Page 137 - Phoenix2000-01
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ThursdaXz April 26, 2001 Joan Coley inaugurated as WMC president Technical JACKIE LEAZER students. The marchers made their Representing the WMC staffin refers to telescopes, which are "I Call You difficulties: StafflVriter way across campus from Baker her speech, Barbara Ward of Rest light-gathering Instruments, and to Memorial Chapel to Gill Learning dence Life said, "She is a strong the College's motto, WMC trustees, alumni, faculty Center. Out of Darkness Into and staff, students, and the SUT- The official in- Light.," according to the Computer scienc rounding community gathered the auguration took Public Information office. ac- faces challenges weekend of April 20-22 to eel- place in Gill. after As President Coley ebrate the inauguration of its eighth welcomes and cepted the presidency of president, Joan Develin Coley. greetings by repre~ Western Maryland Col- NYKOU,; TYSON President Coley, the first faculty sentati ves from lege, she expressed in her SWf{W,.ite, member to rise through the admin- each facet of the inaugural speech the com- Is it true that a computer sci- istrauve ranks to the college's top college and com- mitment to the entire com- ence major at WMC is too voca- office was unanimously elected in munity. munity as she stated her tional and inappropriate for a lib- October by the WMC Board of Each speaker most important goal for the eral arts education? Is the college Trustees. She had served as Interim addressed both college, ''That within this disinterested in securing such a President since April 2000, after the professional ac- decade Western Maryland major? resignation of President Rober1 complishmems and College will be recognized It turns out that neither of the Chambers who came to WMC in personal expert- as one of the finest small. above questions is valid. 1984. ences that left private liberal arts colleges In fact, Henry Reiff. associate The celebration on Saturday, strong impressions in the country." April 21, began with an academic by President Coley. Coley pauses as she announces Alice Mclrermon's (r) award. "And if you think we Jean of Academic may Affairs, com- it mented, "Some believe procession of professors and del- During her speech, Amanda leader. .. committed to education can't reach that goal in this decade, [computer science 1 is too voca- egates. All dressed in their aca- Cline. vice president of the Student and the belief that WMC changes you are wrong," she exclaimed. tional hut I think with the right dernic regalia, they represented col- GovemmentAssembly, praised the peoples lives." "We. are tired of being a hidden kind of planning and structure we leges and universities throughout enthusiastic involvement of Presi- The ceremony also included gem." can have a program that results in the United States that they are dent Coley with the student body English professor, Dr. Kathy President Coley went on toout- a well-rounded an~ educated in- alumni of, as well as learned soci- and said, "She is a leader who is Mangan reading the poem in honor line the four areas that will be ad- dividual." In addition, ~i~~ ~!~~I~e:~~~~b:r~~~~ ~~;:~achable, dedicated and sin- ~~~~~~~d.7;~;~li~{~~a~~!~;::~~~~ dresse~~::::~:t:l~ ::;:h~cve her E.bleman. .. _~ Dr. Linda Unsupervised kids cause problem on campus mathematics and computer sci.. ence, rejects the notion that WMC MIKE J~:NKINSON one of the children. Gulbin recalls Sophomore Erin Collins, a with the kids as well. has abandoned the idea of obtain- Staf!Wr;ter she was walking to up the steps that member of STAY, said that the stu- "Horseplay is the main prob- ing the major. "1 would love to lead from Whiteford to Decker dents who are seen loitering on a lem. Sometimes they pocket petty. have the major ... however; pres- Already crowded due to in- College Center when a young boy daily basis arc not here with STAY, candy," said Meloche. ently there is no way WMC Cart creased enrollment, the availabil- approached her and asked her if she nor do they have any affiliation Meloche also said that, have a computer science major," ity of student facilities is facing a wanted to watch his friend ride with the student-run mentoring "They're rude, [and] they don't lis- said Eshleman. new challenge-can increase in use down the steps on his bicycle. program. . ten." The problem has not been dis- by unsupervised children from the Gulbin said, "I never felt However, she said that STAY When the children do enter the interest 011 the part of the admin- surrounding community. threatened, but it was an inconve- brings students on campus once a bookstore and cause a problem, istration, but rather the unsuccess- Concern over the increase in nience." month for a Friday night event. . Meloche usually escorts them out. ful recruitment of professors who unattended children was raised by Mike Webster, director of Cam- "To come, they have to have a He has called Campus Safety in the Can teach computer science a student at the recent SGA Open pus Safety says that there have not signed parental permission slip. We past when the problem persists. courses and having the fiunncial Forum held on March 13. The ma- been any recent incidents, and have a party for two hours on one The administration has looked resources to support it. jority of the students at the forum mentioned that they have looked Friday night a month at which time into solutions to handling problems Eshleman explains that pro- agreed that the kids were an incon- into the matter. He was under the they are under our complete super- concerning the children. fessors arc key in providing the venience. but that a solution for the impression that the children were computer science major and any According to Ethan Seidel, vice problem was not easy to come by. under the supervision of members vision," Collins said. children do president of administration and additional courses in that field. The unsupervised Freshman Stephanie Gulbin of group Students Teaching not just bother the college students, finance, ''The school has contacted "Wl: can talk about additional explained an incident she had with America's Youth (STAY). but also faculty and staff. the local YMCA about the possi- courses but if we don't have Kyle Meloche, manager of the bility of starting some form ofaf- reachers then it isn't possible," re- WMC Barnes & Noble College ter-school daycare service for the continued on page 5 Bookstore, has had a few problems continued on page 3 WMCR goes online Inside nated all the online "stuff," as she JOAN F,\IJLKNER Commeuturv 7 Asst. New.\·Er/iror calls it, and made a new web page,, for the past six ~J Shorb questions the abi~ities 0 While many WMC students months. tudents and faculty, who con have been slaving away doing pa- Some of the "stuff' Colgan had tantly criticize the paper, whil per after paper and test after test, to do was get their own DSL line. oing nothing to change it. WMCR (AM 1620) has been work- This is because "the school system ing equally hard on getting the col- couldn't handle the amount of data ndless WMC parties--highlight lege radio station online by Friday, we'd be putting on, 2417," says 'rom Inauguration weekend an April 27. Colgan. The DSL line took sev- Though previous web-master, eral months. reviews of Spring Fling festivities Along wilh wurm, sunny weather comes lots of play time 011the Hill-- Matt LoBianco, set up the website Colgan also used Real Producer and lots ofinjuries (or "boo-boos," as .wml:! II/ight .1'11.1'). Tile Phoenix. two years ago and did all the pre- 8, which took WMCR's signal and n his Sideline View, Jeff Greve WIJS at the scent' when a shock trauma helicopter landed IJII the [ield Iiminary work, sophomore Sarah broke it down so people can hear tscusses the surprise of the Twins' adjacentto the Idyl!! 10 airlift {Ill injured student 0/1 Monday. April 23. Colgan, the station manager and it online if they have Real Player euson and of Mariner's outfielde See page jive/or the latest illformatioll. current web-master, has coordi- continued on page 3 chiro Suzuki.
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