Page 104 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 104
Dmen SIJ(IIfS TiJffjJr March 1, 2001 ing with a 17-7 (9-5) record. remaining in the first half. Assistant Sports Editor WMC needed to win its final Forward Jill Ibex led four Heartbreaking. That is the only three regular season games, and WMC. players in double figures word to describe the loss that offi- receive some additional help in or- with a game-high 19 points. cially eliminated the Western der to earn a playoff birth. . Joining her in double figures Maryland women's basketball On February 10, Senior Day, were senior guard Patty Russo and team from Centennial Conference (he Terror did its part by blowing sophomore guard Jen Piccolomini playoff contention. out conference rival Gettysburg 64- with 14 points each, and junior for- And while the season may not 40. ward Brooke Brenneman with II. have ended on the note that they Western Maryland jumped out to In what WMC Head Coach had hoped for, the Green Terror can a 29-14 lead at intermission as the Becky Martin described as the , still look back on the 2000-01 cam- Bullets hit just 6-of-30 first half "longest and most nerve-racking Coach Becky Martin directs her basketball squad during a recent game. paign as a successful one, finish- shots. WMC's 48-38 rebounding game of my 20 year career," Wash- Spring Preview: Baseball squad edge also contributed to this criti- ington College 101-98, outlasted Western cal win.~ .. Maryland, in triple over- Jill Ibex capped her home ca- time. reer with a game-high prepared for championship run Jen Piccolomini also chipped in 14 the team out of a potential confer- 17 points. The Green Terror loss knocked points, which included 4-of-6 ence playoff berth on the last day well last year with a tough 1.59 era The future looks bright this sea- shooting from behind the arc. And of the regular season. Assistant Spons Editor and is looking to hold down the son and for the years to come as pulled Washington As spring nears on the campus, closer position for the team this the team recruited II young fresh- Senior Carney Brian led the Green a 9-6 edge in the game's the upset with in her fi- third over- Terror with 10 rebounds it is clearly time for another sea- season. Another great season is men. " nal appearance at Gill Center. time. son of Green Terror baseball on the expected from Jenkins, the team's We have a nice group of fresh- Ibex, one of just nine WMC ln all, the teams combined for hill. Coming off a strong 18 win best offensive player in 2000. men, but none that I want to talk players all-time to reach r,ooo ca- .33 lead changes and 14 tie scores season, manager Dave Seibert is The Elkridge, MD product tied about yet," says Seibert. "I'm im- reer points, was rewarded for her A total of 151 field goals and 87 expecting a great season from a for the team lead last year in bat- pressed with them so far." The outstanding play three days later as free throws were attempted. team that has 22 returning ring average (.324), hits (34), home coaching staff has been pleased she was named Centennial Confer- WMC got an amazing 52-'minute, letterman. runs (4), RBI (29), and total bases with the early season practices. " ence Player of the Week.' Th'~ 27-point 'p~rl-ormance from Patty Coaching his 21 th season at (57). Westminster, Md. native averaged Russo. WMC, Seibert is expecting big Not just a weapon with the bat, We had a good fall program and team highs in points (16.0 ppg) and According to Martin, "she contributions from his senior class Jenkins played spectacularly at first so far we have very good team rebounds (7.5 ppg) for the week played the college game of her We had a good fall prC!gram and so far we have very good team while leading the Terror to two life." Russo carried the ball club, chemistry, " . wins. On February 14, Western Mary- which was hampered by ailments to two key players: Jen Piccolomini land kept its slim playoff hopes (illness) and Jill Ibex (ankle -Coach Dave Seibert alive by routing Johns Hopkins on sprain). in zoot. base with only three errors in 2000. chemistry," adds Seibert. the road by a score of 68-48. Ibex fought on the boards to lead Solid and consistent from the The team is also looking for The team is also confident that Hopkins opened the game with all players with 13 rebounds. start, senior captain Mike Wolfe another strong season from junior they are going to have a very suc- a 6-0 run and led 8-2 before the Freshman point guard Toby has started 89 of his 90 games at outfielder Kevin Culbertson. He cessful season. "I think we are Green Terror went on,a 5-0 run to Mcintire registered a double- shortstop for the Green Terror. He was among the learn leaders last young, but experienced and our se- pull within one at 8-7 with IS min- double with 15 points and 10 re- was second on the team last year year with 23 runs scored and a .323 niors are incredible," says sopho- utes remaining in the opening half. bounds. While the Centennial Con- with ten walks and a sizzling .315 batting average. Combining speed more pitcher/second basemen Jus- The play was back and forth ference playoffs eluded them, the batting average. and skill, Culbertson is one of the tin Raynor. "I think we can. win it until WMC went on an 8-0 run Green Terror still have an outside Senior Dan Elbaz is supposed team's best defensive players in the all this year." capped by a short bank shot from shot of receiving a bid into the to lead the pitching staff-this year outfield. The goal of winning the confer- freshman guard Toby McIntire to ECAC playoffs on February 26. and brings experience to the rota- The Green Terror have are ag- ence championship won't be an take the lead for good with 8:25 But with or without that bid, this tion. The co-captain returns as the gressive and very exciting team and easy task with a difficult schedule. was still a year replete with accom- top returning pitcher with five wins are not so much of a power hitting With games against the likes of plishment for the Western Mary- and a solid 3.86 era. club. The team last season hit for conference championship Ursinus, land women's basketball team. Seniors Paul Oakes, Drew a smoking .3 I I average and this Gettysburg, Johns Hopkins, and And hopefully, with what Martin Herschner and Kasey Jenkins are season should see more of the Muhlenberg, the Green Terror are says is "a strong nucleus of young also poised to have very good sea- same. With the use of aluminum ready for a tough, yet exciting sea- players" returning, the 2001-02 sons this year for the team. bats now, the power numbers have son. season will be 'ust as successful. Although sidelined by a bad gone up over the past few years and "I'm always cautiously optimis- ankle sprain last season, Oakes should continue to rise this year. tic, but we should be right up there played well in limited action with Although the pitching staff lost in our league," says Seibert. !Which pro teams draftee a .333 average. With a healthy sea- four seniors from last year, includ- The Green Terror were right in son in 2001, he can provide power ing staff ace Brent Fuchs, Seibert the thick of the conference race last pave Winfield? (hint: he and offensive punch to the Green is confident that the staff will be year until a late season losses to f,vas drafted in three Terror from the designated hitter solid. conference champion Ursinus. ports) position. "We are young with only two With a strong contingent of return- Another senior on a young seniors, but our young guys got a ing lettermen and a nice mix of ~st edition's answer: pitching staff, Herscher's play is lot of experience last year," says young talent, it could be a champi- ~ecallse Baltimore is th critical for a solid season this year. Seibert. "I feel very comfortable onship season on the hill. The pur- los est franchise t Despite shoulder surgery in about this year's staff cause we suit of this championship starts !washintoll, DC. allowing th 1999, the 6'3 power pitcher played have quality pitchers." March 4th versus Barton College. resident to be present "P
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