Page 84 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 84
Thursday, February 15.2001 - Page 8 FEATURES Dear Sincerely Stressing, Dear No breathing room, Oh, and the guy who likes me is not ex- S/affWriter I don't think you need to spend a lot of Maybe the key to making your boyfriend actly my type, but he's a really great guy. Do you ever have those pressing prob- money to gel someone something special. understand you need time to yourself is to What should r do? lems to which you wished you had a quick He said he didn't want anything and just tell him. -Tom and Confused answer? Well, there may not be a quick an- maybe he really doesn't. He may just want Be direct - don't hint around. swer, but Kitty will read your problems and to spend some time with you. You could plan While you're spending time trying to fig- Dear Tom and Confused, maybe give you a few options you hadn't something nice for the two of you to do to- ure out how to spare his feelings, you are First of all, the guy you like, why are you thought of yet, so go ahead ask for help, Ask gether or maybe you could make something losing the time you need to figure out what putting up with his crap? He has a girlfriend. Kitty ... for him. you want. He says he's breaking up with her, but If you have a question, a problem, or just It really is the thought that counts, and If telling him what you need to stay your instincts tell you he's lying. Trust your- a situation you would like an opinion on, sometimes just saying the right words can healthy is hurting his feelings, then maybe self. write a letter and send it to Kitty. Just send be the perfect gift. there is something wrong with the relation- When he flirts with you, remind yourself your letter through campus mail to box 797. If all else fails, refer to the list of Valen- ship. it's bad news and get away from the situa- tine gift ideas found in this issue of the Phoe- Maybe you should reevaluate your inter- tion. And you say he gets jealous, well, so Disclaimer: The author is not a licensed nul action, especially ifhe still doesn't give you what. That's not your problem. professional, but just wishes to present a fo- space after you talk to him. As for the guy who likes you, decide how rum for people who would like to look at Dear Kitty, Don't give up who you are and what you you feel about him, and then follow through. their issues in a different way. I have a wonderful boyfriend and I love need to keep breathing. It he's not your type and you don't like him, him to death - but I have one problem. he don't lead him on. Dear Kitty, does not understand the need for personal Kitty, You say he's a great guy, be a great friend With Valentine's Day nearly here, I am space. I need your advice. There are these two to him. freaking out about what to get my boyfriend. He calls me several times a day and vis- guys ... One of them likes me and r like the I can't really tell you what to do, that's He said he doesn't wanl anything, but r have its every night. He says he wants to be with other one. something you have to figure out on your to get him something. Don't you think it me 2417. Can you say, "smothering?" The problem is, the one I like already has own, after all, you're the one who will have would be rude to not get him anything at How can I make my him understand that a girlfriend. He has told me that he wants to to live with the decision. all? I want to get him something special, but I love the time I spend with him, but need break up with her and be with me, but I'm I don't have a lot of money to spend. I am time to myself? I just don't want to hurt his not sure I believe him. He flirts with me all so confused! Please help! feelings. Improvisations with the Jon Seligman Group McDaniel Lounge February 19, 2001 7:00 p.m. The Phoenix? Looking for a fun extra-curricul ctivity? The Phoenix wants writers. If you are interested in music. the ter arts, art/art history, etc., and yo ike to write, this could be! all The Phoenix at x8600 if you ar nterested in becoming a part of th hoenix staff, Classified lifeguardS/Pool Managers Summer Months, FTIPT Training Available 1-800-466-7665
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