Page 23 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 23
~------------------------------------ ......~ NEWS Thursday, October 5, 2000·--Page 3 New grading system in effect continued from page-l continuedfrom page 1 ment analySi~and ~ailthat l~k- longer. cision. A/though, the new grading For now, the plus/minus grad- ing at a person's exact word choice .Through her statement it is ob- The clues 'in the Ramsey case system is jo begin affecting grades ing system will only apply to all is important The difference be- vious that she felt the death of her led Ashenbach to believe the this semester, there is still ques- undergraduate students. Case said tween using "this" or "that" could sons was a reward for them. Ramseys wrote that ransom note to tion about whether it will work. that, in the future. it is a possibil- give clues about whe~e a person A further example of her detach- themselves. "We certainly hope that 10 be ity that graduate students OPA really was in relation to a crime ment is the fact that she did not He believes the reason they the case," said Coley. will also be calculated with the scene. mention her sons' names (Michael would have had to write that note' Unfixed computer gliches pluses and minuses. Also very important is a and Alex) until they were already would be the only reason the new'" think they'll lundcrgradu- person's use of pronouns in his/her dead within her story. was to protect their SO)'l, Burke, system would not be imple- ates] be astonished by how little who had been the one who killed statement. Ashenbach then asked the au- Jon Benet. mented, according to Coley. their grades change," said Coley. Ashenbach said sometimes dience who killed Ramsey. When asked about cases where "We should be. able to give Coley also noted that the ben- people "accidentally" leave pro- The majority said it was her his technique gave false results, pluses and minuses in the fall and efit of the plus/minus grading sys- nouns out and usually have no idea mother, Patricia Ramsey. However Ashenbach answered that nothing they will be calculated into the tem is that since graduate schools they did so. a few said it was both of her par- is 100%, including his profession. OPA.Howeverifthereareanyre- and medical schools make stu- Ashenbach displayed a copy of ents and about six said it was He said he could riot.remember any maining computer problems. dents compute their OPA in order Smith's confession statement in .Burke, 10n Benet's brother. cases that 'yielded an incorrect pluses and minuses may not be to account for pluses and minuses, which she stated how sorry she was Ashenbach proceeded by show- analysts, but he was sure they were calculated," said Case, this step will already be done. for what she had done but felt that ing the audience a copy of the ran- She said that students the point that Oundes reiterated don't be- she had no other choice in the situ- scm note written to Mr. Ramsey, out there: of the So- nothing is 100% and while slate- Jieve thai people will confess to Dr. la·t.iren Dundes ation; she was in love with a man It started out as a formal letter; ciology Department further ex- mem analysis works in most cases, crimes they didn't commit. who did not want her children and bUI went downhill from there, Dundes spoke .she felt that she "deserved" some Ashenbach said he believed pounded on the issue, people hear a there will be some where it doesn't. Mary Bendel-Simco with Professor about inviting She said when just a tool to aid in the entire happiness in life (she came from a Patsy Ramsey wrote the letter with they broken home), , help from her husband John, and speaker such as Ashenbach, it, and trial process of an accused that person. she Ashenbach back again for a com- lee- and Sociology must think critically bined also said Dundee English about She wrote that sh~ was glad n9 then he pointed out all of the tex- one could hurt her children any "in being a critical thinker you want teaches about this in her criminol- ture with. a focus about how gram- tual clues which led himto that de- to be aware of the downside." ,.\,: ogy course, ma'~ js a large part of his job. , Form~r.AIt l!~.~!~~,~,pr~,!es,~or.:,f~gh~~d,braincancet;,;"" STACEY MYE~; ;,.Yliomais fl,l?a~~p,l.aJ!r!fastr.9ww~I",,[u~ly.!e;qcn.~~~bod~ ~9fi~Fn~ify, ~'" ~~ ,jl1',\hei~ li~l' [sh.~;sl ulweys g'1,p'u~ed,,;Someti91es fajth: will SlaffWrj/~r. .,,i.l'l:g~..umo,~...a9,4lhe,E,uremW'i~,Y~~X" .J1m,aipin~ t,~mor.~ll~$ a,s Jo.r<;irR,.: t~iRki11.g of ,qlhe(.I.Il~ople,":,!>~!,d ~'l[c¥re.thG~] actually." :,.,! On January 28th., 20q0, low, ""'~'~ri ":. "1" It' .'l:.d~rpl~gr~ ~gain~l),hl?}r ,fwt~nJ ",Cpvn~;Hon,e. ,1)"". . ~9Radiee isa woman of pow- ter the start of the sprin~,semeste(, .. ~.-' ._Badiee ha~ rysi¥.n~d frq!ll,~e!" ~owth in h~r brain." The J~ia( l~~ ..~qrt.~9,f the. ~8!..ds that keeps erful belief. A member of the WMC Art History profess9.r,pr.:. PQsition as profe~s9,~of Anklist.ory, ,bei~g conducted by D'r, Keith coming uR ~qre(~f1!nc~ to(j:ladiee,~,.B,ah~ji ,f4ith, she benefits fmm the ~ulie Badiee collapse~ in front of and has been app,?i~,ed ,a,!College ,Black,a doctor noted in th~,,?~d~l, is '''ern:ukabl~,.;~~j' ,,).j'f !1, c)Q§flreligious community. ':'Oneof her HistoryofWeste~J\rt II cJas~. Fellow, a ..I?ositi09 thai 'I-[,Io:w~her cal .. filI1fIdentIaI • tumor, Radiee extend's her love fo~ family. "It~s very easy for cancer calls or visitors now. She was. re- A pr~,,:ote non.~rofi! agency S~ing C~ro!t Se..unty others. I patients to go one of two ways. ceiving email, but was over- "She's been • considerate of.., They are either tol:<\ll,ypessimistic, )\'helmed by the response, and can .. ~.:>( othet; pe:Opfe, ~sking what's going o'r they believe they will defmiteIy no longer keep up correspondence. ;i.'~
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