Page 81 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 81
'COMMENTARY Thursday, February 15,2001· Page 5 Getting back into Using library reserve system: the swing of things student problems and alternatives Jessica Fisher compares work without having to listen to When have we paid enough? No efit? Certainly not students! Per- ome to school, but admits any noise from another person in matter how much you pay there is haps it is easier on the professor and it is good to be back. the room. always another "hidden fee." the copy center. But, who is pay- Food. Do I even have to go You pay for tuition in order to ing the big bucks to come here? Welcome back fellow WMC on any further? 1 think it is safe come to WMC. If you live on cam- We, the students, are. Doesn't it students! Afteralmostamonthoff to say that none of us missed the pus, you pay for room and board in make you wonder what tuition re- from school we are now back to stale nachos. the cold pizza, or order to stay at WMC. You pay the rigorous old routine that we (he wonderful meats that GLAR outrageous prices for textbooks in ally includes? heavily I know depend that some professors on the have come to know here at col- serves. order to learn at WMC. You may reserve system. However, after lege. When I was home, I could even pay extra fees in order to take looking back on some of my other J think these first couple of honestly say that I was not think- certain classes at WMC. Still, you classes, I would like to offer sev- weeks are a period in order for us ing of GLAR when eating my aren't finished paying yet. .. eral alternatives. to get bark into the groove of mom's homemade food. Allow me to explain what i Bl Shorb My first suggestion, would be things. Idid, however. miss all of mean by "hidden fees." Iam refer- that you do have the readings with having readings on-line. One of my If you are anything like me, the adventures that come along ring to the library's reserve system. you. If you ever need to use them keeps them at the class then you are probably still feeling with eating a dinner in the oaf- Our library has a system where as sources in the future, you will professors Students can download website. out your new classes to see how eteria. I missed guessing what a professor can put items on reserve have to pray they are still on reo and print them out from any cam- easy or difficult they will be. And. were our plates and finding that for the students in his/her class. In serve, go back to the library, check pus computer. This saves both pro~ still looking at the professors to half the drink dispensers weren't doing this, several copies of ar- Ihem out for another four hours, fessors from making copies, and see whether or not their tests and working. pcles, tapes, or whatever medium and the cycle begins again. students from paying for copies. assignments will be hard or not. In addition to all of these it may be, are kept at the front desk If you choose option two, you If you don't like that idea, my Not only are these first couple things, I had also realized the in the library. have them for class discus- of weeks days for us to familiar- pleasures of once again having So, after receiving a list of re- would But, you may find yourself second suggestion, is to give all the articles sion. our in a packet form bound ize ourselves with our new classes. my own bathroom to myself. serves to read and study for horne- hogging up one of the few copiers together. Another one of my pro- but they also serve as days for us Not to be shared by anyone other work, you might head off to the li- in the library for 20 minutes. fessors has done this in several to get used to college life 8£ain. than myself. brary, like any diligent student. Five fifteen-page articles, at ten classes and it seems to work well. Upon reaching _ center are probably still feeling out the front desk So, who do these reserves benefit? Certainly The copy the pages copies your new classes to see how easy or you ask for the and binds them reserves. Then, not students! Perhaps it is easier on the with black spiral difficult they will be. a stack of five professor and the copy center. But, who is however you not so short ar- It gives us a chance to get back Now Ifind myself continually tides are placed would like. This to the life that we have here in- forgetting to bring things to the in front of you. paying the big bucks to come here? makes good use stead of the one that we have at bathroom with me because I am You check them out, but you can- of the copy cen- home. cents a copy will cost you $7.50. If ter. It allows students to keep all so used to already having them not leave the library with them. I know for me, it has been there waiting for me. When are they due? In four hours. this is weekly, you could end up articles together and bring them to very odd coming back to school 1miss being able to feel the . What next? You actually have paying over $60.00 just on copy- class for discussion at no cost. after baving off for so long. 1was watcrOlfmybarc feet. instcadof several options. ing articles. If you knew a place to If that doesn't suit your fancy so used to having my own room feeling the water drip off of my First option: you could find a make cheaper copies off-campus, either, another method that has and doing whatever I wanted to ffip-Ilops. seat and read the articles irnmedi- you could do that. But then again, been used is to give a large pile of in it at anytime. There is nothing like being ately. Second option: you could the articles must stay in the build. readings to a group of students at Now it is back to sharing my able to do things like bath your- copy all the articles, so you could ing, so (hat wouldn't help. the beginning of the semester and space with my roommate. It's not self, brush your teeth, and put 011 spend more time studying them in Since our tuition probably buys let them copy in bulk somewhere that J don', get along well with makeup. Without about ten other your room and at your own leisure. the copiers, we shouldn't have to off-campus. This method still re- my roommate, it is just Ihad got- pay for each copy. Even if you love quires the student to pay money for people with you. Third option: you could tum them reading assignments, do you really ten used to my privacy again. All in all though.l am glad to in right away and say "heck with love them enough to pay that much the readings, but not nearly as Gotten used to staying up 'til much since it all at once and in be back here at good old college, this." Not one of those options ben- for them? bulk. three in the morning playing mu- I am glad to be back on my own. efits the student in any way. This If you choose option three, sic and watching the television If none of these suggestions in a way to speak. and being able reserve system was designed to which seems like the most appeal- without worrying about waking work for you, then perhaps you to come and go as I please with- rnakeit easier on students. ing, your grade will suffer. By not my roommate. I could make all should stick to the required texts out having to worry about what If you choose option one, you the noise thai I wanted to because my parents will say. may rush through the articles in studying the readings, you'll be and eliminate additional readings no one else was in the room with unprepared for participating in all together. Even with all of the things J order to have them read before they class. You will not perform as well Students have enough college have listed above. I stiU love it are due. You will not be able to have on tests. This is obviously not a expenses without having to pay I had gotten used to taking here. and J am looking forward I them in class with you during the c.:na::!p:.::'..:a:.;ft.::e'...:I...:c:.:am:;:.:....::eho.::m:;:e:..;I;:.'o"m;:_.::lo_;;Ihi"'.:..;se;:.Qle=,te:.:.';:.. .J discussion. Most professor prefer good choice either. ben- "hidden fees" for their homework assignments. So, who do these reserves 220-meal plan treats all students the same; they are not Jeremy Keil expresses his forces students to pay for meals times you can eat, what days or ties management, both brought up supposed to make sure this doesn't feelings regarding the they don't use? Well, in actuality meals you decide to eat, and 30 the example that a cash starved stu- happen. current 220~meal plan. if you eat 175 meals you are pay- fourth meals in the pub. 220 meals dent could easily become a food Bosley said this shouldn't be a ing $8 per meal. That is the ac- was decided upon because it comes starved student if he realized he problem since students are able to The WMC meal plan for the' tual cost per meal to the college. out to 2 meals per day. un- majority of residential students is If you eat more than 175 meals, The theory behind the lump sum could get back a lot of money Does request bag lunches and can eat der my plan by not eating. exactly the same: 220 meals for you get a better deal, and by eat- of meals was explained by Ethan the college have a compelling so- those when they have to work. everybody. But, hardly anybody ing less than 175 meals you are Seidel, vice president of finance. cial responsibility to ensure that no From the Dining Services prospec- uses 220. I think that the plan is paying more per meal. This means The dining hall is the only place on one goes hungry, or is it an tive, Bosley told me that it is one unfair because it treats everyone people eating-tess than 175 meals campus where so many students can individual's responsibility to eat? of his goals to encourage everyone the same. are subsidizing those who eat interact. One of the goals ofWMC I think the exact opposite of on campus to use all the meals. The small girl that eats just over more. is to develop the college ccmmu- What all this boils down to is that 100 meals pays just as much as the I think that instead of paying nity. One method is to encourage Seidel and Bosley. One of my rea- the administration thinks it is best big guy who eats much or for a lump sum of 220 meals, sru- students to go to the dining hall sons for having a pay-as-you-eat to develop a sense of community system is that many people who are 200 meals. They pay exactly-the dents should pay per meal. At $8 roughly twice a day. strapped for cash hold down jobs and make it easier for accounting same even though in theory a male a meal, if you only eat 100 meals, I think this is the most compel- off campus. to have a 220·meal plan. consumes four times as much food you pay $800 dollars, if you eat ling argument for the 220 meal plan. Because of this, they miss meals Personally, I feel this system is as a female. The average amount 200 meals, you should pay $1600. I also believe the real reason is that at Glar, and end up paying for a unfair because some people end up So for the meals of others. paying of meals used is between 165 and Without going into the history it makes food planning and finan- meal off campus, or going without. until this inequity is solved, use 180 meals, while the meal plan of the meal plan; this is the third cial accounting a whole lot easier. starved cash many stu- gives us 220 meals. year of our current 220 meal pian. Seidel and Barry Bosley, direc- I believe may be going without food those fourth meals, take a bagged dents Why have a meal plan that It allows more flexibility with the tor of auxiliary services and facili- BECAUSE of a meal plan that is lunch to work. and make sure you get what you pay for.
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