Page 13 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 13
Thursday, September 21, 2000 ~Page 5 Alternatives to improve the fourth meal plan Problems Matthew E. Hurff explains This would help alleviate the offered at the Pub at least when the could benefit the WMC students, how the current 4th meal lengthy lines going into Glar dur- line at Glar is obscenely long. local pizza places, and the under- in Glar plan can be better. ing ~~i~u~~~ b~u:;~~ti:ITyh~~I;~ stu::n:h~:~~, :~~ :~~:~e~I~:~ sta~~~~~; the pub is staffed or Jessica Fisher comments I'm not going to beat a dead' ful when students leave their last would spread out the 4th meal efficientenough,oneproblemstill on the conditions inside horse and explain the faults in the classes of the morning to eat be- crowd throughout the day. remains; students like variety _ a Englar Dining .Hall. current 4th meal system. fore their afternoon classes, only to Another idea that should be ex- whole lot of variety. Nor willi point any fingers at find a line reaching all the way to plored is the possibility ofan agree- My proposed plan would cer- year is already school The anyone; however, the limited 4th the bookstore. menr with area fast food and pizza tainly accomplish that. well into its third week and some meal menu leaves much to be de- Occasionally, my friends and I places. It would be impractical for the can't help but wonder: will the sired. will just become so frustrated with I have spoken with students at college to open another place to eat 'GLAR food' ever get better? I Instead, Iwould like to point out this occurrence that we will imme- other colleges such as Rowan Vni- to provide this variety. some of the alternatives to the cur- diately decide that it is time to go versity. I am sure that the participating know I am only a freshman and rent 4th meal system. to Burger King. There they have a system in restaurants would have many re- that I have had to put up with it three for only about but weeks, Ifeel that the Pub would not be However, many people on cam- place where you can order pizza,. strictions on the program, but there it has to get better, right? Iasked as overwhelmed with this system pus do not have this option due to and the cost of the pizza comes off is already many regulations on the some upperclassmen around if they would allow 4th meals to lack of vehicular transportation. of your meal plan. 4th meal system. campus. To my dismay, they all be served during the daytime also. Therefore, 4th meals should be I am sure that a similar plan What is the difference? replied with: it'll be better next Pa. Parking Problems Revisitingthe triple year when and can go out to get you have a car on campus BJ Shorb explains her up another four or five feet. This meals. These types of answers parking predicament on would have given them a fine park- issues in Whiteford were not exactly what I was an- ticipating Pennsylvania Avenue. ing job and allowed me to park classmates. to hear from my fellow much easier. Whether they were Cyndi Nicoli discusses the Also, I really wanted one of If I recall correctly, parallel concerned about preserving gas or outcome of her terrible In all fairness, I must admit parking is one of the basic skills just being disrespectful, it was ob- triple troubles. those awesome beds that doubles that on some rare occasions I as a sofa and has all the storage needed to pass the driving test. Yet, viously too difficult to pull up. space. have gone back up 10 the GLAR it still amazes me that so many That was just one of the vari- In the last issue of the Phoenix, line in order to get a second help- Those people do not know how to do it. ous displays of ignorant parking Ibrought up a lot of the complaints this school, beds helped me choose ing of something that was pre- and I will not even be There is nothing more frustrat- habits Ihave observed lately. Other from those living in triple rooms. pared well. On those days, I can ing than trying to parallel park be- residents of the same street have Iwas well aware of the pros and able to have one. is still more honestly say that is the highlight my So room hind or in front of someone who experienced and observed similar cons of living with two other room- cramped than the doubles. I only of my day. obviously lacks the ability to do so. situations. mates because 1 myself was in- wanted a big dorm room, with Of course, those are the days As a resident of Pennsylvania Brandi Crawford expresses her volved in the triple situation. when one must look past the fact Ave. for only a few weeks now, I concern about the unmarked par- However, WMC has made good plenty of space and a cool bed. Is that occasionally the Sprite dis- that not what we all want? have come across quite a few in- aliel parking spaces behind Hoover with their promise to quickly solve However, we must all deal with penser is filled with club soda. stances of this problem. Library. She says it is "just a pain" this matter. our various hardships here at You go back to your table, sit In fact, as I drove to work just when people leave a space, yet it To update the readers of the WMC. down, take a sip of your drink, isn't even big enough for' a Gee Phoenix, on Wednesday, Septem- There is a good side to all the .. and have to go back up to get a ~~i'~~~sO~hn~rp1~s~~v:~~e~:~~~~~~~ Metro to fir. Why even leave [he ber 13, one of my two roommates good drink. If your lucky' you trouble -that was experi~nced. that were not properly parked along space at all? I moved from our third floor room two friends that I got along f had may gel the cranberry juicJ tli;t with the road. I understand that parallel park- to a first floor room with a single great from the very first day of was made especially for that day. Returning from work that day, ing is not the easiest task to per- roommate. class. The secret is one drop of cran- berry juice and then 99% water. In fact, as I drove to work just the other She was called and told that she It isn't like the third roommate All the times I visited WMC could move out that very night. so is lost in some far-off campus land. for orientation and such, the food day, I counted about ten cars on in a matter of 4~ minutes; my triple. She lives only two floors down. was excellent. Even the first day room was a double. My first three weeks as a col- I got here, when I ate my last Pennsylvania Avenue alone that were not meal with my parents, the food properly parked along the road. We each had our own closet, a side of our was very appetizing. As days fol- room completely to ourselves, and more lowed, the food became less ap- - I went to park behind a car in front form, and most of us don't get a lot pealing. I was informed that the of my house. Then, [realized that of practice at doing so. room to put things. Although we now have food was good on those occa- the car was nor only far from be- A few of my housemates admit to tackle the problem of what to do with the sions in order to impress parents. ing centered in the spot, but it was that they either don't know how to Well, I suppose it worked be- practically occupying half of the parallel park or they have no suc- furniture, we are all happy with our new spot behind it. cess at it. cause whenever I talk to my par- I don't know how familiar you Their solution is simply don't living arrangements. ents and feel the need to com- are with the street, but it is a popu- do it, find Ii pull-in spot. If you Instantly, my roommate and I lege freshman, were undoubtedly plain about it, they say the same thing.v'Jessica, you are just too lar street for parking. and the ma- don't have any other choice, then were delighted at all the space. jority of the time there are few va- perhaps it is time break out the or- We each had our own closet, a filled with unexpected excitement picky. The food is very good. You just want to find something that made for some great stories to cant spots. So, I didn't have a whole ange cones, trash cans, and tape . side of our room completely to our- tell friends and family back home . to complain about," they say. lot of options at the time. measure and just practice a little selves, and more room to put However, now it is back to be- I told' them to just wait until I managed to just barely fit my more. things. ing just a regular car in the halfway occupied spot. I This may seem insignificant to Although we now have to tackle just one roommate. freshman, with Parents' Weekend, but now since have a fairly small car. However, some of you, but it truly is a nui- the problem of what to do with the it has passed, I am a little upset. had it not been a Ford Escort ZX2, sance. furniture, we are all happy with our What willI do now? my Food has once again become Will it take longer to "clean" but a larger vehicle, there would Not just any nuisance, but a new living arrangements. more appetizing and the cafete- have been no way it could have fit. daily nuisance that can be avoided Of course, no one can expect dorm room now that we are one gal ria is filled with a wonderful short? . It looked as though all the driver with just a tad more time, respect, smell. I'll have to sneak them in would have needed to do was puI! and effort. me to be completely happy with Who will entertain me late at one day so that they can taste the how the situation turned out. I like night when I am not tired? real food for once. to complain, so I will take this op- Will my room be getting less One of my sophomore friends Are you interested in drawings and portunity to gripe to the WMC phone calls, so that r am forced to advised me to eat up during this newspaper readers. feel unpopular? cartoons? Do you enjoy politics and I miss my roommate, she was What will I call home to com- weekend. For once the nachos will will not be stale. the plates nice, funny, and always had an ex- plain about so that I can receive a be extra clean, no panicles left making statements? If so, we would be citing thing to share with the room sympathy package? on them from the previous per- delighted to have you on our staff. when we felt that the day was just Could this change that I hoped sons meal, and lastly, the taste of too boring. for have come 10 fast? the food in general will greatly The Phoenix is seeking artists and cartoonists to help Now she is gone and there is an Maybe, but I will be getting improve, he said. illustrate our stories. If you are interested please call emptiness felt. over it while I am shopping for new I still have the hope that one x8600 or drop us a letter in the box at the Information Yes, we are sentimental wimpy clothes to fill my very own personal day I will enter GLAR and there Desk in Decker Center. girls, but it's hard to lose a room- closet. will be an unexpected surprise mate, even if we had one too many. waiting for me, tasty food.
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