- sity and success. In his final game, Sean Anstead as an injury caused him to miss al- ball team is more optimistic than one might 'ripped down 13 rebounds and also contrib- most all of the games. first imagine. uted 12 points. In the paint, Jon Pearson, Andrew Slye, Despite finishing the season with a dis-." The Green Terror men's may not have and Sylvanus Adenaike provide height, mal record of 6-19, the majority of the team experienced the success that most teams strength, and mobility. Pearson finished 11th will be able to return next season with the hope for. Looking at the season a little closer in the Centennial Conference in rebounds per mentality instilled by this season's seniors. though, a6-19 record is not as bad as it looks. game. Seniors Teron Powell, Jack Kowalik, end The team was under the guidance of a Also James Jegede can leap high and pro- Sean Minnier have lead by example, show- new head coach, the third different head vide a player capable of grabbing a rebound ing their younger teammates the desire and coach in the last 3 years. In addition, inju- and starting a fast break by himself. dedication needed to succeed. ries to several key players also caused prob- With the frustrating 200 1-02 season over lack Kowalik lead the 2001-02 Green terns with cohesion and cooperation as new for the men's basketball team, they can now Terror by being productive in several often- players were constantly being shuffled into focus on improving (or next year. sive areas of the game, finishing among the the game. Many players will be able to return with Centennial Conference's best in scoring av-: A third factor also contributed to the dif- the experience gained from a tough sched- erage, field goals made, and three-point field ficulty of the season-. the schedule. The ule and knowledge from this year's seniors. goal percentage. Green Terror played several difficult teams Thus despite a negative appearance, Green Besides putting up impressive numbers including the defending national champion Terror fans should be optimistic about their for the Green Terror, Jack displayed to his Catholic University, nationally ranked team and next season. teammates a will to succeed, and a never- Franklin and Marshall twice, Gettysburg give-up attitude. _ twice, and a non-conference game against Only one word is needed to describe the the Division-I Princeton Tigers. play of the Green Terror's Teran Powell: So now with this season over, the men hustle. Teran's hustle and drive propelled will definitely want to put the painful him past his opponents. thoughts behind them without forgetting the Arguably the most athletic individual on lessons learned from their three seniors. the court, Teron boxed-out for rebounds in Looking ahead to the possibilities of next the paint and defended guards on the perim- season, head coach lay Dull will be capable eter. Teron also could bring the ball up the ofretuming 13 players to his roster. Among court and post-up smaller defenders. In the the 13 players are several gifted shooters and Green Terror's final game of the season intense rebounders. against Washington College, Teran scored Alan Hoyt, Greg Hill, and Adam Hynes, 24 points while also grabbing 8 rebounds and all provide accurate 3-point shots as they dishing out 5.ass'ists. each made 18,24, and 20 3-pointers respec- Providing an example not seen on the tively. Remarkably, Greg Hill was shooting scoring sheet was senior Sean Minnier. Sean over 45% from beyond the arc before an in- ·trAA-fd&i d spark to the WMC offense by hit- 'jury ended his season. The Green Terror also C 'f' 95k»~~o Main Street Deli. Bakery, and Catering ~xxelb';tZ 17 East Main St. Westminster, MD 410-848-8996 Bring your college ID and get 1 M-5at.8:30a.m.-5:30p.m., Sun. Closed large pizza and a 6-pack of FREE DELIVERY!!! domestic bottled beer for $13.50 $15.00Minimum, Please allow one hour delivery time. "Largest Overstuffed Sandwiches in Maryland" (Must be 21 years of age) located across from the CC library or 1 large cheese pizza for $7.99. 10% off We are located next to Safeway on al/ sandwiches with student 10
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