Page 102 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 102
Wednesday, February 27, 2002 - Page 10 FEATURES 60 Seconds What do you think the next Olympic sport should be? ________ B,y:Brad Widner the most exciting aspect of the course is the interdisciplinary approach which exempli- Student smokers who want to kick the fies the liberal 'arts curriculum. According habit may get an added bonus next fall: four to him, no other college or university offers college credits. such a comprehensi ve smoking cessation Western Maryland College is currently course. designing an ihterdisciplinary--smokin-g "The opportunity for WMC to be a pio- "truths" course that will take students neer really appealed to me," said Krahling- through the academic components surround- Haddad. ing the cigarette industry as well as a five- In the preliminary stages of applying for week intensive cessation program. While funding for the class, Krahling-Haddad is "Kicking the Habit with looking to individuals such as alumni and Tobacco Truths" is designed for smokers, the friends of the college and large organizations course will be open to the entire campus, such as the Robert Wood Johnson Founda- maybe even faculty. tion to supply grant money. He is even go- The class was offered this spring, but ing to the pharmaceutical companies that postponed until the fall because of lacking manufacture smoking cessation products "Skateboarding." ''Ultimate frisbee because enrollment. such as Nicorette gum. -Jeremy Robinson '04 I can throw a frisbee." Communications department chairper- The Carroll County Health Department son, Dr. Robert Lemieux, first thought of anticipates giving the college a gram for the Business/Economics Ken Bertkau '05 developing the course while listening to course pending completion of necessary pa- Undecided guest lecturer and smoking cessation expert, perwork. The grant will come from the Ciga- Dr. Arnold (Skip) Amass, addressed his rette Restitution Fund, which is ironically health communication class last year. Ac- funded by the cigarette companies. The CRF cording to Lemieux, a lightbulb went off. was established as a result of a multi-state "1 thought, wouldn't it be interesting to settlement with the tobacco industry in 1998. offer a smoking cessation course with an Barbara White, coordinator of the CRF academic component," said Lemieux. "I did for Carroll County, actively participated in some research and found that no course re- the initial planning of the course. White ally educates on the cultural issues like poli- hopes that the class will spark student inter- tics, biology, marketing and communica- est in tobacco control, an industry that cur- tion." rently lacks qualified workers. Lemieux sought out the help of Dr. "Because of the recent surge in funding, Herbert Smith in the political science depart- there is a lot of interest in tobacco control ment, Dr.Sam Alspach of the biology depart- right now. This course will give students a ment and Mr. Joseph Carter. a lecturer in the great background." said White. eco'"\omics department, Ito create this multi- But the lack of student support for the faceted course. The four faculty members class this semester could mean there isn't "The involuntary luge.... will each teach a comprehensive two-and-a- enough interest on campus. Lemieux be- it sounds like fun." half week curriculum that explores the ef- lieves the low class enrollment was partially fect their respective field has on the ciga- due to misleading advertising: Phil d'Adamo '05 rette industry. Sophomore biology major, Katherine Vi, Undecided Amass, a WMC alum, will teach students didn't even know the course was being of- how to "kick the habit" during the conclud- fered. But Yi doesn't really believe she would ing five weeks of the semester. Students who be a good candidate for the course. successfully complete the course will be rec- "I don't think I'd be interested in the ognized as certified Smoking Cessation Fa- course because 1 don't smoke and almost cilitators by the American Cancer Society. none of my friends do." said Yi. "I've been However, successful completion is not con- pretty much hammered by the subject." tingent upon the student successfully quit- Yi's did have some advice to interest more ting smoking; that's just the optimal out- students. She recommended that the course come. fulfil a BLAR, or some other graduation re- After drafting the initial idea, Lemieux quirement such as an EPE course. Accord- pitched the course to Steve Krahling- ing to Lemieux, suggestions like these are Haddad, associate .vice president of devel- already being reviewed by the planning com- opment at WMC. Krahling-Haddad believed mittee. "I say ultimate •••if 1 ''Is shuftleboard say ultimate they'll already one? Because A dark comedyaboul a dysfuocliooal family get the point." 1 cboose that one." Sean CarroD '03 Suzy Saul '04 wrilk,I!C~rgef Will" Frisbee major Communications Oi",M!rlinllililicr N",jIIa'dflllS!1I i,AI,.,i HilI Greek life dates Tirlds", IJgr,rn/.,.,sslon KATHY WILSON '" JJ w,VCm•• "iIJlseni,fl/sl"en" SlaffWriler BorOllire:IIOSlilZIIS Alpha Nil Omega will be doing a Change for Charity Drive. sponsored by Mix 106.5. The benefits will go to John Hopkins Children Center. Collection Dates: Jjisshowis""""deJ 2/28 and 3/1 - Outside of Englar Dining Hall ("'I!',/I..',I", 3/2- Going around to all the Residence Halls Inter-Greek Council will be holding their weekly meetings on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. in the Leidy Room. The first Thursday meeting will be March 7th. The meetings are open to all Greeks.
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