Page 107 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 107
SPORTS Wednesday, February 27, 2002 ~Page 15 GREG LEDERER SpQrlsEdilOr slim 25-19 victory. and sophomore Drew Reinecker. Johns came back and picked up On January 20th, the Green Ter- It has been a spectacular season a critical decision for the team at ror hosted a Quad-meet, involving for the Western Maryland College 157 pound weight class to help the Wilkes University, Delaware State, Wrestling team as they have a siz- team gain a split at the meet. and Howard University. zling 16-1 record, including victo- Despite an injury depleted ros- In their first match against ries in 9 out of their last ten ter, the Green Terror looked to pick Wilkes University, the team came matches. up a win against tough conference back from a rugged start to take a With their regular season over, rival, Gettysburg. The team won sixth the Green Terror is hoping for suc- WMC dominated the contest 28-11 victory. clashes to take the con- consecutive cess in the postseason. from the start and cruised to a 37- test. Victory was the theme of the "The season went weIJ," said [2 victory. Bobbitt picked up the junior Bill Bobbitt. "We haven't sale pinfall on the night for the day for the team as they swept the meet two with more over wins had OUf entire team together this Green Terror at the 165 pound Delaware State 33-15 and Howard season because of injuries, but we weight class. University (24-21). were still ranked 15th in the coun- One of the highlights of the sea- The team is optimistic about try." son for the Green Terror was their their postseason chances. "If we On February 9th, the Green Ter- had our entire team in the lineup, ror faced one of their biggest tests "We haven't had we would be unbelievable and defi- of the season as they entertained the our entire team nitely a legit top five team," said 4th ranked in the nation, Kings junior Eric Bartczak. College, along with Messiah Col- together this season Despite many injuries, the lege ina tri-meet. Green Terror had a strong [7-2 Despite missing senior national because of injuries, mark. qualifier Vinny Pedalino and jun- but we were still With a collection of young and ior Davey Blake, WMC started off experienced competitors healthy on on fire by winning three of the first ranked 15th in the the roster, the team is prepared to four matches to begin the contest make a huge splash at the Centen- and took a considerable 16-6 lead. country. " nial Conference Championships at Ursinus College on February 16th. At the I~ weight class, -eut Bobbitt Correction super. rrestrffian Dan Patterson January 23rd match against York The Phoenix would like to picked up a huge come from be- College. apologize to the WMC wrestling hind win and has only lost one Before a huge home crowd, team for the mishap in the last match the entire season. WMC dominated theirnon-confer- edition of the Phoenix. Enclosed The opposition would fight ence foe to a 35- 6 count. Davey to the left is the story that was back and tie the match at 16-16 and Blake began the scoring for learn placed on the back page of the spoil the return of previously in- with an 8-2 victory at 141. pounds issue, but due to problems was not jured seriior star Rob Johns to take and soon after his brother Mikey, placed there. Once again. the a 25-19 win. The loss was only the who picked up a win at, 149 pounds. Phoenix would like to apologize second setback of the season for the Also victorious on the day for for the mistake and reiterate toot Green Terror._ The team would re- the team were Pedalino, Patterson, we do support all athletic teams bound in their match against Mes- senior Andy Chencharik, freshman at the College and will continue siah College, as they picked up a Dan Riggs, senior Chris McNally, to do so in the future. Celica- The Inside Story On the outside, it's easy to see that Celica is race-track .) inspired. But the real excitement is on the inside ...under the hood. Take the Celica GT~S... Toyota worked with Yamaha to build a 180 HP engine redlined at 7800 RPM equipped it with Variable Valve Timing with intelligence a computer that constantly monitors and retunes your engine for maxi- :::1 mum performance ...a cam with two sets of lobes to provide Driving a new Toyota is easier than ever - two ranges of valve lift and duration for more usable horse- power. There's direct ignition for greater reliability . because now your Toyota dealer has a special college graduate iridium-tipped .spark plugs for reduced maintenance a financing program available thru Toyota Financial Services stainless steel exhaust manifold ...a water ..cooled oil cooler. that offers a lot of great advantages. And mated with Toyota's 4~speed electronically-controlled automatic "Sportshift", you get transmission shift switches So if you're within 4 months of graduation ... or if you graduated within the past two years...Seeyour Toyota dealer for details. on the steering wheel. ..just like Formula 1 race cars. Sweet,
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