Page 103 - Phoenix2001-02
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FEATURES Wednesday, February 27, 2002 Page II Greek Corner: The housing application process JESSICA JONES questions are relevant. tant Director of College Activities, the same basic questions are asked selves and set organization goals so Sta!fWriter Alpha Nu Omega President Liz Towle, Assistant Dean of Stu- toeaeh organization, as well as spe- we can be together again." InANW and Blanche, the floors Janet Prost believes that some of dent Affairs, an Inter Greek Coun- cific questions pertaining 10 Phi Delta Theta members, who that Greek organizationscall their the informationis relevant, but thegroup'sapplication.Towle also were forced to live separately homesareonce againup forgrabs. not all of it. Prost says, "There sees the process as "pretty this year as, agree with Rollins. No, the Greeks ll!e not in trouble; is no need for them to know OUf straightforward. Organiza- President Dan Belove says, "Be- they are currently participating in activities or future plans to show tions are given the chance to cause we do not have a floor we the Greek Housing Application our strengths. We are obviously spell out all of the great things have really gotten our acts back to- process, which has no guarantees. strong because we are still an or- they have done." gether." In the past several years, the ganizatlon." After all of the inter- Although Belove sees the pro- process for the Greeks to obtain Other organizations do not views, the board has a group cess as "another loop you have to housing has become more exten- mind the sometimes tedious na- discussion until they come to jump through," he believes that if sive. The application they must fill ture of the application. In fact, a conclusion. Rose says they the Phi Delts receive housing next out is made upof eight sections that some officers applaud it. Phi are "trying to balance a lot of year they will know how to handle focus on the organization's pur- Alpha Mu President Becca Clark little things to make as many themselves. pose, goals, and future events. says, "The more they know the people happy as possible." Contrary to popular belief this One section is so specific that better. We appreciate that they Obviously, not everyone will process was not extended to try to it requests a "short paragraph from want to know so much about us. be happy. get rid of the Greeks. "God no," each member stating his/her com- .. that way they can make a bet- The Alpha Gamma Tau Rose says, "I'd be out of the job." mitment, involvement ... and per- ter decision." were not happy last The fact is that the college does not ceived ability to attain the group's In addition to submitting this spring because they did notre- have as much room as it did in the goals." extensive application, organiza- ceive housing for the 2001- past. It is becoming more difficult While Amanda Rose, Resi- . tions are required to attend inter- The Phi Alphs display a banner with pride 2002 school year, nevertheless to fit everyone so·mewhere. There- dence Life Coordinator for Greek views with the housing commit- off of he balcony of the first floor in Blanche. see the housing application fore, Rose hopes that "when an or- Housing, requests all of this infor- tee. This group is headed by Rose, cil member, and an administrator process as a positive one. Accord- ganization is granted housing they mation to try to "get every one in- who sees this process as a "big or faculty member who has not yet ing to fraternity President Ellis are thankful that the college valved in the process," some orga- Tetris game." Also on this com- been selected. Rollins. the application process worked hard to allow them to live nizations do not believe that the- rnitlee are Betsy Chimock, Assis- During these interviews, "has f.o~ced us to reevaluate our- together." Come on out 10, , , The l'Iarfem Renal8sance Festival HOROSCOPES Thursday February 28, 8 P,M, in Ihe Forum It's FREEl! with big band music, drama, poetry, food, and drinks! EnWARD K. SCIIULTHEIS Leo (July 23 - August 22) Co-Editor in Cfliej Sponsored by BSU, CAPBoard, and the This is going to be a really diffi- WMC Music Department. Well Valentine's Day has passed cult time for you_!,and you are go- and all we. have to look forward ing to get all grumpy, and crappy, Movie to see: to is the upcoming Spring Break. and you're just going to be a pain can't wait for it. and be- 1 kncwj mess with Leo (Note to self: don't cause I am a psychic, I sense that right now). You are going to need Lord of the are your horoscopes to tide you trate on what is truly important. Well here wait either. you cannot this month, to refocus and concen- over until then. Rings Aries (March 21 - April 19) Virgo (August 23 - September 22) How did hitting up the BK work If I was a pitching coach, and you for you? Well now you have to re- , tute the "Fellowship," The mov were a pitcher, I would be telling member to keep up communica- ies takes us on a huge adventur you "to stay within yourself." tions with people close to you, be- crossing many different lands, an Whatever that means. But, I am cause, well you know, its good to EnWARD K. ScHULTHElS introducing us to orcs, wizards just going to say that you will be Co-EdilOr-jn-Chil'j keep tabs on people. Oh, and if you hobbits and elves among others. face with many decisions in the currently dating When the movie begins, you are The movie has many differen upcoming weeks, so just do what peated with a vision of the past - a stars who either appear in cameo. feels right (or you. someone ... ouch. ery mythical and beautiful past. or are a member of rbe fellowship ~re is a narrator who takes you For instance. Liv Tyler play Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Libra (September 23 - October trouble 22) Capricorn (December 22 - Jan. 19) Jeez. are you still having ~ugh of Middle Earth, where the Arwen.a mystical and beautiful el Don't appear too snobby around with the money issue? Well either Do not wear a red shirt ... Red is pic trilogy "Lord of the Rings" is who is in love with Vigg ~t. She guides you through the Mortenson, who plays Aragorn that girl or guy that you are inter- way, your love life is going to be not good for you right now. I am ormation of the rings of power, an Aragom plays a huge part in th ested in, because they definitely making a very interesting turn. up not sure why, but definitely not Heck, you may even be hooking do not go for it. In other words, wesome battle to save the lands fellowship. and as you find out i good. Besides that, not really rom the dark lord Sauron, and be- the movie, will playa large pan i no one is looking for a jerk in a with a really good friend soon, the sure ... Things are just going to stay seems but it always relationship. is, it most likely will orily problem ins to tell you about the "One" the movies yet to come, the same, but let me Ring. I don't want to give too muc to end up like that ... hmm!? be blamed on alcohol and that will reiterate ... avoid the red. sure make the next morning a bit "One ring to rule them all, one of the plot away, but I can tell you (May 2 I - June 21) .ng to find them. One ring to bring for the men, that there are SOffit Gemini now, you are at the height awkward. Aquarius (January 20 - Feb. 18) Right hem all, and in the darkness bind awesome battle scenes in th of your intellectual thinking abil- Scorpio (October 23 - Nov. 21) You lucky dogs. That's all 1 have. Maybe you should go out and buy hem." - This is the basis of the movie. The first takes place in th ity, so try to fit in as much work It is time for you to get things out tory of J.R.R. Tolkien, a trilogy first five minutes and sets the stoD some lotto tickets, but J can't jhat was written over 50 years ago, for battles to follow. For you ladies as possible. But, this will lead to into the open. You've been keep- guarantee that you will win, be- out, so ac- you burning yourself eter Jackson, who directed "Lord the movie intertwines all the actio tually, you are screwed either way ing some things bottled up, and it ~~~~d °!7~:tS~U~j!~:u~~n~~no~ fthe Rings," did his best to main- with a great love sequence betwee you do it. So just do ... whatever is making you kinda grouchy. Your ~n the purity of the novels, and Arwen and Aragom. you want to. friends have started to call you tickets. By the way. when you do rom what I can tell, did an excel- This has to be one of my favor Oscar the Grouch, and we all know go out, pick me up a ticket. ent job. ire movies, and I am eagerly await Cancer (June 22 - July 22) what happened to him ... that's right, The first movie of the trilogy. ing the release of the second movie If things aren't operating exactly he lives in trashcan. Pisces (February 19 - March 20) 'The Fellowshipoftbe Ring," tells "The Two Towers," which come like you would like them to, then Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec.21) Hey, it is your time fishy. You great right now, should be feeling he story of the inhabitants of out in December 2002 it'is time for you to take a break. because as the Ladies- Man says, ptiddle earth finding the ring of So if you are looking for a grea I know that normally isn't your Its time for you expand your hori- "yes, its time for you to get your you should This means zons. get power. and their quest to destroy movie, full of action, adventure style. but you are going to find out of your room sometimes and t. Leading the quest is Frodo romance, and a great plot, I recorn yourself completely tired after groove on." So gel our there and ~aggins (Elijah Wood), who seems mend you seeing "Lord of th every day, so just relax, have a get off campus. Make a Denny's gel your groove on, unless you run at night late or something. o be the only one able to withstand Rings." Silting through the thre can't dance, then let me tell you, ~e power of the ring. He is joined hours is well worth it, and I am sun beer (or some other beverage), However, remember 10 keep the no one wants to see that poor dis- goal in sight and not let it get away. and get some sleep. y 8 other members, who consri- you will enjoy it. pl~y of coordination.
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