Page 83 - Phoenix2000-01
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FEATURES Thursday, February 15,2001 - Page 7 Horoscopes for a very special and romantic Valentine's Day LISA STANLEY ter, so take an idea over the top this Cancer side in a park, hint: picnics arc just that all involved will remember SlaffWriler V-Day and the one on the receiv- (June 22-July 23) sooo romantic. Just don't stay out- fondly in years to come. Your lucky Aquarius ing end will love you for it. Your Watch your stars, they are lucky side too long if it's still cold. But is numbers are 5, 23 and 36. (Jan 21-Feb 19) lucky numbers are 2, 17 and 28. especially at this time of year, cash the day is dreary don't worry your Happy Birthday! Now is the them in for your heart and see their secret admirer will still come out Sagittarius time for love and you've got a lot Taurus magic work. Your lucky numbers to play. Your lucky numbers are 6, (Nov 23- Dec 21) of it so let it loose and go to (April 21-May ~1) are 8, 14 and 32. ISand 31. All right Sagittarius it is time to Bateman's with your friends. Your Taurus, feeling bullish this put plans into motion, hint: you lucky numbers are 1,21 and 34. year? Well take some chances, Leo Libra know what I mean. These plans will walk out on a limb and it is guar- (July 24-Aug 23) (Sept 24-0ct 23) make that special someone's heart Pisces anteed that good things will come Your inner Lion is restless, let Don't let Valentine's Day make soar. Your lucky numbers are 4, 22 (Feb 20-March 20) of it, hint: chocolate is always a this animal guide your actions, you shy. Get out there! As part of and 29. Well you slippery fishes, this good bet. Your lucky numbers are hint: not too much. Take this lion a couple or stag this V-day is full Valentine's Day get your groove 9,15 and 23. and go out with that someone spe- of good surprises for you. Your Capricorn on, and go on a getaway this month cial or a good friend and the spirit lucky numbers are 10, 16 and 20. (Dec 22-Jao 20) with someone special and hit the Gemini of Valentine will be yours. Your I hope you were not overlooked slopes if you can. Your lucky num- (May zz-June 21) lucky numbers are 12, 27 and 26. Scorpio in the hustle and bustle of this holi- bers are 7,13 and 25. Take a day off and hit the inner (Oct 24- Nov 22) day season. This new semester do harbor, play at the ESPN Zone and Virgo Scorpio's this semester work Aries get competitive but let someone (Aug 24-Sept 23) hard and play hard with select oth- what you had wanted to do last se- (March 21-April 20) else win some too. Your lucky Virgo, no viagra needed for ers, hit a hot tub and a bottle of mester Capricorn, hint: roses and a It's time to see red this semes- numbers are 11,24 and 35. you. This Valentines Day play out- wine, with this a night will ensue special person. Your lucky numbers are 3, 19 and 30. Students learn hands on aboard the S.S. Universe Explorer PHILIP VOGT then actually seeing them and in- "You can see the real India or SwjJWrilU teracting within them, heightened the Taj Mahal," Horn explained, Every year, the Western Mary the learning process and cast the noting that the program, while land College study abroad pro- notiori of cross-cultural studies valuable, tended toward the tour- gram affords students the oppor- into an entirely new perspective. istic at limes. tunity to experience a new culture According to Horn, nothing However, her own indepen- first hand. you read in a textbook can pre- dent travel allowed her to make For two WMC upperclassmen, pare you for actually visiting the observations of such things as however, the program provided countries and seeing how the India's rigid caste system, a topic an opportunity to study a handful people live. In India, for ex- with which she was very inter- of foreign cultures-from the deck ample, she had heard of the wide- ested. of a cruise ship. spread poverty but hadn't ex- While certainly exotic and Juniur Jamie Morris and se- pected it to manifest in very very different from the traditional" nior Aleya Horn both participated nearly every region of the coun- college classes and lectures (both in the Semester at Sea program try. Horn and Morris had the oppor- during the fall; a unique experi- She described the feeling as tunity to hear Fidel Castro speak ence in which "campus" is a one of wonder, saying "Wow! in Cuba), the trip was not with- cruise ship, classes are at sea, and This [stuff we read about in the out it's conventional college as- "field trips" span several conti- texts] really happens." pects. nents. In addition to "The idea typical cruise was to 'get ship features, the involved in boat had resi- cross-cul- dence halts tural learn- (complete with a ing, not just residence life in class but staff that put on by actually periodic pro- g 0 I n g grams), class- p I ace s," rooms, a pool, a Horn gym, a library, plained. and a computer Roughly lab. 700 students Both students and faculty took a variety of joined 300 classes unrelated administra- to the trip itself tors and a for regular cred- full crew for its which trans- the 100 day ferred to their trip. which Clockwise, starting with above: Aleya Hom pictured with students 01 the WMC transcripts departed middle school in which the children of her host family in Kobe Japan upon their return. fro m anend. Top Right: Aleya poses ill Mamalla PUI"UIII,India. 80ltlOIII Righi: Ultimately, both Vancouver at The Golden Pavillion in Kyoto, Japan. Horn and Morris the start of enjoyed the ex- the semester, and included stops The true benefit of the pro- perience considerably and were in Japan, China. Vietnam, Malay- gram, however, may have been quick to recommend the program sla, India, Kenya, South Africa, the chance to explore the coun- to others, citing the opportunity Brazil and Cuba. tries completely independent of to see several countries during the The ship docked at each loca- the program. semester rather than just one as tlon for extended periods of time, Horn admits that the program the main reason they chose to par- during which the program pro- provided excellent learning cp- ticipate. vided an in-depth. personal study portunities, but she feels she "Staying in one country [for a of each culture. In addition, the learned more by "going native" semester] allows you to really get group performed a variety of ser- and travelling independently, vis- to learn that place, but with this vice projects. iting the things she wished to [program 1 you get to see more" The combination of formally visit and arranging her own ac- and experience many more cul- 1.•: .•,_tI..-studytng'uhe "various cultttres~;''': C9~!, .• ' .• ' . liu"es. l){puis s..!llct.. \} ~.: ,: : / ~.',}~". ~. ~ ., ..t ,.."\..~
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