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NEWS Thursday, September 21, 2000 Page 3 SGA welcomes freshmen officers; tackles campus issues MEGAN K. MARTIN The SGA decided next to favor a letter to Mike Webster, director In his argument, Valentine told Student Govemmenr Reporter the idea of a cap on enrollment. of Campus Safety, about campus dence without two escape routes At the September 14 meeting of They are afraid that the need for parking. In the letter, the SGA in- the SGA that such a policy was for all rooms, a sprinkler system Stor- the Student Government Assembly, tuition and the proposed new dorm quires about the number of permits unfair to campus musicians, is allowed was required. All other dorms have two fire escape routes. age of such instruments members welcomed two newly will encourage the school to admit versus the number of spaces. in Levine, but priority" is given to elected freshman classrepresenta- more than 1600 students. In fact, The letter suggests implement- Music majors and minors. There is However, Dean Sayre requested lives and took the first steps of ac- Sharkey stated that he would like ing a seniority program, charging also the issue of convenience and that the SGA encourage any student tion on several issues. 10 come back in 25 years and see larger fines and revoking permits access for those who store such who is concerned by the lack of The new representatives, Mark the enrollment holding steady at for violations, being more stringent sprinklers to bring the matter to his Iwanowski and Tierra Jolly, expe- 1600 students. with restrictions for freshmen, and items in Levine. also compared watt- attention as soon as possible. Valentine rienced their first SGA meeting While he was un~ble to assure paving Harrison lot and behind age of drums and amplifiers to He says he will be meeting with only hours after elections closed. the SGA that the school would put Blanche more extensively. common dorm appliances such as those responsible for upcoming In honor of their presence, SGA a cap on enrollment, Philip Sayre, At a previous meeting, Dean televisions or microfridges. He dorm renovations throughout the members decided to have a tropi- dean of Student Affairs and adviser year. use appliances that the area that behind cally-themed meeting. to the SGA, admitted that maintain- Sayre said is not fully paved because found wattage both than a drum kit or After such a volley of action Blanche more Freshman class president ing an enrollment of 1500-1600 within the first three weeks of Jeanette Flannery and representa- was part of the Board of Trustee's of city laws about runoff manage- amplifier. As his conclusion, Val- school, the SGA is ready to hear ment. Also, about 50 to 60 parking tive Stephanie Gulbin were unable current strategic plan. spaces have been lost because of entine asked the SGA to help in an and respond to complaints and re- to attend because of a sporting The SGA plans to explore the the construction on Main Street and effort to have the policy (found on quests. Dean Sayre says, "I think page 91 of the Student Guide and event. SGA president Steven issue and make recommendations around campus, Sayre said. they will stay focused on important Sharkey speculated that neither to the Board of Trustees. The letter; which asks for a re- Datebook; removed or revamped. issues and try hard to represent the freshman knew they had been For the last three weeks, the sponse by September 28 and which When askedc'Dean Sayre said student voice." He also feels that elected. SGA public relations committee is also being sent to Dean Sayre and that drum kits and amplifiers are most of the letters voted on at the All four freshmen will be in- has attempted to hang framed Dr. Ethan Seidel, vice president of banned "because tliey make a lot September 14 meeting were a ducted as SGA members on Sep- Honor Code signs in all class- Administration and Finance, was of noise and disturb stated neighbors," "good first step" to opening dialogs that the Even so, Valentine tember 21 at 7:30 pm. rooms. Because Physical Plant has approved by a wide majority. volume on such instruments could on important issues. Despite the relaxed atmosphere been busier than normal readying In addition to these issues, the SGA meetings are on Thursdays of the meeting, the SGA voted on dorms for those who had to stay at SGA's committees have been in- be conrrolted. was referred to the at 8 pm in Hill 104 The matter several issues discussed during the the Best Western, the signs have not vestigating several student con- campus life committee which ex- Introducing ... first few weeks of school. yet been hung. cerns. pected to have a letter 10 Residence The first issue was the 4.3 Grad- Concerned that their absence The campus life committee, SGA Executive Board ing Scale. A majority of the mem- will be problematic for students, headed by senior class president Life ready for the next meeting. Steven Sharkey '02 - President bers voted to send a letter [0 Dr. Jamin Bartolomeo, sophomore Jeremiah Kelly, is working on a looked The campus life committee also Amanda Cline '0 I - Vice Pres. into the lack of sprinkler Sam Case, acting provost and dean class president, introduced a mo- number of major issues. systems in the dorm rooms, Sarah Mitchell '0 I - Secretary of Faculty expressing the SGA's tion to hang temporary Honor Code During the student voice section According to Dean Sayre, all Stephanie Knight '03 - Treasurer disappointment in the way the sys- flyers in classrooms. Junior class of the meeting, senior Nick Valen- residence halls are up to code as re- tem was implemented. representative Michael Jenkinson tine brought a complaint to the gard to fire safety. The law states SGA Academic Committee Their major concern is that the agreed, voicing his concern that SGA's attention. His complaint Claire Adams '02, Matt Burger opinion of the current SGA, and new students would remain un- centered on the prohibition of that there must either be two fire '01, Shelley Sorenson '03, class system escape routes or a sprinkler therefore the current student body, aware of the Honor Code and that drums and electric amplifiers in but does not require both. Since of 2004 representative to be an- .:, I~ went unheard. The SGA has asked upperclassmen would forget the dorms. Daniel MacLea is the only rest- nounced'late'r" . Dr. Case to respond to their letter Honor Code without the signs. to begin a dialog by September 22. The next order of business was PA Ave. Houses experience outages due to wiring SGA Events Calendar continued/rom/rom page with seven others, said that the out- of her housemates has already lost Sept. 21 from Ilam-lpm As complaints about the prob- "Organizational Allocation an- Sept. 28 ages have caused a $40 window fan a paper due to an outage and they lem persist, Boob hopes to be able nounccments =Appllceuons for student com- and an oscillating fan to be blown are concerned what will happen to pinpoint the cause, "Organizational representatives' mittee memberships due to Stu- completely, when they're all typing midterm re- Boob said that so far this year meeting 319 pm dent Affairs. "I'm afraid something could search papers at the same rime. they are not able to detect a pattern Sept. 22 happen to my computer next," she Wilson explained that in order in the occurrences, but says they "Drive-In Movies at 9 pm & II What's your bt.oef? said, for the problem to be solved, she continue to increase significantly. pm Students are invited to voice The outages cause many incon- needs records of each outage. "It's something we want to in- *Bands and DJs interested in their concerns at each SGA meet. veniences, she explained, that add She fears that students get tired vestigate. We are trying to deter- working the Homecoming Bon- ing at 8:30 pm. up to a big problem. off keeping lists. mine what is causing it," he said. fire must contact Stephanie SGA meetings are held every If the electricity goes out early "If they don't log it, then I never For the time being, however, Knight by today. in the morning, she has to wake her know about it," she said. "If I don't Boob suggests that residence cut Thursday night at 8pm in Hill Sept. 26. 27. & 28 104. housemates up and tell them to re- find out, then this is never going to back on running multiple appli- "Homecoming Court elections ser their alarms, she said, get solved. I want to get to the bot- ances at the same time in the same Dotson also pointed out that one tcm of it." Crime hurts. Attention all Psychology Majors and Minors Every day people who never thought it would happen to them are sexually assaulted. " this has happened to you, there's no need to deal with it by yourself. Callfor help today, PSI CHI Rt1 "Whether the crime happened last night or years ago, we can help. " 24 Hour Hotline: Psychology Honors Society ~ 410-857 -8322 is currently looking for new members Rape Crisis Intervention Service of Carroll County Office: 410-857ยท0900 For more information, contact Dr. Orenstein, x521 5erlAces are free and ","fldenIlai A prIVate non.profit agency serving Carroll County Psychology Department
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