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FEATURES Thursday, September 21, 2000 - Page 9 New faculty brings many talents to various departments Educational institutions. per- at Troy State University. haps more than any other type, en- How does Craig differ from Roxanna Harlow " physics and astronomy from the University of California at San Di- Roxanna where joy a constant flow of new indi- other professors at WMC? He can-American Harlow, the first Afri- University of Oregon, Education he ego, where she also won the Teach- specialized sociology in Physics female viduals, each of whom bring to loves physical fitness activities ing Assistant and Development at WMC. people learn - how grew up in the their respective campuses renewed such as cycling and running, as professor area of south Chicago. She Research and trying to teach it in a Award. ~ Courtesy of Public Infor- physics urban visions of their craft, and new en- well as spending time with his two sought out her undergraduate de- way that makes learning it a better mation ergies to get students to love what girls (aged 7,10). - Brandi Thayer gree at Northwestern University experience. Kevin Mcintyre they're learning. Let's meet the Psyche Forson and Indiana University for gradu- Marx received both his under- Assistant Professor of econom- new professors who will do just Psyche Forson, Jessie Ball ate school. ics and business administration, Dr. that here at WMC. duPont Visiting Scholar in English, She says, "the reason I became graduate and doctoral degrees at Mclntyre specializes in interna- Institute. Nicholas Boer has been teaching English 1101 this a professor was to be a role model Rensselaer Polytechnic Marx is an as- tional finance, monetary .econom- Here at WMC, Nicholas Boer, visiting lecturer semester, and in the spring she will to all student and in particular mi- ics, and economic history. in exercise science and physical begin teaching an interesting class nority students." sistant professor of physics. Marx Dr. Mcintyre earned his gradu- hope~ to launch his RelnaiJ,~jlnce education, is most definitely "fit" ate .an?,4.q~ton~1 d~gr~e~ from the for his job. Universtry of Virg in ia, and a This Hungarian professor does bachelor's degree from Grinnell many fun and challenging activi- College. He also studied at the Lon- ties to keep up his physical fitness. don Schoo! of Economics and the Professor Boer is a recreational Institute of European Studies. weight lifter, cyclist, soccer player, Before coming to WMC, he was and runner. He has even run the senior economist and head interna- 26-mile Pittsburgh Marathon, tional economist at Dismal Sci- twice! ences/RFA where he was respon- Boer, who earned his Bachelor sible for economic forecasting and of Science degree in biology at analysis. fle,was frequently quoted Loyola College, just completed his by major national media, including The Wall StreetJournal,Associated graduate work at the University of Press, Investor's Business Daily Pittsburgh, where he was in charge and the Boston Globe, on current of running a lab while taking part economic issues. - Courtesy of in the research projects that went Public Information along with it. At Pittsburgh, he earned two master's degrees and a Jakub Zejmis Jakub Zejmis is teaching the Ph.D. western civilization section and Boer came to WMC after Dr. COURTESYOF Sam Case had interviewed him and Pictured from left to right are: Roxanna Harlow, Marcia Tressler Virtf, Ls. Col. Donald Craig, Janet Medina History of Russia for Theodore offered him a job taking over his Eddy Laird, Debra Miller, Jeffrey Marx, Margaret McDevitt. Kevin Mcintyre. Not pictured: Sharon Craig. Evergate while Evergate is on sab- position. Boer expressed delight to Psyche. Forson. Cristina Seckman batical. Besides leaching, Zejmis "now be able to work in a small, attractive, private college with Dr. worked in Russia from 1990 to called Women, Food, and Identity Dr. Harlow chose WMC be- Physics Program here at WMC. Case as [his) mentor and guide." in Literature of the African cause she "was impressed by how The program is designed to aid 1993 doing journalism, consulting Professor Boer is now teaching Diaspora, which will satisfy the genuinely friendly the faculty and .. nO,n-maj9fs in the 9asic~ ?fl'ci~np~ about western investment, and the classes of Exercise Physiology guidebook contributions to two ...., Glooal'Perspectives1lLAR. everyone ~as." and mathematics, which are neces- as well as Human Physiology. She has studied English, She feels like this campus and sary requirements for physics. "cB'~lp~nies. JHe' 6~; ~l~g>done - Melissa Blackwell Women's studies, and African the people here are a big family. Brandi Thayer archive research on early Soviet ....Donald Craig history in Belarus and Poland from American studies. She received her She also saw something inspiring Margaret McDevitt Originally from Fort Bachelor's Degree from the Uni- about WMC students, "I was really An experimental psychologist, September 1998 to August 1999 . Leavenworth, Kansas, Lieutenant versity of Virginia and her Master's impressed by the students, how in- Margaret McDevitt was hired as an Born in Poland, Zejmis came to and has Colonel Craig came to The Hill Degree_from University of Mary- terested they were in the faculty assistant professor of psychology. the United States as achild New York, lived since in Texas, after leaving his position as Chief land, College Park. selection process and how involved She has taught at the University of Pennsylvania, Washington DC, and of Leader Division at the Center for For a number of years, Forson they were in the classroom. I could California at San Diego, San Di- Baltimore. His main field is Rus- Army Leadership. While at Ft. worked at the Smithsonian Institu- feel a need, particularly for minor- ego State University, and Califor- sian and East European history. Leavenworth, Craig co-authored a tion as a museum consultant. She . ity students who wanted more fac- nia State University jlt Stanislaus. rewrite and update of the field also taught at numerous places in- ulty of color." Dr. McDevitt also has clinical Though he spends most of his manual on Army leadership. eluding University of Maryland, Dr. Harlow has some ambitious experience with developmentally free time with his family and three- Acting as the Green Terror Bat- UMBC, and DOC. goals for WMC: to create an Afri- disabled and emotionally disturbed year old daughter, Zejmis has trav- talion Commander of WMC's Currently, Professor Forson is can-American studies minor, be an populations at Behavior lnterven- eled extensively in Europe. The ROTC and full time professor of living with her husband in instructor that can facilitate stu- tionServices,CreativeAlternatives reason he hasn't visited these coun- Military Science, Craig has his Beltsville. She is also attending dents with their needs, and connect and Camp La Honda, and in Cali- tries is because "you can't do ev- mind set on being a positive addi- University of Maryland, College with the African-American and fornia. erything and we tried to focus on tion to our campus. He has a three- Park in order to complete a Ph.D. other minorities students. She earned her bachelor's and the inexpensive." - Joan Faulkner year appointment at WMC. in African American and Women's - Mohindra Ramphal master's degrees at California State Craig earned his Bachelor of studies, focusing on literature. Jeffrey Marx University at Stanislaus and Additional Information courtesy of Science degree in human resources Public Information. - CaraJacobson Marx is a former professor of master's and doctoral degrees at the Horoscopes: forecasting your future for the onset of Fall LISA STANLEV Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 22) Your best color is yellow, so let it Staff Writer Really get to know your co- Aries (March 21 - April 20) crs will be the florescent shades of Virgo (Aug 24 - Sept 23) workers, Scorpio. This will open up shine! (Jan 21 - Feb 19) Hold your tongue. Go with the green and pink. Aquarius So you Virgos are still eating the many doors for you - ie. spice up Hit a new club and strut your flow this week; you will avoid Cancer (June 22 - July 22) that way. Your pizza? Maybe this time you'll lis- your life. Your lucky numbers are stuff, Aquarius; you will have such some rough water are 6, 21, and 35. Threat yourself this week and numbers lucky ten to me and keep clear of eating 3, 14, and 30. This week wear a great time. Your best color is green. try something totally new, like a too much grilled cheese. Your something red. Your lucky numbers this week Taurus (April 21 - May 20) new outfit or maybe even try that lucky numbers are I, 13, and 34. Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21) are II, 16, and 24. Your best color Careful not to over analyze ev- new dessert you heard about. Your Your best color: stick with a clean Jump on any new opportunities is a sexy black. lucky numbers are 10, 19, and 36. white. that come your way. This week Pisces (Feb 20 - March 20) erything. Your lucky numbers this This week, your best color Libra (Sept 24 - Oct 22) your lucky numbers are 2, 9, and Keep your hands to yourself week are 12,25, and 33. choice will be cornflower, Spend some quality time with 18. Your best color is a cool gray. Go with earth tones and wear Leo (,July 23 - Aug 23) new buds, Libra; events will take a Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 20) this week, Pisces - trust me. Things some cream. Try to catch up on your work. will be best this way. surprising turn for the better. Your Now that you have that curie's Your lucky numbers are 7,20, Gemini (May 21 - June 21) This will make play time all the lucky numbers for the week are 5, number, call them! If nothing else, and 32. This week tone it down Remember that yO" can't more fun for you. 17, and 26. This week get playful you will have a new friend. Your change anyone but yourself. Live Your lucky numbers are 4, 23, and go with purple. lucky numbers are 8, 22, and 28. with a pale blue and pale yellow and let live. Your lucky numbers and 29. Try wearing the color combination. are 15,27, and 31. Your best col- melon for a nice change.
   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22