Page 12 - Phoenix2000-01
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Staff Letter to the Editor Editors-In-Chief Dear Editors: demic trouble at Western Maryland. Because ring. After the initial conversation about the Laura Beth Kelley '01 The May 4, 2000 edition of the Phoenix of his grades, he was unable to return. success of the program, everyone offered Jenifer D. Sirkis '01 debates the alleged favorable treatment re- Tommy Selecky attended community comments on what a fine institution this col- ceived by athletes at Western Maryland Col- college in Delaware for a semester, in which lege has become. Nearly everyone had a News Editors lege. This article raises some interesting he trained hard for football, and even harder story of a friend or colleague who attended Claire Adams '02 questions; however, it hardly offers debate academically, in order to ensure that he could this college in the past. Staci George '03 Instead, your readers were offered unsub- return for the following season. Tommy paid Further exposure was provided for the stantiated rumor and tabloid style journal- his (lues academically, and he was able to school by graduate Tom Lapato, the Burger Assistant News Editor ism in a biased fonn. return on his own academic merit. That sea- King Division III scholar athlete of the year, Joan Faulkner '02 The article makes several accusations, son, his grades slipped, and he found him- who raised both money and awareness of this citing anecdotal evidence, but at no point self on academic probation. college. Features Editor I ~oes it offer anyfactual eyjdence. This irre- The following semester, Tommy set a The national exposure of this, combined ShaurialDobinguez '02 sponsible article capitalized on rumors held goal for himself, to achieve a 3.0 GPA. Along with the exposure of the national playoffs to be true by a segment of the student popu- with Assistant Coach Brad Fordyce, and has established the Western Maryland Col- Assistant Features Editor lation. Having played football for four years myself, Tommy sat down and outlined the lege name nationally. While the money do- Matt McGowan '04 here, I can assure you, and the rest of the means by which he would achieve this. He nated by Burger King, on behalf of Lapato, student population, that athletes do not re- formulated a goal, concocted a plan, and in can't be tabulated and exacted, there is most Commentary Editor ceive favorable treatment in any of the re- traditional Tommy fashion. achieved each certainly a large amount of money that was Edward Schultheis '03 spects that the article claims. goal he set out to accomplish. raised, based on the success of the football Consider for a moment the allegations While Tommy would be the first person program, and other athletic programs as well. Assistant Commentary Editor that student athletes receiye favorable treat- to tell you that he was here for football, he J find it unfortunate that more people do B1 Shorb '02 ment regarding housing. Ro~Semlarini and and I both take offense to anyone question- not attend other sporting events. The spirit Tommy Selecky, We,stem\MarylaJ;l~s h~g~- ing-his academic status at this school. Was of this article speaks to that directly. Rather Sports Editor est profile athletes, would have received the he capable of achieving at a higher level than than praising our student-athletes, the stu- Matthew HUfff'03 most favorable treatment of all student ath- he often did? Of course, Tommy is intelli- dent body, or at least the Phoenix would like letes. Why then, were these two forced to gent, but academic success was not his pri- to tear them down. Assistant Sports Editor live in Rouzer Hall for their sophomore sea- mary goal. I have not always seen eye to eye with Greg Lederer '03 sons? Sennarini moved off-campus midway It is not for any of us to decide if his us- Tim Keating. Western Maryland College's through his junior year, as he was unhappy ing the school to advance his football career head coach, but I do know that he runs a re- Photographer with his living conditions in Blanche Ward is the correct reason for attending this school. spectable program. The athletes under his Brad Widner '03 Hall. That is the path only he can choose. Tommy tutelage spend no less that fifty hours a week The article. also cites an unidentified raised the profile of the school, the school preparing for Saturday'S contest (and nearly Senior Writer graduate, who knew a player that has his off- raised the profile of Tommy. 20 hours in the spring semester preparing for Kate Esposito '01 campus apartment paid for by the Athletic Is it fair to say that a chemistry major uses' the upcoming season), on top of that, every Department. This questions ttie integrity of the institution to advance his or her desired athlete takes care of his academics, or for- Student Government Reporter Dr. Carpenter, the former Athletic Director career path? If that is so, how could it be feits his right to play. Megan K. Martin '01 of this institution, whose reputation for fair- wrong for Tommy to exploit his skills at this My recruit class came in with over fifty ness and honesty cannot be questioned. So school to further his potential career. athletes. At the end of our senior season, only Staff Writers again I ask, where is the favorable treatment? I will not deny that being a football player II remained. Indeed, some were lost to poor AmyBittinger '01 ,,,- The arti~le also leve.le.d accusati?ns has benefits. Unfortunately, the article failed grades, while others quit or transferred. This .j ~"'Mc;!is?a,91atK:well '03"1 III; Of against professors and administrators, claim- to address a single one of them. As a foot- article is a slap in the face to our accomplish- Katie'Champion '04' 'r! r " )....'1 'f-ing that grades were in some way adjusted ball player, being labeled as such has never ments. Considering that the football team Jessica Fisher '04 to accommodate football players. This state- been a benefit at this school. At no time has posts double digits in its number of academic Jessica Fitzgerald '03 ment alone questions the academic integrity a Campus Safety officer ever excused a foot- all conference selections annually, and the Sara Hoover '01 of the Western Maryland community. On ball player's inappropriate actions on the effort required to be a full time student and Cara Jacobson '03 several occasions, Ihave been subject to pro- grounds that the individual played football. full time athlete, the Phoenix should issue Mike Jenkinson '02 fessors, who have been upset about having I have sat through alcohol courses with an apology to all students for its inappropri- Cyndi Nicoli '04 football players in 'their classroom, as have several "star players." Being a football player ate article. Mohindra Ramphal '03 many of my teammates. once earned me a free soda at a local restau- Further, it should apologize to the fac- Lisa Stanley '02 As for the less obvious implication that rant. This type-of benefit is of little value, ulty and administration for questioning the Brandi Thayer '04 Dean Horneff may have helped along play- other than the sign of appreciation to justify integrity of the institution. Thank you for Michael Wiles '03 ers like Tom Selecky in their academic ca- the effort put into being an athlete at this considering an opposing viewpoint; please reers.I would not like to dignify the accusa- school. advise your staff to be more responsible Adviser tion by discussing it. Dean Horneff's repu- If anyone has benefited from the success when making unsubstantiated charges. Terry Dalton tation at this institution cannot be questioned. of the football team, it has been the student Sincerely, Allow us to focus on Tommy Selecky for body. The success of the football program Stephen E. Peed '00 a moment. Tommy, who is not here' to de- has heightened awareness of the school Editor's Note: We received this leiter following fend himself, has endured the insinuation that within the state of Maryland, and has pro- the publication of the May 4, 2000 issue and he may not have earned his stay here. Hav- vided the school with national exposure. feel Mr. Peed's concerns should be heard. The ing the privilege of knowing Tommy very While working for Delegate Robert Phoenix continues to investigate the issue of well for the past four years, Ican assure you McKee in Annapolis, several Senators and preferential treatment of athletes at WMC, and that he has. Tommy found himself in aca- Delegates commented on my championship plqns to update this story in the next issue. Greek Speak: It's not just an ongoing party Why go Greek? Erin McGrady encourages service, and leadership This is the question many may have been students tojoin a Greek This award is one of, if not the most, thinking about in the weeks prior to Greek organization. prestigous and sought after awards available recruitment. to the Greek community. From a social perspective, the answer is and sisterhood bonds. It was established in 1976 by Interfrater- plain and simple ...the people and the parties. Greeks are excelling on the playing nity Council and Gamma Beta Chi Frater- But it's more than that. fields, in the classroom, and in other cam- nity after the tragic death of lim Brant, class What draws many people to the Greek pus organizations as well. of 1976. community may be the social reasons, but They are helping out in the community, Chapters are now eagerly waiting to see being Greek goes beyond that. raising money for breast cancer research, which chapter will be the next winner, which It's about being proud to wear your let- serving in soup kitchens, and raising aware- Mail to: will be revealed at Homecoming. The Phoenix ters because you believe with all your heart ness about the dangers of binge drinking. The Brant Cup is just one of the many WMC, 2 CoUege Hill in what they stand for ... because YOLl know After finishing a successful, yet busy things Greeks do to celebrate their history Westminster, MD 21157 that your brothers would be there for you in year, the ten social chapters of WMC are and successes. (410)751-8600 an instant and because you know that your once again looking to pick up where they If you would like to become a part of a FAX, (410) 857-2729 sisters trust you with their deepest left off. Greek organization. we encourage you to E-Mail: secrets ... because they have and they always The James Brant Memorial Cup will re- take part in the recruitment periods, held at will. ward the chapter who in the previous year the beginning of each semester. But it's more tbaf just tight brotherhood excelJed in academics, athletics, community Why go Greek? Why not?
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