Page 21 - Phoenix2000-01
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Thursda October5 2000 Dorms vandalized with hate Lysistrata excites crowd crimes targeting homosexuals MATI MCGOWAN the Department of Residence Life, An incident two years ago in Assistant Features Editor but that department's records are which remarks were found aimed Withinthe lastfew weeksof the not open to the public, explained at a black student prompted a great semester, there have been multiple Director Scott Kane. deal of not only outside mediacov- instances of homophobic slander Kane added that, "I have heard erage but overwhelming student re- scrawledon various surfaceson the of one or two incidents in Rouzer, action, including a candlelight WMC campus, some of which and if there have been more, then vigil, according to Student Govern- were aimed directly at a student these should have been reported to ment Assembly vice president while others targeted homosexuals us, so the prescribed measures can Amanda Cline. as a group. be taken. As is, anything found While it was laterfound out that On Friday,September 28, Dean written on walls is removed within of Student Affairs Philip Sayre, at an hour in most cases, and then the student targeted had written the remarks himself with the intent of the prompting of the Student Gov- dealt with within the preset guide- spurring the reaction he did, many ernment Assembly, sent a letter to lines of the disciplinary process." are questioning why this year's Erin Owen, Martha Tudor. and IAJlraAlbaugh star in Aristophanes' the entire campus community stat- While somehave suggestedthat continued on page 2 Greek. co"¥dy "Lysistrata ." This was WMC~ second production oj ing what happened, and assuring incidents like these, and one in the anti-war pia. students that when "we ascertain which "Lesbians" was written who was responsible, we will re- across one of the doors to ANW, New grading system now in effect spond with fum and immediatedis- were merejokes, Interim President ciplinary measures." Joan Coley holds a different opin- As many as eleven incidents ion. ''This type of behavior is com- STACI L. GEORGE SGA went to great lengths to show Editor Co-News have occurred, according to pletely unacceptable and runs di- By now, most WMC students that not all current students favor sources who prefer to remain rectly counter to what Isaid at con- have heard the discussions or read the plus/minus system. anonymous, but.only three or four vocation this year - that we need to the editorials concerning the new Interim President Joan Coley have been reported to the Depart- functionas acommunity," she said. plus/minus grading system. said that, "students' voices were ment of Campus Safety. The problem is not a new one The new grading system, which heard over and over again. Faculty. Other incidents should have on the WMC campus, and, accord- will take effect this semester, has committees, and trustees spent an been recorded by Resident Assis- ing to Coley, "represents how the also been the concern of the SGA incredible amount of time discuss- tants (RA's) or custodial staff with campus mirrors society." for the past few semesters. ing it." The faculty has considered everything SGA has given it, she said. When voted on a second time lastspring, the faculty approved the plus/minus system without a single dissenting vote. "Every time the SGA brought a proposal or request, 100% of the time it passed along to the appro- priate faculty committee," said Coley. "This is a faculty decision. It is important to recognize how small of a percentage of the student body had an opinion about the pius/ minus system." continued on page 3 Inside Writing Center loses another administrator Edward Schultheis expresses his frustrations with the frequent power outages and ethernet dis- JOAN FAULKNER The English department is now students. glish department this past year, ruptions in Rouzer. Asst. News Editor wonderingwhat to do withthe cur- Initialed in 1984 by Dr. Pam adds Smith. After the resignation of two rent vacancy. Regis, professor of English, the With a Writing Center commit- administrators within the past year When Virginia Story, adminis- writingcenter has put more empha- tee, which was formed three years and a half, the writing center has trator of the writing center since sis on developing writing skills ago to discuss the "policies. proce- suffered the loss of yet another, 1991, left the administration about than focusing on the use of com- dures, and services to be provided," Show your Green Terror Spirit! Cristina Seckman. I a year ago, people were left won- puters and their technology. Smith feels that the writing center Shauna Dominguez highlights Troubles with keeping the Po- dering who would be taking over When Story left, the writing will receive more attention. Homecoming 2000: We Are the sition filledfirst began withthe res- as the administrator. center was just beginning to sur- Champions. Now, Smith will be "playing a ignationof VirginiaStory,followed The English Department was vive on its own and become Popu- bigger role in teaching tutors and by the departure of Mark trying to figure out how to take the lar among students. making it a campus service," by Honeycutt last February, and now writing center "to the next step," The combination of thecenter's Amy Bittinger profiles field Seckman's recent resignation on said Dr. Erin Smith,whichincluded independence and Story's depar- overseeing the writing center with hockey teammates and sisters the aid of 2000 WMC graduate September 18. developing a workable structurefor ture put a lot of stress on the En- continued on page 2 Heather and Becky Arnold.
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