Page 15 - Phoenix2000-01
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FEATURES-- - The most exhilarating experience of a lifetime for one student GAB" SHULMAN vised not to sleep in (on account of new wire, laid new poles, took out would walk the rest of us up the up of constant excitement about the SlaffWriler their disgusting condition), and the old ones damaged by snow, a!ld road in plain sight. final thrill: we were going to be The mountains are beautiful given the same food everyday. generally mad it impossible for any The people in hiding would pe- able to shoot an M- 16 rifle. Now, here, especially these mountains. We lived riodically I shoot handguns with my dad at Purple in the twilight, golden dur- just like the ba- shine a his range, but laying there with an ing the day. sic army grunt flashlight on M-16 pressed up against my cheek, I lived under their protective and did the us and we is something completely different. shadow for a month, sweating and same work. would have We had training for a few days bleeding to build up their defenses. Eve r y day to dive onto but then it finally happened. To protect a country I love so much. we would pile the rocky We had to sit down on the Forthe last few months of high . onto our bus ground and range, which was a small valley school I had been thinking that I and they would find cover closed in on three sides, facing wasn't ready forcoJlege yet. take us out of before we away from the target with the guns I didn't feel mature enough to the base and would get handle living on my own and wor- into the moun- hit by the behind us. When we were told to we could turn around and lie down rying about grades. To be honest, rains. beam. Few next to it. Then we were given per- it scared me. After about of us ever mission to put the clips in and load So, one day my cousin told me ten minutes, made it. the gun. . about this program that she had would In an- Two of us shot at a time and done, where she went to Israel for come to a large other drill with each shot of the guy next to nine months. gate. This gate we did we me, I felt a blast of air hit my body. She said it had helped her ma- was the pofiti-, __ I would walk Each time I squeezed the trigger I ture, realize who she was, and to cal border of Shulman protected the Israeli/Lebanon border during his nine-month. stay. down the felt this surge of excitement course see the world. Israel and road, with through my body, making my I was a bit dubious at first, but I Lebanon. border jumpers to get across. our mefaked ahead of us, and he stomach turn over. eventually warmed to the idea, and We worked across that border We worked for about six hours would throw rocks en the ground We had a clip with ten bullets within a few months was all signed everyday (except for the few that a day, and it got plenty hot out and yell "grenade!" in it and I hit the target nine times. up togo. we were being bombed). there. After work we went back to Same drill - dive on the ground I still have my target. It was funny We arrived at the base in the Our task at the border was a the base for dinner and showers. and find cover in the six to eight because northern part of the Golan Heights menial but necessary one. The Then we hung around base until it seconds we had before it went off. compared the girls were assassins to the guys. in late April. The scenery was stun- fences are the primary protection got dark, when our ruefaked (drill Then we would lie there and he The time r spent in Israel was ning. against people sneaking over the sergeant) would take us out on would walk around and tell us the most life changing and exhila- We were stationed in small bar- border, so they needed to be up night hikes. which parts of our body would rating experience I have ever had racks like the rest of the soldiers, kept. He would select a few of us and have been blown off. and I would do it again in a sec- given sleeping bags we were ad- That is just what we did: strung have them wait up the trail, then The last few weeks were a build ond. The WMC Education department adds five new faculty faces Sharon Craig pating in all sports, as well as read- currently working on a doctorate in tor of Learning Support Services. from a family of educators and ad- Sharon Craig, a graduate of the ing and writing. - Katie Champion deaf education/deaf studies from Now she is teaching several first ministrators. "It's the best job in the ~:~~:~,i:Yd~f:e~Z~~::ne~:~t:~~ยท Eddy Laird ;:~~: I~;;'::~:~ - Courtesyof ~~~~:a~~~~i~O~~~~!~~1;!:~~:~rt~i~~'(~.~~t~~!r\r{?~\k:ts~u~\~,w_u. Maryland College. She is currently Hired '10 teach in the deaf edu- for student teachers, "which deals Miller has been at WMC as an completing her dissertation for her cation program, Eddy Laird has Janet Medina with all sorts of diversity. Racial, adjunct in the Education Depart- doctorate in education at the Uni- more than 25 years experience, in- Trained as an archaeologist, ethnic, sexual, yes, but also diver- ment since 1993. Before that, she versity of Maryland. She joins the eluding superintendent at Indiana Janet Medina got into education shy of disabilities, sexual prefer- taught for twenty-three years Green Terror faculty from the Deaf School. due to the lack of available jobs in ences, and so on. It's important for Within the Howard County! Carroll County Public School sys- He has taught at Lamar Univer- archaeology withiruthe region. She teachers to learn these things:" Salisbury school system. Now tern where she had been the Coor- sity, Northeastern University, Bos- began tutoring while taking teach- Most of Medina's spare lime is Miller teaches mainly graduate dinator of Continuous Improve- Ion University, Riverside County ing courses at Mary Baldwin Col- spent with her family (a husband courses, with the exception of one mem in the Integrated Arts Pro- Schools in California and Tennes- lege in Virginia and has since and two daughters), part of the rea- undergraduate course. gram since 1998. see Deaf School. Skilled in Ameri- earned a Masters in reading and a son for her change injobs. Through Miller got her teaching degree In the past, Craig has also taught can Sign Language and English, he Doc~orate in School Psycholo~y. "I it all, Medina came to WMC last and BA in Elementary Education at William Winchester and also directed New England Deaf got my Ph.D. from Alfred Univer- year as an adjunct, and now joins from Frausburg, and went imme- Carrolltowne, as well as working Homes from 198)-1992. sity, which was a lot like WMC. the college full time. "I like it here diately into teaching. "I've picked with students at Friendship Valley He earned a bachelor's degree While I was there, r worked help- a lot, though I 'can certainly relate up a Masters Degree in reading, Elementary. in English from Gallaudet Univer- ing undergrad students who didn't to the freshmen or anyone who's and a Ph.D.," added Miller, who This school year, Craig will be sity, a master's degree in special have great GPAs or SATs for a va- equally new this year. It's all very has always loved reading and has, teaching undergraduate reading education from the University of riety of reasons." exciting." - MatI McGowan 'therefore, taught it a great deal. program courses as well as agradu- Tennessee, a master's degree in Medina's primary experience is In her spare time, Miller likes ate reading assessment class. educational administration and su- with learning SUppOT{services. She Debra Miller to read and travel. When asked Dna more personal level, Craig pervision from California State spent several years at Hartford Debra Miller has always whether she likes her job, Miller enjoys both watching and partici- University in Northridge and is\ C?mmunity College as the Direc- wanted to teach, and in fact, comes responded enthusiastically, "I love it. LOVE, all caps, that's what I Anonymous AIDS Testing Classified always tell people." - Matt McGowan Fall Semester 2000 MAKE YOUR OWN Marci~ Virts HOURS Marcia Virts, who before join- Il:3D - I :30 ~ Sell Spring Break 2001 Trips ing the full-time faculty was an EVERY OTHER TUESDAY 'H1GHEST COMMISSIONS adjunct instructor in the deaf edu- cation program at WMC since - LOWEST PRICES English 1978, will be teaching September 19 Location - Smith House 3rd floor NO COST TO 0 YOU second language to deaf students as a October 3 & 17 call Travel FREE including parties!'! as part of the deaf education food, November 7 & 21 410-876-4752 or drink, & non-stop CLASS program's recent$l.5 million grant WORLD of Edu- from the US Department DecemberS 410-876-4771 VACATIONS cation. 2000 STUDENT TRAVEL Virts has also taught at the PLANNERS Maryland School for the Deaf. She Carroll County Health Department "TOP PRODUCER" earned her bachelor's degree in Ask for Mary 10 or Bernice to make an & MTV'S CHOICE English from Washington College appointment (Spring Break Cancun Party and a master's in deaf education Program) from Western Maryland. - Cour- 1-800-222-4432 tesy of Public Information
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