Page 22 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 22
Thursday, October 5, 2000 - Page 2 NEWS Health Education coordinator leaves Western Maryland STACI L. GEORGE when my daughters are off." include sharing a car pool with two other said. Co·News &ii/or The opportunity arose over the summer, families, possibly substituting for a lOth "Bonnie was very careful about dotting Dedicated advisor of AIDS Support when the assistant principal contacted her grade psychology class, and maybe even her i's and crossing her t's before she left," Awareness and Prevention (ASAP). Pro- and asked her if she would like to chaperone coaching her freshmen daughter's said Horneff. grammer of alcohol awareness events, Ini- the senior high school (grade 9-12) students' cheerleading squad, she shared. She "was veryconsiderate when she took tiator of the College'S OCTAA program. trip t'? a New York camp for four days be- The decision to leave WMC was a hard her job. She negotiated with the school in Guest speaker in many one, she commented, but ordertostayonheretotakecareofOCTAA WMC classes, But above she knew it would be a [and "Choices"] for fall 2000, in addition to all. a treasuredasset of the good choice, allowing her the ASAP retreat," added Sayre. WMC community. to be more involved with "I always found the students' talents en- The accomplish- her children. "I liked my ergizing," Bosley said. "It's really an expe- ments of Bonnie Bosley, years atWesternMaryland. rience to work with young adults." former Health Education It's very exciting working Both Sayre and Homeff were amazed at Coordinator, have been on a campus," she said AI- the talents Bosley possessed. "I think Bonnie shared with everyone she though herjob was consid- was very energetic and creative in her ap- worked with here at ered part-time, she was no proach to health education on this campus. WMC in the past eight stranger to the campus She was always coming up with ways to years. On Friday, Sep- community. educate the campus on a variety of issues," tember 22, Philip Sayre, In particular. Bosley remarked Sayre. "I really liked her, I always dean of Student Affairs, helped Horneff with two ended up laughing. [She had] a great sense accepted Bosley's resig- major aspects of freshmen of humor. So, she'll surely be missed." nation. orientation: the .....on cam- Horneffnoted that, "whatever she did, "You could delegate pus talking about alcohol" she did it with entirety and with a smile. She something to Bonnie and program (alsoreferred to as seemed to really like what she was doing. know she would follow OCTAA), and the She spread sunshine with any task she did." through with that pro- "Choices" skits. She was At the present time,the position of Health gram and approach it with Bonnie Bodey, former Health Education Coordinator and adviser to ASAp, also a frequent guest Education Coordinator is vacant Sayre met great attention to detail," receives a gift from club member Cathy Pendorf at the organization s fall retreat. speaker for Horoeff's with the Budget Committee on Friday, Sep- praised course for incoming stu- tember 29 to ask.for permission to refill the Barbara Horneff, the associate dean of the cause they needed female chaperones.-She dents. This class, titled "SUCCESS: Your position. They approved the refilling of the first year program. said that the first question that came to mind College Experience," meets twice a week. position. confirmed Sayre. Four years of Bosley's career at WMC was "Are you asking me to go as a mom Ora Horneff said Bosley took full responsibility Refilling the position is a task he will be were spent as a nurse in Smith House, and nurse?" The assistant principal was inter- for the training and implementation of the working on within the next few weeks, a the latter four years in the position of Health esred in the last part of her question. In fact, OCTAA program. "It was really. her brain process thatwill take some time 00 advertise Bducation Coordinator. he said that there may be a school nurse's child because she had attended a conference the job opening and select the best person. However. she will not be a stranger to position open. ,on the program. Sbe came back and pre- Sayre also noted. WMC; she will return to instruct a Jan Term Previously. a 68 year-old retired-woman -sented it 00 student affairs directors and asked So for the time being, several of the re- class titled "Alternative Medicine: Health or had the title of health aide at. the school. to implement it in the orientation program." sponsibilities that Bosley undertook have H~~~~:!!:t:.!:~volves~od :~=~~~=~:=s~=::. sai~:;:rfoui~. ithasbee&':'~ignifi- ~~=s=~i=~::::;~~:::- an opportunity to spend more time with her medication. She had not received such cer- cant part of tile four-dayorientationprogram. tivities, came forward and volunteered to family. tification and refrained from going through The absence of Bosley will be felt in more handle the planning of Alcohol Awareness ,As school nllF of Chapel Gate Chris- the necessary course to obtain certification. places than Smith House. however. Week, which is October 15-21. tian Academy, a private school in Howard Therefore. on August 28, Bosley received Senior Erin Owen. president-of ASAP, ' Additionally, Mitchell Alexander, direc- County where her two daughters are in the a phone call and was officially offered we also worked with Bosley for the "Choices" tor of College Activities, will be helping out 6th and 9th grades. Bosley's schedule will job. The next day, she started caring for stu- productions. Her leaving "was a big surprise. with some of the programming details said now mirror her children's. dents in grades 6th through 12th. We were really disappointed because she is Sayre. who isalso fulfillingsome of Bosley'S ..Jt's very differenLChapelGate has won- As with any new job, it meant a new list suchan asset to the program. It is weird with- previous responsibilities. derful students and faculty. It is a lot less of responsibilities. In addition to "adhering out her. because as long as I have been with Homeff explained she is "not expecting pressure, with less after-hours work," said tocertainduties,protocols,staleregulations. ASAP, she's been there. We're all so happy someone 'to come in and be Bonnie, but Bosley.... am looking forward 00being off andguidelines" as the nurse, new duties also sbe got a better job, but we'll miss her," she rather 00bring their own unique ideas." Hate crimes target homosexuals on Western Maryland's campus continuedfrom page J events have gone all but unnoticed. college does its best 00 do programming and of what goes on, to hold the college account- .... Grace Almandrez, director of education initiatives to see that this goal is able," she said. Multicultural Services said, "every level of achieved. Though we have more to do." While the target of those crimes reported the institution should be-involvedin and deal While the issue appears to have been to the DepartmentofCampus Safety (DoCS) .quickly with these type ·of crimes. aoo let closeted for several weeks, the response from earlier this yearchose not to pursue the mat- tbosC·.involvedknow that it won't be toler- students as they've found out has been strong ter beyond his I?lCliminaryreports. DoCS,. aied." and fast. says Director Mike Webster, is not ignoring 1be issue of hate crimes on campus was Michael Baker~Co-president·of Allies, the issues. raised at the SGAmeetingon Thursday.Sep- gayllesbianlbiltransgendercd!straight alli- These matters. now that they've been lember 28. ' ance on campus, explained. "We agree with brought to the attention of the SGA and ad- Students there voiced opinions which Dr. Coley that this behavior is totally unac- ministration, will be discussed. ranged from the idea that the school is not ceptable, and is sparked by i~ and And though a true solution is years in the reacting to the Incidences because it is "~VM best addressed by education, which is part making. according to SGA president Steve elidg its own e.-," to the question of a simple of Allies' job."_ Sharkey, in addressing the SGA last Thurs- lack of awareness on the ~ of the admin- Baker believes that the college's hate day, "we need to take the first step now." istration. Distress about the administration's .cnmes policy needs to include a reference lack of response led the SGA to prepare a to sexual orientation ." ItReeds to change, in letter which went out earlier this week, as its spirit as well as its published literature. A well as taking several other immediate ac- bate crimes policy needs to include all hate tions. This resulted in.Friday's IeUeL crimes." he said. Sayre commented;Ii»,*"er, that he. like Whetherthe answer 00such problems that Coley, had not heard of the aforementioned have arisen is disciplinary action or edaca- incidents until the issue was brought to him tion, the issue needs to be-addressed by the by The Phoenix. "I bad heard of some inCi- entire institution; Almandrez said. "This dents. but nothing specific. Any such bebav- needs to involve the SGA. Dean Sayre's of- lor violates the conditions of acceptable con- fice, the admissions office. students. Dr. duct clearly spelled out in the college's COley,and everyone from the top down. The codes, as well as the first principles of the issue of differences in how racism and ho- college," said Sayre. "The spirit of the code mophobia are viewed also needs to be ad- is that all here are to be respected. And the dressed. And there should be a public record
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