Page 16 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 16
Thursday, September 21, 2000 - Page 8 FEATURES Need a break? Then read on KATE ESPOSITO free if you don't have the equipment. Try to 60 SECONDS SeniQr Writer sneak some out of the gym. (But put it back So three weeks of school have already of course). passed us by. lust enough time to reconnect For those of you who are lazy slobs and with friends and meet new people; almost don't want to make the effort to go outside, What is the "Green Terror?" time to actually start going to class. And if there are also entertaining activities that can you are anything like me, it is about the time be done on your floor. If you are extremely Compiled by Brad Widner you run out of that summer cash. There are bored, and fortunate enough to not live in several choices for the student left in this Whiteford, you and your roommate can have situation: a fun day rearranging the furniture. Who A) Hit up family members and friends knows? Learn the ways of Feng Shui and for cash. this could greatly improve your life. If your B) Start selling prized possessions and roommate is away, move all of their fumi- internal organs. ture into another room. See if he/she notices. "It's a concept, man!" C) GET A lOB. If you cari at least bring up the energy to However; ifnone of these options appeal make it to the hallway, try bowling with soda -Marc Conley '03 to you in the slightest, have no worry. There bottles and a soccer ball. Once you have been are many exciting things to do on campus declared the champion, have a floor movie that don't cost a cent. You're paying enough marathon. Collect everyone's videos and to be here already. watch them all back to back. Turn off the First of all, there are outside activities. lights and play the sound loudly, to pretend You have to be a moron to not realize how that you can actually afford to go to the beautiful this campus is, especially when it movie theater. comes to the sunsets. Go watch one. This Another place on. campus which can - can also be terribly romantic (hint for all you bring endless hours 6f amusement is Glar; boyfriends out there). Another thing that -which m'(;;t of us are forced to. pay for any- sounds kind of interesting is running on to way. Aside from guessing what the main dish the golf course, twirling around and singing actually is. which could fill up at least a few ''The Sound of Music" like fraulein Maria. I hours, here are some more: make sculptures "A big fluffy monster, kind of have never tried this, but if you do. Iapplaud of animals out of frozen yogurt or mashed you. Extra credit if there are perplexed golf- potatoes; fiddle with the radio; or see how like Grover" ers present who think they may be in Aus- many pieces of fruit. ice cream bars. cook- -Rachel Ward '02 tria. ies. or bagels you can sneak out the door Two more subdued activities involving without getting caught. the outdoors are cloud watching, and the Finally, for those of you who can leave night lime version: star gazing. These can campus, there is the number one guilty plea- be used as excellent excuses to be lazy, also sure of West em Maryland College: going to as research for science class. Walmart. For a list of the many games that can be played at Walmart, ask any upper- classman you see roaming around the cam- pus looking/or things to do. "A cross between the Incred- ible Hulk and the Tazmanian Devil" -Matt Burger '01 "The monstrous amount of '. school spirit that we have at WMC!" -Brandi Livesay '03 Friday, September 22, 2000 9 pm Road Trip "It's what makes WMC clothes so damned expensive." 11pm Gladiator -Pat Pulliam 'OJ' Located at Bair Stadium Movie screen will be set up on the football field
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