Page 25 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 25
COMMENTARY Thursday, October 5, 2000 - Page 5 Life is not so "suite" after all Is there anything to It is not even safe to sit down Michael Wiles discusses suite is a bit ridiculous, especially anymore. how life in a suite is much since I was never told I would be J know chat sounds strange, and cleaning my own bathroom when do in Westminster? it is strange, but it is true nonethe- different than expected .. I signed up to live here. Joan Faulkner examines less. clean ... well, at least it is big and Gettysburg, with its Civil War era Upon kneeling on my chair last quiet. Thai fact, among others, makes 'he night life a/students stores and museums, plus a beau- night, I got a screw put through my I was more than just a little dis- me truly question the motives be- in Westminster. tiful miniature golf course that hind this policy. knee, which required a tetanus shot mayed when I found out at the first If you were at WMC last year, was by far the best "golf' I've as a precautionary measure. 1100r meeting of the year that my you might remember The Phoenix Westminster used (0 be the ever played. Not fun at all, let me tell you. suite-mates and I would be respon- article discussing how the school's ideal "small town" with beauti- The towns Hanover and But, being the kind and under- sible for cleaning our own bath- ful old-fashioned houses lining Owings Mill actually have movie staff are some of the standing 'person that I am, I have room. Housekeeping employees in their field the street, and the perfect friendly theaters college students can af- worst-paid let that go already, and would much Now, I know that going public in the city of Westminster. atmosphere. ford plus a larger variety of mov- Dr. Leroy Panek, head of the rather address a more pressing is- with this complaint makes me seem With this in mind, it makes me English Department. who has res. However. though these towns lived in westminster since 1968. aren't too far away, for people says that thirty years ago "there without cars it is very difficult to was just limn land on the other gel any where without a ride with sue about living on campus here at a bit spoiled and selfish, but Ichal- wonder if the school has trouble side of Route 140 - no mall. no a friend. WMC. lenge the rest of you to place your- keeping housekeepers, thus creat- Wulmart, no nothing." This problem can be attrib- When I first found out that I selves in the same position and ing a shortage of staff. "On the other hand." Panek uted to the lack of bus, train, or would being living in Alben then tell me if you enjoy cleaning If this is the truth, I would ap- says, "you could feel pretty se- subway transportation available Norman Ward Hall this year, J was public toilets. preciate it if Residence Life would cure and your house. your within 45 minutes oflhe college. quite the excited freshman. In fact, if you would like to just be honest with those of us who kids ... and yourself were always But with all the rrcgative as- safe." After having paid my dues for give it a try, I have two of them live in suites instead of telling us, peCIS ofa small towu college. one a year in the palace that is Rouzer waiting for your care. since we live in private suites, we After walking down Main of the positive ones is the very Hall, I could not wait 10 journey Now, do not get me wrong. better gel out the rubber gloves and Street five or six times since liv- friendly college community here. into the realm of upperclassmen- I agree that we should all take start scrubbing. ing here, Westminster has come This friendliness Is one of the living. care of what is our own business If they expect me to clean pub- to look like a lawn that in its main reasons Idecided to come Upon moving in, however, I in life. lietoilets, J think the least they can prime had all the "hot spots" of to WMC in the first place. At 8 _ found my perceptions and hopes to We should clean up after our- do is "come clean" themselves. the community, but lost them huge school. like University of be a little off. selves (and try to never make a J have no problem with clean- when sprawl and suburbia settled Marylaod fer example, it's prob- In the interest of being fair, I mess in the first place). ing up after myself. in. ably baaf to get around and know will be fair: ANW is truly a great However, I feel that But, I do have a problem with The once homey lOOking-Crab people better because you don't place to live. It is big, quiet and housekeeping's absence in my being fooled. Shack looks deserted, as the see your peers as often, nearby store gas station/grocery At.a small school like WMC. Life as a commuter vs. a resident seems The to soak up any business, everyone pretty much knows you, independent restaurants you, at least recognizes or BJ Shorb compares living home concept in a PA house envi- to drive to class. My 30 minutes Chameleon, Harry's, and whether you like it or not. Though on campus to living at ronrnent. commute has shrunk down to a 5 Johansen's may be doing OK. but there are probably plenty of times home and commuting. I must say residential life has minute walk. The extra sleep is es- both advantages and disadvantages pecially worth noting. 'There is no place like home.' I compared to commuting. I will Secondly, with gas prices as finally know the true meaning of start with the disadvantages, so I high as they are I have decreased that statement. can end on a better note. one of my weekly expenses. I am With my house sitting about 25 First of all, lugging laundry up minutes away, 30 minutes if I get and down stairs every week is not filling up my car once every 3 weeks, to once every 5 as opposed stuck at all the new red lights on exactly ideal, considering that in days. 140, I commuted to college both my one-floor home the laundry my freshman and sophomore year. room is a mere walk through the things Thirdly, I am better informed of are going that on around You may be thinking: 30 min- living room and kitchen. campus. This is where .voicemail utes, that is not too bad. You are Secondly, I have never had to exactly right, it isn't bad at all. wait in line to use my bathroom at messages from Ernie Ogle come in handy. However, it does become a home as I do here at WMC. Fourthly, I can access the cam- problem if you have a class in the In fact, I didn't have 10 share a pus resources more often. For ex- drinkiog. morning, then one in the late after- bathroom with eight other people ample, the library, faculty and ad- Eric Byrd, • 1993 WMC Being a resident of the WMC community for just a little over a graduate says that "drinking is a large part of the campus now and month now, I am starting get afeelfor campus life. Also, I am then because it is a result of the and boredom. realizing just how much home actually means to me. lack of activities to other places be- 1 often went cause there wasn't much happen_ noon, and nothing in the middle of either. ministration are all within walking mote to do iog here, and there's the two. Thirdly, I have come to realize distance. So, I don't have to spend there:' Not to mention when you try to that refrigerators and kitchen cup- so much time specifically planning Part of the problem is that get involved in campus activities boards do not stock themselves. out meetings and research. Westminster's stores call it a and the meetings are in the late eve- Indeed, groceries can get a bit ex- Lastly and most importantly, I night at 7 or 8 pm, when WMC's nings. Traveling 30 minutes be- pensive, especially for a broke full- am developing independence. I am "night" doesn't even begin until comes a bit of a drive when you time college student. At home, the beginning to let go of the depen- 11 pm, have to do it several times in one, fridge and cupboards were always dence upon my parents, which I Walking down Main Street day. full when I got there. have possessed for the past twenty during the annual FaU Fest fresh- As a result of wanting to par- Lastly, not once as a commuter years. that ticipate a bit more, and taking on a did I wake up to II messages from man year, 1 was astonished By making my own schedule, the stores were open until mid- heavier course load, I decided to a guy named Ernie Ogle. No of- fending for my own food, and mak- night and that the amount of life move on campus this year. fense to Mr. Ogle himself, of ing my own choices, I am reducing on the streets, such as the karaoke Being a resident of the WMC course. my dependence on mom and dad, and the carnival. existed. community for just a little over a In fact, this wouldn't necessar- from living at home to a phone call When walking down Main month now, I am starting get a feel ily be a bad thing if the majority or two a week. Street again last spring at 11:30 for campus life. I am realizing just of the messages were of interest So as you can see there are just pm witb a friend, W~stminster how much home actually means to to me. as many advantages as there are dis- was once again a ghost town - not me. Now, what about the advan- advantages to living on campus at a person to be seen. Although I am not living in a tages? college. traditional dorm environment, I am First of ail, I do nO,t have to In fact, having both experiences The closest town to still grasping the life away from wake up nearly as early in order has been the best experience of all. Westminster to do, tbat I actually has is think. things
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