Page 85 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 85
Thursday, February 15,2001 - Page 9 I Believe: What do you believe in? Anyone familiar with the movie Saltzman's book, I(You Can Talk believe that failing is not an option; Bull Durham remembers the emo- You Can Write. sleeping is a waste of time; and that lion-packed scene when baseball Starting with this issue we will someone is always watching. I be- groupie Annie Savoy (Susan be running the column, "I 8e- lievethatIhaveittoughbutothers Sarandon) angrily asks Crash lieve." Some of Breslin's students have it tougher. I am unique and I Davis (Kevin Costner) what he be- are the first to contribute; OUf hope have a long road ahead of me. I lieves in. is that "I Believe" statements start believe that I will make it. Crash launches into a mono- pouring in. They offer a unique -Christen Szymanski logue that includes, " .. .1 believe glimpse into the lives ofWMC S[U- I believe in running through that the novels of Susan Sontag are dents, their priorities and their sprinklers on a hot summer day, self-indulgent, overrated crap. Ibe- dreams. falling asleep in a hammock on a lieve that Lee Harvey Oswald acted -Shauna Dominguez breezy porch, smiling at strangers. alone. Ibelieve that there ought to I believe in true friends, being ~~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~nmdur~~~~;s:~~ "Either the girls from Flinstones or C.R.'s sister ... ~hee::~:~gs~~~~:;:~~~r~~~~;r~~ ~:t~~r~g~;~~!sf~~tr~~g~~~a~~~~ the car windows down, and that It's too tough to call." phy, opening your presents Christ- mer, making children laugh and ~~:l~l!~i~~~!. ~~~li~~:~~:t ~:~~ mas morning rather than Christmas only eating #8 spaghetti. I believe eve, and I believe in long, slow, that the Coyote will catch the Roa- ing a dog can really make you live Randy Justice '02 longer, and that Heaven does exist. deep, soft, wet kisses that last for drunner one day; a View Master is I believe that a popsicle and a kiss three days." as good as a television; everyone can cure any childhood injury; English Major Using this monologue as a should have a Mr. Potato Head; you pizza should be eaten three times a model, instructor Lisa Breslin re- should always have clean socks; day; and the meals that taste the cently asked her ENG 11 0 I students and that making a wish on the first best are made by Mom. I believe to create "I Believe" statements. star that you see at night is an obli- that shopping with my best friend Their writing proved to be "inspir- gation. I believe the greatest job in Leah should be made into an Olym- ing, revealing, poignant and ex- the world is being a kid, and I be- pic sport. Ibelieve that super mod- tremely well-written," Breslin said, lieve in only playing with soccer els create bad images for young adding that she could not take balls that have 32 panels. I believe girls. But most of all, I believe in "Freddie Prinze Jr." credit for the assignment idea be- in eating apples with a spoon and myself. cause she had pulled it from Joel not eating the cheese on pizza. I -Katie Champion 403G: A lesson in eating etiquette Pam D'Alessio '04 Major Undecided LISA DALE VAN AUKEN sciously broken every rule of eat- pointy end of your spoon. Put your Sra!fWriler ing etiquette that exists. napkin on your lap when you sit It's cramped, five-stories above Etiquette. sounds a little too and put it to the left when you're Rouzer parking lot. We call it Martha Stuart for my tastes. But the done. Your fork and knife point in- home. thing is, as a young upcoming aca- ward on the right side of your plate demic, I have this feeling that I am when you've finished. And finally, So we go to New York City this slowly being ushered into worlds always push in your chair using the past weekend to see a show and we of eating etiquette that I'm not pre- very tip of your pinky finger, and stop at this Tai place for lunch. In- pared to swallow. be sure to speak in an affected Ep- side, there's only a few occupied In my room the most rigid eat- glish accent when you quibble over ta~s: a couple of women in the ing custom we have. is the "five whose goirrg to leave the tip. corner in dress-suits and some second rule." And how can you Alright. I added that last one. Pauli Girl." Asians near the window in fashion- learn that you're supposed to keep But these conventions seem a little able New York black. I'm hoping your elbows off the table when you anal retentive to me. Maybe rules the food is as tasteful as the deco- don't even have one? of etiquette are fine for fine-dining David Blackburn '04 rating. Ever the English geek.j thought elitists, but we mortals get indiges- Pre-Engineering Major Problem is, when we order, we I'd head to the library to find out tion trying to remember them. do everything wrong'. We ask for what I've been missing. In light of Hopefully, the people we're taking Day won't to dinner on Valentine's the luncheon menu and the wait- the holiday, here's a few pointers I know any more about etiquette than ress says "not on weekends." We picked up to help you wine and we do. order Iced-tea and she tells us that dine your loved one. I'm sure we'll probably be forced it's an after dinner drink. We spend Don't crush crackers into your to learn the do's and don'ts of fine fifteen minutes trying to figure out soup. Don't pick up your napkin if dining eventually, but for now, I'll the bill and it never adds up quite you drop it (let the waiter do it). probably just see ya' at Denny's. right. And when we leave we I get Don't eat soup by scooping it to- I'll be the one with my elbows on the feeling that we've uncon- ward you. Don't sip from the the table. "Judy Jetson ... ohhh yes!" James Perry III '03 romantic cities are also good. Paris rant. Surprise them with little po- Sociology Major KATE ESPOSITO is romantic. And if Paris is a little ems and chocolate roses and much, Virginia is for lovers. stuffed teddy bears. Or, for some- It's Valentine's Day again and For all you extra-cheap college thing less normal, go to a Chinese you don't have a gift for your sig- kids just buy one of those teeny restaurant and get them (Q put a nificant other. What are you going boxes of candy hearts and call it a fortune in the cookie with a person- to do? Keep reading, that's what present. Or if you have a little more alized message. This is definitely and find out what we suggest to get money, buy them a box of choco- a great way to say "I love you." Student research & creativity grants that special someone on the day lates or one of those adorable large If you have a crush but think that was made to celebrate love and kisses. But don't buy the huge they don't know you exist, write a To apply for an award, a student must have a passion. chocolate lips. Those are just odd. note and send it through campus WMC grade point average of 3.2 and obtain the direct For a romantic date that doesn't They look like they'd belong to the mail. Sign it "Your Secret Admirer" involvement or close sponsorship of a faculty member. cost a lot.just spend time together. girlfriend of the Jolly Green Giant. or something equally cheesy. This The awards are competitive. The grants are intended You can go for a walk and talk For those of you who think pre- may be silly, but it's a sure bet to about your hopes and dreams, or sents on Valentine's Day ruins the get them to smile. encourage special projects that complement students' do something totally fun and spon- meaning of the day, show your And if you are feeling extra ere- major academic emphasis; they are not intended to taneous. For example, take them sweetie how much you like/love ative, dress like cupid and serenade cover the normal expenses of a course. Dean Case bowling. It's not very expensive them by simply telling them how your significant other from, outside would like to see what kinds of creative proposals . and it can be a lot offun. much you care. It's mushy and sort- his or her window. Beware, though, For those of you who say of cheesy, but some people actu- students may devise. Grants may range from $25 to "money is no object' take your ally go for that sort of thing. you might draw an audience. $500. Applications are available in Dean Case's oltice. Okay, so we hope this helps all someone to a fancy restaurant in For those of you who want to of you gift-challenged people. If The deadline for applications for student Baltimore and buy them something give something special and unique, not, you're on your own. Good luck research and creativity grants for Spring, 2001 is expensive. Jewelry is nice. Trips to take them to their favorite restau- to all you hopeless romantics. 28,2001. '.'1<- _'_._' __ '_'_' __ ••• __ '_'_. •__ ~.~ .,_ .. .. ~ ~ ! _
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