Page 145 - Phoenix2000-01
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FEATURES New band Georgia IVanHart inspires WMC with art Avenue scheduled to News Eduor that's why we stay in contact support, working with Common Ground or after 1994, Van Hart has beer Since graduation. Instruction, Close your eyes and imagine a and pleasure in my students' suc- the Hill, which is "a traditiona perform for WMC womao who at age 10 made a leap cesses extends beyond the walls of music and arts organization whos from music to art, was one of the is to offer a quality she continued. learn my classroom," purpose jwMC students of the 1960s who Just ask H. Richard Tillman Jr., ing experience with master musi PHILIPVOCT mances have garnered the group ould wear false eyelashes and a 2000 WMC graduate with a de- cians, writers, and crafts peopl SlaffWriter a rapidly growing fan-base across miniskirts with flair and make gree in studio art and proprietor of while exploring cultural diversit When Virginia based rockers the East Coast. ean's list, and would spend her Tilly's Tyes, who fought brain can- in search for a "common ground' Georgia Avenue take the stage in Their relatively continuous ntire adult life advocating art edu- cer as a young boy and later found among ethic, gender, age, and ra the Forum on Thursday, April 26, touring will likely only increase ation. a love for art after taking Van Hart's cial groups," states the website pinning a label on their energetic their popularity. While a student at WMC, she "Fundamentals of Design" class. musical style may prove to be a The SGA-sponsored free con- articipated in everything from the It was Van Hart who inspired Seven years ago, Dr. Ira Zepp difficult task. cert will feature the five-member Phi Alpha Mu sorority to creating him to take his class project-three then a WMC religious studies pro "It's really hard to describe," band, made up of students from an off-campus coffee house to fea- fishing tyes placed in plastic tessor, and Van Hart were the firs said freshman class president Virginia's Bridgewater College ture student performances and ex- baggies with a logo he had de- two people in Carroll County tha Jenn Flannery. After a pause, she and James Madison University, ibits. signed-to the next level. Walt Michael, founder and execu added, "It's like rock with a little who released their debut CD in- Now, take a walk down to ei- While fishing one night, Van tive director of Common Orounc bit of jazz and country." dependently in February. ilherThe Studio or Peterson Hall on Hart encouraged him to apply for on the Hill, contacted after discuss The band's own website, The nine-track disk is called uesdays and Thursdays and ask necessary state licenses, make use ing the idea with WMC Presiden www.g eorgi rn , "Streets Divided" and can be or- for Linda Van Hart. She will prob- of his contacts, and start a business. Chambers. c l a irn s them to be simply a dered through their website. bly be wearing something purple The catch of the day was Tilly's "Linda's dedication to the vi "mainly acoustic rock band with In support of the release, they (her favorite color) and adorned Tyes. his own business focused on sual arts in this region was unsur an emphasis on having fun." have been touring clubs and cam- with jewelry she has created her- selling ryes. passed ... Most importantly I kne Perhaps a bit more' tellingly, puses up and down the coast, in- self. Van Hart recently spoke with that she placed great importance 0 comparisons have been drawn be- cluding recent stops at University Van Hart, a 54-year-old art pro- Tillman at the inauguration of her students and her own involve tween the musical styling of of Maryland College Park and fessor at Western Maryland Col- President Joan Coley, and he said ment in the world as an artist. Georgia Avenue and fellow Vir- Frostburg. lege is the owner of Toll House Stu- his business has just blown every- Linda's dedication ginia native Dave Matthews, Following the stop here, Geor- io in Uniontown where she makes thing out of the water. multiculturalism on a daily basis i however their influences include gia Avenue will return to Virginia ~nd sells jewelry. Caroline Rodgers, a senior En- a very important in keeping wit a number of different bands and for a pair of shows before ven- A fifth generation Carroll glish major who fulfilled her gradu- the mission of Common Ground 0 styles. turing out to Chicago and Cincin- ounty resident, Van Hart is the ation requirements in three years, the Hill. She is a world traveler witl Since the formation of Geor- nati in early May. "mother" of two goats (Aurora had high school as well as college a world vision," wrote Michael i gia Avenue in 2000, their upbeat The show is at 9 p.m. and is Borealis and Benny) and two cats art classes' with Van Hart. a recent e-mail interview, attitude and- enthusiastic oerfor- free for WMC students. (Seshia and Reshia Qeti), an ad- "She instills in every student the Aaron Heisler, a 1999 WMC viser and instructor to many fine tangibility of their dreams" and to graduate Who took all of Van Hart' Western Maryland College !artists ofWMC, a poet, a vice presl- "take what one has and create a classes, thanks her for helping hin ~ent for planning of Common world with it," said Rodgers. get his job with a blacksmith and Department of Art and Art History Ground on the Hill, a receiver of Van Hart noted that art has been woodworker, as well as helpin presents the !many honors, and afrequent world a part of her world since childhood, him prepare to go to graduat raveler. Kathryn E. Wentz Van Hart has had an immense and making sure that every student school "She for furniture design. to experience is probably has the opportunity the most en .mpact on the art department and it has been her ongoing goal. In couraging teacher 1 had here a Student Art Show twMC itself, as she has stepped in the early 1980s, she began a "pil- WMC, comfortable, she made all th in that to change the art curricu- to fill various roles and see that grimage" classes yet challeng hose endeavors are accomplished. lum of Carroll County schools and ing. She works tirelessly to expan showcasing sculpture, painting, drawing, About remaining at her alma make it a graduation requirement. the art program and help the stu and other media by WMC art majors Imater, Van Hart said, "WMC is my It was a process thai may have dents obtain more diverse experi ome. I love this place. Of course started out slowly when she be- ences," said Heisler. Amon As for April 24 through May 11 students are the center of all we do came the Art Month coordinator but American a Who's Who a Who' ere." Women and 'SOs, Maryland in the early students dream, focus, "Helping American The Rice Gallery in Peterson Hall nd achieve beyond their expecta- whose endeavors paid of when she Who Among Van Hart is more than ar Teacher led her group of several recipient, dedicated ions is one of the great joys of art activists to the Curriculum 2000 "unsung hero" ofWMC; she is als For information and gallery hours, eaching. In art, we share so much conference at the Baltimore Con- an unsung hero in Carroll County call (410) 857-2595 f ourselves that we can't help but vention Center to "share the fruits the state of Maryland, and to any form lasting relationships. Guess of our labors," said Van Hart. one who has met her elsewhere. Horoscopes: Spring into thesun and leave winter behind! CATHV PENOORF Gemini waiting for you! Those rams passionate nature, and go swing Aquarius Staff Writer May 22 - June 21 know where it is, get in touch with those Libras! They're fun, and Jan. 21 - Feb. 19 Aries Gem-gem-Gemini, you are wild with your inner sun child and [et maybe the party is what you need Water Bearers, winter really Mar. 21 - Apr. 20 this month! The two sides of you it shine! to rejuvenate the energy. dragged you down, but spring is Hey Rams! Spring, fun,andad- are battling for the spring, one bringing out the blooms! Party with venture all have arrived and are wants to be naughty and the other Virgo Sagittarius Aries, Libras, and of course other waiting for your impulsive nature nice, you 'may rendezvous with Aug. 24 - Sep. 23 Nov. 23 - Dec. 21 fellow Aquarians. You will appre- to go crazy 'and get into lots and someone new, or find a new friend Stressed? Tired? Do you feel This sign, the archer, is enthu- ciate their playfulness, and you will lots of good trouble! Enjoy the in an unlikely place. you've been late a lot lately? Check 'siastic. optimistic, funny, arid ere- start to remember that life is easy spring air and go with it, so much your clocks! Maybe you forgot to auve. Spring should help you be- to enjoy. So you get out there and to see and people to . . umm ... you Cancer catch your time up, remember come less restless, but be sure you play frisbee with a work-aholic know ... June 22 - July 23 spring forward, fall back! know what you are aiming for. The Taurus. The winter has left you crabby sun can be blinding and all those Taurus and restless. Fortunately the spring Libra superheroes start to look alike af- Pisces Apr. 21 - May 21 stimulates the senses, but unfortu- Sep. 24 - Oct. 23 ter a while! Feb. 20 - Mar. 20 Your practical nature has kept nately you have no time this month The scales of harmony are Hello fishiest The frozen waters you indoors doing work all winter, to let spring fever take over. Oh swinging, and you are dancing Capricorn are beginning to defrost and hiber- but soon the spring bug will hit. well, at least you can watch the along with them! Go ahead and Dec. 22 - Jan. nation is over! Unfortunately this Don't be afraid of it, break out of squirrels getting zany while you lead the way, the other signs will The spring weather will remind is the feeding season for fish eat- your steady pace and do something walk to yet another class. follow, and admire you for it. you of the past, hikes and adven- ing carnivores. Whoops. Just re- bizarre: go outside and scream, tures. Let it help you enjoy some member to stay on guard at all sing, dance, anything! Too much Leo Scorpio downtime and get away from the times and you should be fine. Just pressure is building up inside, you July 24 - Aug. 23 Oct. 24 - Nov. 22 race. There are bound to be other don't let being on guard bring you have to let it go. Don't forget that Grmr Leo lions! The spring puts Spring is not the time for your goats out there grazing ...join them, down either. Maybe in the next life frisbee is also good. you on the prowl, and trouble is dark emotions. Lighten your warm the grass is fine! you won't have to have gills. .__.
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