Page 20 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 20
Dmen S/IIIIfs TCffjJr .. Volume XXII Number 2 Women's 'soccer off to a strong 6-0 start GREG LWERI"R poured nine goals on the opposi- Assislanl$f'Vr/sEdi/or tion in route to a lopsided [0-0 vic- Sizzling! It has been a perfect tory. start for the Western Maryland The team spread the ball College women's soccer team as around as many players got at least they arc off to the best stan in one goal in the contest. school history going undefeated in On September 6, the team their first six games of the season. looked to keep their early season Following last year's school record success going in another road game II wins including ten consecutive at Goucher College. The Green victories in a ro'w atone.point. the Terror took a hard-fought 2-0 lead learn is poised to have even more into halftime on goals by senior success this season. mid-fielder Tracy Castor and fresh- The team began its season with man Carah Medill, at the 5:10 and a September 2 road game against 13:32 mark respectively. Ferrum College, VA. Battling the Once again after intermission, BRAOWIDNF-R dreary weather" the teams went the team went on the attack with Tracy Castor slices through the D_ickillson defense, The Terror won a sound 4ยท2 victory against the Red Uevils. scoreless in the first half, but the five more goals to register a com- half-goals from Castor, sophomores the teams became accustomed to the season. Green Terror broke out with two manding 7-0 victory. Melissa Merson and Lauren each other in the first half The team took their league second half goals to take a 2-0 Medill had a incredible game Harrison, and freshman Rachel The Green Terror struck first opener and showed they were opening day win. with two more goals and picked up Browne also got in the score book. when Castor received a Melissa something to reckon with in the Freshman Nikki Lepson scored a hat trick (three goals in one In [he next day's final, the team Merson assist and netted a goal to Centennial Conference race. The the team's first goal of the year at game), white Castor picked up her took home the title with another. give the reamu slim l-Illcad at in- WMC women's soccer team is off the 65. minute) mask. andsenlor second goal of the contes~. Lepson dominating 6-1 win over Sheperd termission. striker less Stickles finished off the and sophomore Alice Litsinger also College. Visiting Dickinson charged alit to a great start in the 2000 cam- paign. scoring with a netted goal at the 70 netted goals in the second half ex- The win snapped the Green of the half with two quick goals and Last year, the Green Terror had minute mark. plosion. Terror's shutout streak at four put WMC in their toughest test of a record breaking season, but fell The defense was also spectacu- The team continued their strong games, and it was the first goal that the season so' far. just short of the team's first league lar as the opposition only attempted play in the First Annual WMC the team had allowed all year. The young team hadn't been title in the program's history. three shots on goal. women's soccer tournament. In the The biggest test of the season down all year, but they quickly ac- If the team continues its great The following day, the team first round, the team dominated so far came in the Centennial Con- cepted the challenge as Merson tied play, this very well could be the took on Mary Baldwin College in their opponent, Maramount Col- ference opener against also unde- the game in the middle of the sec- season that women's soccer finally Staunton, Va. lege. to the tune of a 6- 0 shutout. feated, Dickinson. ond half. grasps the elusive Centennial Con- In the first half, the game was Carah Medill picked up her seventh At this point, the Green Terror The team then used Castor's ferencetitle. very tight played as the Green Ter- goal of the year and despite only a had outscored their opponents 31- second goal of the day to take a 3- Follow their quest as they take ror netted the only goal and a close 2-0 lead at intermission, the Green I and were facing a very tough op- 2 lead they would never relinquish. ort Rutgers-Camden on Sept. 23 at 1-0 lead. After the break. the flood Terror pulled away again in the sec- ponent at Gill Field. Early on in the The final piece was put in place by 2:00 p.m. along with Washington gates opened as WMC woman ond stanza. The team got second contest, the game was very tight as Medill's team leading ninth goal of College on Sept. 26th at 4:30 p.m. Football rebounds from Bridgewater loss.with two stellar vic!.~E!~~oV~L~~,~~2!eh-M~5ri~,!!,~~~ckGettysburgTh'week before theTwo, StaJjWriter opposing offense. The second quar- an option play that built the Terror Throughout the ups and downs marched down to Randolph- Ma- For many years Gettysburg and ter was a different story. lead. The Bullets were able to bring of this season, Jay Lorenz and John con College in Virginia and domi- Western Maryland have had one of Western Maryland was able to excitement back to the game with Rydieski, two veteran offensive nated the yellow jackets. the longest standing rivalries in put two quick scores on the board. a.n interception return for a TO, fol- lineman, have suffered some inju- The defense allowed less then Division III college football. Both TDs went in the direction of lowed by a long TO pass. nes. 100tota[ yards of offense in the21- Western Maryland Alumni and junior wide receiver/part-time run- In a play that reversed the mo- Freshman Drew Reinicker has 0 shutout. Joe Kendorski added Green Terro~ football players have ning back Teron Powell. mentum of the game back in favor stepped into a starting role all three 100 plus yards and two TDs in a always been very excited for this Then, late in the third quarter, of the Terror. gaines this season. performing well career performance. rivalry game to commence. Unfor- the Terror was able to add another Junior Jason Weingen inter- for the Terror. The game was a non-con fer- tunately throughout the wars of the score, and not surprisingly the TO cepted a pass and returned it for a Other individuals have stepped ence game and was a very impor- past, it hasn't been much ofa battle. belonged to Powell. The play was TO. up for the Terror as well. The afore- tant bounce back win after the dis- Going into tast Saturday'S game, another testament to the abilities of The fourth quarter saw the mo- mentioned Harris ran for over 100 appointing loss from the week be- Gettysburg has won the one on one the versatile star. mentum swing back and forth, with yards in the victory over fore against Bridgewater. matchup 41-11-1. In recent years The play occurred when a de- the score resting at 38-27. The Bul- Gettysburg. The Terror now have one con- things have changed in the fensive back from Gettysburg com- lets were driving, with thoughts of The is a testament to the play ference win notched on their belt matchup. Western Maryland has mitted a blatant pass interference a late comeback still in their mind. caller's mobility and athletic tal- as they prepare to play Urstnus this won three consecutive games go- on Powell. When Gettysburg was forced to ents. coming weekend. ing into this year's contest. While falling to the ground, punt, senior captain Aaron Perhaps most importantly for The contest is set for a I P.M. The Green Terror went into Powell was able to reach up and Bartolain swung the momentum the Terror, junior defensive line- start in Collegehill, Pa. Expect the ''The Battle of 97" on the momen- catch the ball, securing the TO and back in the favor of the Terror for man Josh GaJemore had a break out Terror to build upon the success of tum of a dominant road win at thus negating the penalty. good when he blocked the punt. game. the past two games, as Harris grows Randolph-Macon. The third quarter of the game This allowed the Terror to tally He dominated the Bullets offen- into the QB position, and the de- The game started off looking was a very exciting period for both another score and diminish the sive line applying pressure alJ game fense continues to dominate the like a rivalry game, as both teams' sides. thoughts of a possible BuUet come- and adding tw~ and a half sacks. opposing offenses.
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