Page 136 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 136
" ------------_ .creen SotIIfs TeffilT Volume XXIII Number 4 MICIlAEt J~:NKINSON. in the game. SrajjWrirer Washington did score again, but The Green Terror Men's La- it wasn't enough as the Terror held crosse Team split a pair of Washington off for the victory. match ups with nationally ranked This win was big on all ac- teams this past week. They were counts, bur especially for Head successful against the washington Coach Keith Reitenbach. "No College Shormen 15-14 last question. It's my biggest win here. Wednesday, but were defeated by I coached there (Washington) back the Gettysburg Bullets 14-10 on in 83-84. They are the only team Saturday. that has always finished ahead of Last Wednesday, the Terror de- us in the conference." feated Washington College, who Junior Attack Tom Brown went into the game ranked 13th in scored five goals and had three as- the country. The win was huge for sists, and Sweeney had two goals the team, as was echoed by both and five assists. players and coaches. Senior Attack This game marked the first win and Co-Captain Brett Sweeney said for The Green Terror over Wash- ยท"it's the biggest win in my career, ington College since 1932. ever. Definitely our biggest win." This past Saturday the Terror Head Coach Keith Reitenbach were defeated by Gettysburg, who took it a step further. "They're a were ranked second in the country. national power. This is a huge win The Terror were able to hang Tom Brown (5), Anacker; and Dave Riley (20). Senior Midfielder. look 01/ as the Marlins swarm the Terror for the program, the team, and tough wi~h Gettysburg in the first myself." The Terrordidn't exactly half, and actually held the lead by cruise to this victory. The one goal at the break. But things Shoremen scored the first four fell apart in the second half. The set a meet record, and the Terror goals, and kept the lead the entire Terror were outscored 3-8 in the swept the shot put. D:IVid Hose was distant second with 52-points. and first half. But the momentum second half. The western Mary!and Out- the men's 146 total points easily switched in the 3rd quarter. Down Ellis did score five goals, and door Track team began this sea- first with a throw of 44 ft, John beat our second place Bowie 9-4, the Terror mounted a come- Sweeney added two goals and an son with hopes of improving on Rydzewski threw 43 I 3/4 in .. and State's 44. back. To say the least. They ral- assist. Hopefully The Terror will last year's finish. If their perfor- Jeff Groff threw 38 9 1/4 in. to The women's 4x800-meter re- place third. lied to score seven unanswered get to play Gettysburg again this mance through the first four meets lay team. comprised of Diana Pool, goals, and took the lead 11-9. year. For the first time ever, the of the year is any indication, they The previous Saturday. the team Jane Karalow, Jill Krebs. and Erin One key factor in the rally was Centennial Conference Champion traveled to Harrisonburg. VA for Shockley, set a meet record with a the second half face-off perfor- will be decided in a 4 team playoff arc well on their way of achieving the Bridgewater Invitational. Al- time of 10:32. thai goal. mance of Senior Midfielder/Co- this year. ))espite the bad second has had a though team scores were not kept, The women's 4x200-mete Green Captain Dave Riley. This was the half, the Terror have learned that very The successful Terror so far. the team had a very successful team of Brown, Stephanie season meet. Diana Pool set a meet record first game of the season thai Riley they can play with Gettysburg. Mcpherson. Merson, and Falcone was taking the majority of the face- Hopefully The Terror ~ill gar- WMC athletes have set several in the 1500 meters with a time of set a school record with their time school and meet records. offs. "I took a couple against ner some national recognition from 4:55.73, and teammate Jill Krebs of 47.90. At the most recent home meet, finished second. The Terror opened their season Swarthmore. I did it Freshmen their performances last week. A the Twilight meet on April 5, the The women's 4xlOO-meter re- on March 17 at the Washington and year, too. Today Ijust found my win over a national power and a men and women each took first -c groove." fairly close game against the num- lay team took first with a time of Lee Invitational in Lexington, VA. place for the second time this sea- 49.76. A member of the 4x 100 The men took seventh place while But the Shoremen weren't go- ber two team in the nation will son. team. Melissa Merson. also won the women took second. ' ing down without a fight. The en- probably draw some more attention WMC athletes set an incredible the lOO-meter hurdles with a time tire fourth quarter saw several ties, toward The Hilt. Sweeney feels eight meet records, including six of 16:24. Jamie Falcone received the and go-aheads by the Terror. But that their performance will be rec- by the women's team. Among The 4x400-meter team won meet's Outstanding Performer Sophomore attack Joe Ellis scored ognized. "We've been getting them were Jill Krebs' time of with a lime 4:15.36. Rounding out award for her part in setting three a goal that put the Terror up by two, votes. Washington is a good team. 18: 15.50 in the 5.000 meters, Me- the day for the Green Terror women meet records (12.32 in the 100 15-13, with about two minutes left We should be ranked.;' meter dash, 25.79 in the 200. and lissa Merson's 16:34 in the 100 was Jill Kurzejewski. who won the 49.56 as part of the 4xlOO meter meter hurdles, Thea Bayly's time high jump with ajump of 5" feet. relay team). of I :08.40 in the 400 meter The men were also successful. David Hose placed second ill hurdles, and Jill Kurzejewski's Ifeanyi Ani won the triple jump the shot put with a throw of 47 ft. highjumpof5' feet. The women's with a leap of 44 ft., I0 in., and fin- 5 inches. 4xlOO-meter relay team of Jamie ished second in the long jump. The men's 4x400-meterteam's Falcone. April Brown, Merson. David Hose won the shot put com- time of 3:29.58 earned them third and Bayly also set a meet record petition with a throw of 48 ft., 11 place. The men's 4xJOO-meter with a time of 49.41. in., and set a school record in the team of John Riley, Rob On the men's side, Ifeanyi Ani hammer throw with a throw of IJ4 Wingfield, Teron Powell. and Jeff set a meet record in the triple jump ft. I inch. The team's first home Groff set a meet record of 44:50. with a jump of 44 ft. 50 in. meet was also a success. The team will be in action at The Terror dominated the field At the Twilight meet on March horne with Twilight meets on April events. Nicole Horn set a meet 27, the men and women both fin- 11 and 18, followed by the Terror record in the shot put with a throw ished first. and each team won con- Track Classic on April 28. of 35 ft 6 3/4 in. vincingly. The Twilight meets begin at On the men's side, Mark The women finished with 148 4:00, and the Terror Track Classic Gable's javelin throw of 136 feet points while Goucher came in a starts at 11 a.m.
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