Page 10 - Phoenix2000-01
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, , Thursday, September 21, 2000 - Page 2 NEWS Food facts: Information WMC donates shoes to Kenya about the new 4th meal vance so they could bring their spare ath- the shoe collection will not disappear. continued/rom front page letic shoes from home. Faculty and staff have Besides student and faculty involvement, What is the 4th meal? also gotten involved, even donating parents are always more than eager to par- The 4th meal was instituted three years Why won't you make special orders for children's shoes to the service project. ago as part of the added value of the block the 4th meal? Last year, Ken Nunnelee, equipment ticipate. "Parents were thanking me for the program so they could get rid of the old shoes meal plans. On the 220 meal plan 30 meals lt simply becomes so time consuming manager for intercollegiate athletics and in storage spaces at home," said Horueff are available to be used in the Pub between that the wait would become too long. Assistant Equipment Manager Laurel Penn not only receive will students 7 and midnight, leaving 190 meals to be donated used shoes from the Baltimore thanks Some from mom and dad, but from the re- used in the dining hall. On the 90 meal What if I don't want any of the menu Raven, some of which were size 15. cipients of their old shoes. plan, 15 are available to, be used in the Pub selections? The' future of the Kenyan Shoe Expedi- Students are encouraged to put cards in between 7 and midnight, These are not As stated before, it is not mandatory tion rests in the hands of the newly formed their shoes, so that the Kenyans who receive extra meals on the meal plan, they are part to eat the 4th meal; it is only there as an Student-Alumni Council, which will take the them can contact the donor. of the meal plan. They are there to use if option. You may also elect to purchase place of the traditional Senior Pride program And the shoes could not come at a better you choose. They are not mandatory by selections from the regular menu, as was run by Alumni Affairs. opening alumni time. any means. Whatever meals are not used always the case. Bag meals to go are al- projects up to all classes. With the start of the Olympics, now is in the Pub are available for use in-the din- ways available in the dining hall, which The program will encourage each class the perfect time for young Kenyan runners ing hail, which means that you may use will be charged against your meal plan. to perform a service project to give back to to receive the equipment they need to suc- all 220 or 90 meals in the dining hall. the community, one of which will hopefully ceed. What happens to commenecards after be the Kenyan Shoe Expedition. "Just watch the Olympics, see how many Is the 4th meal done at other schools? theyare'wtitlen? ,., ,. • -., But, if past experience is any indication, medals they win," said Coach Renner. Yes, it is done at some other schools. Comments are taken seriously when It is usually a cold sandwich of the day they are written seriously. Those with pro- Bob Faw comes to WM.C (one option only), a bag of chips and a can fanity are thrown in the garbage where of soda. Some places it is a single hot item they belong. The others are read and com- continued from front page served such as a chicken sandwich. It is ments are taken into consideration. where he was awarded a 1978 Columbia- TV in Seattle, Wash., in 1969, moving on done on a take it or leave it basis. DuPont, a local Emmy and a UPI Illinois to WN AC- TV in Boston where he worked What is the best way to make construc- Broadcast award for his reports on PBB as a general assignment reporter/producer. Why are the menu selections limited this tive comments? contamination. He co-authored "Thunder in America: year? Call any member of the E Team: He received a local Emmy in 1976 for the Impossible Campaign of the Rev. Jesse In response to the many complaints Alan Dolid, CEC, GMlExec. Chef, his report on a subway crash, and in 1973 Jackson" with Los Angeles Times reporter about slow service it was felt the only x732 for an expose on fraud in the pet industry. Nancy Skeleton. way to speed up the process was to limit Brenda Davidson, Director of Opera- His work also has been recognized by Originally from Salisbury, Md., Faw is the number of menu selections offered. tions, x731 the Illinois State Medical Society, the a graduate of Davidson College in The Pub has very limited space to cook Olga Kozina, Dining Service Manager, American Political Science Association and Davidson, N.C., with a B.A. degree in po- and when trying to serve 200-300 varying x733 the Washington State chapter of Sigma litical science. orders, the time to prepare them became David Huff, Chef, x733 Delta Chi. He received a M.S.C. degree in econom- too long for the majority of people. The Ed Nicholls, Production Manager, Faw began his broadcast career as a gen- ics from the London School of Economics. m~nu s~lections are ~ased on the fllost x,733 eral assignment reporter/anchor at KlNG- Courtesy of Public Information popular Items ordered inthe P.~.!.~." Courtesy of Food Services Honor and Conduct Board Hears Cases Correction The Honor and Conduct Board met in In the second case, a student was found The September 7, 2000 issue of the Phoenix incorrectly listed Pennsylvania Avenue April to consider a charge that a student to have turned in a plagiarized paper, house number 189 as a new house. The correct address is 139 Pennsylvania Ave. ha-pape.r for Otemistty Senior Seminar. The 1102. The Board .stllblisbedthe I\IlIow- stttdeDt was fouitd to'lrne violsted !be iDg sanctioa for Ihe. violation! ''P' in the HonorCodcand given thefollowing sene- course. notes ~ome write for the Phoenix! lion:"F' in.cbe course, Finally. the Board heard a case in In May. the Honor and Conduct Board which a student admitted to carrying met to consider charges of violations. In into an exam for an upper level Sociology the flrst case, a student was found to have course. Meetings are held every Monday night in the copied from another student's lab in Physi- The student was found to have violated cal Chemistry. On appeal. the sanction was the Honor Code and given the following basement of Daniel MacLea at 6:30 p.m. ............................................ ser at ''0'' for the report. sanction: "F' in the course. Gamma Sigma Sigma Call x 8600 for more information r-------------~------------, wants you! !Attention Phoenix Readersf :. To receive a subscription to the Phoenix : Fall Rush 2000 Imembers or friends back home, please dip this coupon I I and send $15 to the Phoenix via campus mail. With I Thursday, September 21 I : your subscription, you will receive all issues of the I : Phoenix for the 2000-2001school year. 9pm II I I Name: I Address: I Hill Hall room 108 I City: State: Zip: I I I I I I $[5 payment enclosed: I I __ check (payable to the Phoenix) : For more information, call Kate @ x8383 • : cash I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••• L >=::: J
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